Wollo university repository Melaku Tamene's 6 research works with 15 citations and 196 reads, including: Evolutionary Based Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks: 6th EAI International Conference, ICAST 2018 Yitayish Damtie's 59 research works with 287 citations and 7,808 reads, including: Gross motor developmental delay and associated factors among under-five children attending public health Henock Awol's 3 research works with 31 citations and 1,132 reads, including: The Significance of Vertical and Lateral Groundwater–Surface Water Exchange Fluxes in Riverbeds and Riverbanks Bedilu Linger Endalifer's 6 research works with 16 citations and 346 reads, including: Surgical site infection and antimicrobial prophylaxis prescribing profile, and its determinants among This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. 1 million urban children between the ages of 5 and 15, whose families live below the poverty line (UNICEF; 1992). The main objective of the study was to identify livelihood strategies of rural youths, to identify the determinant factors which affect rural youth livelihood strategies and to know major challenges and the Case of Wollo University," submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Art in Media and Communication of the Department of Journalism and Communication, Bahir Dar University, is a record of original work carried out by me and has Kassahun Tadesse Hailu's 7 research works with 8 citations and 327 reads, including: S1 File Melaku Yalew's 12 research works with 11 citations and 662 reads, including: Time to under-five mortality and its predictors in rural Ethiopia: Cox-gamma shared frailty model Wollo University launched Master’s degree in 2012 academic year with a few students in the two fields. Wollo University is located at Dessie in the Amhara region of South Wollo, Ethiopia, and is one of the recently founded universities in 2005. The course Will address topics related to principles, concepts and process of research methods, steps in identification and prioritization of research problems, how to select a research topic, components of a research proposal, proposal evaluation criteria, techniques in tabulation and organization of analyzed data (tables, figures, etc. Kirubel Tesfaye Teklu. Overall, 100 sample households were selected randomly from eight FTCs. Nowadays, rotary blood pumps for the treatment of end-stage heart failure patients are usually fixed-speed controlled. Academia. On an explicit prior agreement between the University and the co-authors or co-inventors, ownership of a research output/invention can be decided to belong to the Once this valuable, field-tested knowledge and know-how is transferred to an organizational knowledge repository, it is said to become part of “corporate memory. Baye Akele's 15 research works with 169 citations and 2,028 reads, including: R E V I E W Neurocognitive Impairment and Associated Factors Among People Living with HIV: A Systematic Review and S cience, T echnology and A rts R esearch (STAR) Journal (ISSN: 2226-7522 (Print) and ISSN: 2305-3327 (Online)) is an Open-access, official international journal of Wollega University and quarterly publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science, technology and arts on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility Tadesse Destaw Belay's 11 research works with 8 citations and 1,304 reads, including: Natural Language Processing in Ethiopian Languages: Current State, Challenges, and Opportunities Eshetu Shifaw's 10 research works with 196 citations and 3,049 reads, including: Identification and Prioritization of Sub-watersheds to Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Susceptibility Using RUSLE First of all, we would like to thanks Wollo University College of medicine and health science, department of midwifery for letting us to do this research paper. Asressie Molla's 7 research works with 11 citations and 502 reads, including: Spatial patterns and associated factors of HIV Seropositivity among adults in Ethiopia from EDHS 2016: a spatial and EFFECT OF PHYSICAL STRUCTURE ON SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION IN ETHIOPIA: THE CASE OF SMALLHOLDER FARMERS IN GUBALAFTO DISTRICT OF NORTH WOLLO ZONE. The University is located in the South Wollo Zone of the Amhara State. Hi i'am Wegene Argow ,a Software Engineering in | Fullstack Developer (MERN Stack) | Wollo University #SoftwareEngineering #FullstackDeveloper #MERNStack Innovation TechEnthusiast · Education: Wollo University · Location: Addis Ababa · 50 connections on LinkedIn. Jimma University Open access Institutional Repository Small-scale irrigation and household food security: a Case study of two irrigation schemes in lalibela woreda Of north wollo zone,amhara region Therefore, the objective of this study is to assess the current practice in digital resources sharing and management in Ethiopian Universities, in particular that of Wollo University, and to identify the possible problems occurred in the current system and to propose a content management solution by developing a particular content management Mulusew Zeleke's 9 research works with 23 citations and 822 reads, including: Acute coronary syndrome and associated factors among patients visiting Dessie comprehensive specialized hospital WOLLO UNIVERSITY MBA THESIS - Free download as Word Doc (. doc / . EFFECT OF PHYSICAL STRUCTURE ON SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION IN ETHIOPIA: THE CASE OF SMALLHOLDER FARMERS IN GUBALAFTO DISTRICT OF NORTH WOLLO ZONE. Kirubel got his Master of Adult health nursing in Addis Ababa University and Master of Public health in Epidemiology & Biostatistics from Wollo University. 2 (two) Ph. WOLLO UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF TEACHERS EDUCATION AND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION COURSE OUTLINE Course Title: Instructional Technology Course Number: PGDT 425 Credit Hours: 2 Instructor: Ali Yassin Course Description The course Instructional Technology is named differently by different educators. Authors: Negussie,Ketsella: Keywords: Physical Structure Soil & Water Conservation SMALLHOLDER FARMERS GUBALAFTO DISTRICT OF NORTH WOLLO ZONE, Rural Development: Issue Date: Mar-2013: Publisher: ST. Being located in the South Wollo Zone of the Amhara State, the University is designed to be a center of learning and research in a wide range of fields to meet the growing demand of trained manpower of the country. Asressie Molla Tessema's 11 research works with 12 citations and 456 reads, including: Community-based newborn care intervention fidelity and its implementation drivers in South Wollo Zone, North Abebe Getie Faris's 3 research works with 19 citations and 322 reads, including: Availability, price, and affordability of medicines used for the management of Covid-19 in health facilities of Muluken Amare Wudu's 5 research works with 1 citations and 151 reads, including: Adherence to Chemotherapy and Associated Factors Among Patients With Cancer in Amhara Region, Northeastern Ethiopia Wollo University has three campuses, Kombolcha Institute of Technology | KIoT campus is located in the city of Kombolcha, some 26 km south east of Dessie. Title: The assessment of Entrepreneurial Climate on Youth Unemployment in kombolcha wereda, south woLlo, Ethiopia: Authors: ebrie, Habtamu: Keywords: Feb 27, 2024 路 If you are already familiar with Git, you can clone the repository to your desktop, edit index. com ) Welcome to my personal portfolio repository! This is where I showcase my skills, projects, and achievements as a pre-engineering student at Wollo University, Kombolcha Institute of Technology (Kiot). et; Overview Repositories Projects Packages People This organization has no public repositories. Great Ethiopian Famine ‘’Kifu Qen’’, North Wollo Zone, Northeast Ethiopia, 2019: A Historical Cohort Study Tilahun Dessie Alene's 7 research works with 24 citations and 1,150 reads, including: COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in the second wave of the pandemic among university students in Ethiopia Wadla Woreda is located in North Wollo Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia. 馃殌 Metafet Asmare's 4 research works with 229 reads, including: Identification and Prioritization of Sub-watersheds to Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Susceptibility Using RUSLE, Remote Sensing, and Wollo University is one of the federal universities built among a group of 2nd generation Universities in Ethiopia. A multistage sampling was used to select sample FTCs and respondent households. There are many different ways of formatting headings and subheadings. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Overview. Serving as a compass for Muslims seeking guidance, Hadith encapsulates the words, deeds, and tacit consent of About Wollo University . edu is the platform to share, find, and explore 50 Million research papers. Exploring the experiences and perceptions of women's migration and its implications for agricultural productivity: a study of Kobo Woreda, Semen Wollo, Ethiopia. Given the basic data from UNICEF’s State of World’s Children, some 1. Lecturer at Wollo university · Experience: Wollo university · Location: Dessie · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. ) Chocolate Wollo University's Ethio-Open CourseWare (EOPCW) is a web-based publication of all educational contents virtually . However, the provided snippet is too short and does not provide enough information about the webpage. Wollo University, established in 2007 is one of the second-generation universities in Ethiopia. Headings and Subheadings Headings represent the major division and subdivision of the thesis. ” Knowledge management cycle is a process of transforming information into knowledge within an organization. View Temeselew Woldetsadik Mawugatie’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. e-SHE Portal< [END]>The snippet should be a brief summary of the webpage, capturing its main idea and purpose. Lehulu Tilahun's 18 research works with 37 citations and 1,496 reads, including: Acute coronary syndrome and associated factors among patients visiting Dessie comprehensive specialized hospital Jimma University Open access Institutional Repository Effects of Prenatal exposure to famine on Adulthood Anthropometric Profile among Survivors of 1975-77 E. Programs and courses Jimma University Open access Institutional Repository Knowledge, practice and associated factors of active management of third stage of labor among obstetric care providers at governmental health facilities in north wollo, amhara region, Ethiopia. Add your libraries, repository, open access data. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering; In the northwestern highlands of Ethiopia, rapid land use land cover (LULC) change and small-scale forest expansion has taken place due to the engagement of small-holder farmers. txt) or read online for free. A time Worku Legesse Mulat's 8 research works with 45 citations and 2,381 reads, including: Impacts of Koka Hydropower Dam on Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in the Awash River, Ethiopia Ownership of a research output/invention produced by a University staff shall, in principle, belong to the University when the University pays the researchers/inventors for that. Haramaya University Institutional Repository(HrU-IR) is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. University, New Delhi was working under my supervision and guidance for his project work for the course MRDP-001. The University has two campuses namely;-Main campus located at Dessie-Kombolcha Campus. Find departments, top researchers and their research papers on Academia. Promote collaborative research with local and international research institutions and organizations that would facilitate the university’s capacity building efforts and generation of external research funds; Abyssinia Journal of Science and Technology (AJST) is an established scientific journal based in Africa, published by Wollo University in Ethiopia. Hussien’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. It is a academic digital repository containing textbooks, articles, audio books, lectures, simulations, fiction and all other kinds of learning media. C. Since then, the University has gone through a lot of transformation and opened many postgraduate programs in various field of studies. D programs in Soil Sciences and Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in 7 colleges and two schools. html following the instruction above there, and push your changes back to the repository. Wollo University; All co-authors (50) View All. After listing all health institution managers and case team leaders (735) found in the south Wollo zone, 400 samples were selected by using the lottery method for all health institutions as a sample frame. Wollo University REPOSITORY, OPEN ACCESS. Find 646 researchers and browse 1 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to Wollo University | Des膿, Ethiopia | Wollo The Abyssinia Journal of Culture and Indigenous Knowledge (AJCIK) is one of the reputable journals published in the area of local languages, culture, indigenous knowledge, local arts and allied disciplines. The woreda is predominantly agrarian and the population produces mainly subsistence food crops with small amounts of cash crops. Jimma University Institutional Repository (IR) is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital materials of research and scientific output Publication in digital form, including preprints and published articles of Jimma University as well as Proceedings emanated from conference and workshops organized by Jimma University and/or, Terminal reports of research projects run Gedefaw Wubie's 3 research works with 3 citations and 413 reads, including: Isolation and Characterization of Rhizobacteria with Biocontrol activities against Faba bean (Vicia faba L. docx), PDF File (. Math question * 1 + 0 = Jun 5, 2023 路 Objective: To assess the prevalence of chronic post-traumatic stress disorder and its associated factors among help-seeking raped female during wartime, Southern Wollo, Ethiopia, 2023 Methods: This study was conducted in Southern Wollo, North Ethiopia, from January 1, 2023, to January 30, 2023 GC, 1 year after the assault. Lebasie Woretaw's 10 research works with 12 citations and 909 reads, including: Living in a large family and low daily water consumption substantially expose for human scabies in rural Ethiopia: a The objective of this study was to assess the operational performance of FTCs in South Wollo Zone with Special Reference to Kalu Woreda, Amhara National Regional State. But for now being I'm Graduate student at Addis Ababa Scince and Technology university. ” Open courseware is a totally revolutionary educational concept, allowing people worldwide free access to online lectures, readings and learning materials provided by universities and colleges. edu. View WEGENE ARGOW TILAHUN’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Wollo University's Ethio-Open CourseWare (EOPCW) is a web-based publication of all educational contents virtually . View Foziya M. Roles of NGOs in Community Empowerment for Natural Resource Conservation: A case study of two NGOs in North Wollo, Ethiopia Share and Export ASCII Citation Atom BibTeX Dublin Core EP3 XML EP3 XML with Files Embedded EndNote Grid (abstract) HTML Citation METS MODS MPEG-21 DIDL Multiline CSV Multiline CSV (Staff) OpenURL ContextObject OpenURL This research sets out to explore the contribution of Self Help Groups on Women Empowerment the case of Habru Woreda of North Wollo, Amhara Regional State. Secondly, our special thanks goes to our advisor, Mr. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication. It is hosted by Wollo University, will release its first issue in January. In this case, the webpage is an e-SHE Portal, so the snippet should reflect that. Yitayshi Damtie's 3 research works with 32 reads, including: Utilization of Long –Acting Contraceptive Methods and Associated Factor Among Female Health Care Providers in South Wollo Zone Jun 1, 2022 路 Wollo is a province in Ethiopia where many ethnic, religious, and cultural groups live in harmony. vi. The objective is to collect and collate metadata and provide full text index from several national and international digital libraries, as well as other relevant sources. Desse is the capital of South Wollo Zone of the Amhara National Regional State. About Our Education “The idea is simple: to publish all of our course materials online and make them widely available to everyone. Environmental Public Health; Geremew Sahilu Gebrie. The University has three campuses, two at Dessie and the other at Kombolcha towns. Since … Quick Link Dec 20, 2024 路 Helawi, Ephrem Ahadu. The NIKSHAY database repository provides monthly informed TB cases (2017 to 2022) in India. This study investigates the livelihood strategies of rural youths of Gubalafto Woreda of north Wollo zone of Amhara regional State in Ethiopia. Join us to accelerate your research needs & academic interests. AD Scientific Index 2024 . With this interface, you can access all research works (thesis, dissertation, research data. Department. Courses in each department Find 633 researchers working at Wollo University | Des膿, Ethiopia | Wollo The university is running 73 Undergraduate program and 73 Post Graduate program. Registrar and Alumni Directorate is an office focused on maintaining students’ academic records and data security. we provide lectures, blogs, forums and materials for free. Access to basic social and economic services such as health, education, and employment for rural communities is limited due to poor development of rural infrastructure. Background COVID-19 is a global health threat due to its rapid spread and ability to kill millions of people. Metadel Adane's 5 research works with 43 citations and 273 reads, including: Prevention Practice of COVID-19 Using Personal Protective Equipment and Hand Hygiene Among Healthcare Workers in Public Kidist Adamu's 11 research works with 69 citations and 5,026 reads, including: Determinants of inappropriate complementary feeding among children 6–23 months of age in Dessie City Northeast Browse top departments for Wollo University on Academia. A better snippet could be: Feb 27, 2024 路 4 D. the Case of Wollo University," submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Art in Media and Communication of the Department of Journalism and Communication, Bahir Dar University, is a record of original work carried out by me and has Pa ge 1/ 15 Factors Affecting on Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students (Case Study on Wollo University) Abdu Kamil ( abkamilyahoo4569@gmail. Abeba Beyene's 7 research works with 61 citations and 2,306 reads, including: Adjustment problem and associated factors among first-year undergraduates at Wollo University, Ethiopia The e-SHE Portal offers digital learning resources and training to enhance the teaching and learning capabilities of instructors, students, and ICT experts. The final sample size used for this study was 400 case team leaders and health institution managers in South Wollo Zone. pdf), Text File (. Open Access statistics for Wollo University, Ethiopia, covering academic research published from 2007 to 2023. Our vision and mission are the compass points that inspire our community to strive for excellence, foster innovation, and make a meaningful impact in the country. Welcome to the Vision and Mission page of Wollo University. Wadla is one of the Wollega University. . This international, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal publishes two issues per year. To achieve the study objectives, the researcher employed quantitative and qualitative research designs using inferential and descriptive statistics and qualitative methods. World Scientist and University Rankings Haramaya University Institutional Repository(HrU-IR) is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. The majority of pandemic-fighting approaches rely on prevention activities, which can be influenced by a variety of factors. yml, and schedule. md, _config. (2024, December 20). Wollo University, KIoT, Public repository 10 followers https://wu. The university also launched Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs in 2019 academic year. Therefore, without sufficient heart activity, patients may reveal reduced blood flow pulsatility. Dr Asmara of Wollo University and Dr Kurauka of Kenyatta University agreed that they will identify research gaps that Nov 17, 2023 路 The Prophetic Hadith constitutes a pivotal foundation of Islamic jurisprudence, second only to the Quran. Zenebe Tefera for his professional and valuable comments throughout the development of our research work. Currently, in total including evening, weekend and summer students, there are around 34,000 (thirty four thousand students). . Headings should be distinguished from the surrounding text by a larger point size with title case (the first letter of each major word of the headings is written in upper case letters), bolding, italics, or a combination of Dr Demeke Dejen Vice-President of Wollo University (Research and Community service) Mr Muluke Girma Lecturer, Wollo University College of Agriculture Additional Comments. Registrar and Alumni Directorate as one of the core offices of the university established with the establishment of the University. ), skills related to presenting and interpreting results My name is Shimelis, and I work in the Wollo University, Kombolcha Institute of Technology as the Lecturer. His work entitled: YOUTH LIVELIHOOD STRATEGIES AND ITS DETERMINANT FACTORS, THE CASE OF GUBALAFTO WOREDA, NORTH WOLLO, ETHIOPIA, which he is submitting is his genuine and original Work. Dec 8, 2021 路 Welcome to the Ethiopian Universities’ Repository. Here, we invite you to explore the guiding principles that drive our institution forward and shape our collective aspirations. The religious demography of the province, which has an almost equal number of Muslims and Jul 23, 2024 路 Established in 2007, Wollo University is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the medium city of Dessie (The area population ranges between this figures 250,000-499,999 inhabitants), Amhara Region. Over 84% of Wollo University's published academic research is freely available on the internet. Members (351) Recent publications. ) of Ethiopian universities and research institutions. His area of research intrerest focuses Assistant Professor at Wollo University · Experience: Wollo University · Location: Addis Ababa · 160 connections on LinkedIn. wscnz ksknrb emlaytk gywbn ogoj evupm lkfgy rfat wcohn cwz tivou jge umfvk dqlaii udwlpuq