Warrior paladin 2v2 wotlk If they dont reapply, you’ll do a lot more damage/pressure warrior can look into gearing differently. Save trinket as long as you can, as long as the warrior has a rend on the rogue, you can bubble and win the game at ANY MOMENT. 5-2. Protection Warrior Arena Teams and Compositions in Wrath of the Lich King paladin needs to assist damage to force trinket with HOJ and break shield/help with passive healing with judgement warrior can swap to whoever does NOT have sacred shield up, reapllying constantly costs a ton of mana. The Some 2v2 arena games at 1900+ rating in WoW WOTLK on my protection warrior Exocet with Mmraper my teammate. Ha! If you thought that was gross enough, Paladins can just focus heal themselves and one other arena partner with Beacon of Light. If the druid keep cyclone me or my partner we just try to get the the warrior and get him as far away from the druid, i seal of justice him and try to make him kite me, but if the warrior is attack me i make sure my warrior partner is stunning the druid as much as possible and pummel. Featuring Retribution Paladin (me) and Protection Warrior. Oct 3, 2023 · This guide will focus on rankings for the Arena, where 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 matches occur. We play with no vocal. In Season 6, Paladins will be able to obtain Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings , taking the Paladin to even greater heights. the paladin does blessing of freedom on the warrior and judgment of what-ever that makes me unable to move faster than my running speed that makes me unable to CC and unable to run away any ideas how to deal with these teams? Post by gooseymac Hey, me and a freind just started doing some 2v2 as arms warrior/holy pally, and considering both of us didnt have the greatest gear we did pretty well 0-524 rating in around 1 1/2 hours or so. Chapuzax. Publication par warrior Resto druid, the druid has to be very good at kiting. Apr 6, 2017 · Lets start with warrior arms -> Always top at BG kills list and always top at 2v2 aren in rankings Shadow priest is great too, rogue as well, mage is ok, holy pala is ok, disc priest is ok, resto druid Hunter, Retry are great at BG-s, getting ez kills but not good at 2v2 if you want to get top rankings that ez Sep 17, 2022 · The unfortunate fact of the matter is that some comps are simply better than others, and some just won’t work — you won’t get very far in a 2v2 arena team comprised of 2 healers, for example. These compositions have been ranked based on their strength and effectiveness on ladder, With S tier comps being the best, A tier being strong but having some counters, and tier B and C Feb 16, 2025 · 2v2 Arena Teams for Retribution Paladin DPS in Cataclysm Classic For 2v2 teams, it is recommended to play as a hybrid healer/DPS instead of playing with a dedicated healer, as you have the ability to heal very effectively while dealing damage and will lack burst damage potential without having a second damage dealer on your team. Publication par gooseymac Hey, me and a freind just started doing some 2v2 as arms warrior/holy pally, and considering both of us didnt have the greatest gear we did pretty well 0-524 rating in around 1 1/2 hours or so. When choosing to PvP as a Warrior, you will need to pick between Arms Warrior, a full damage-oriented build, or Protection Warrior, a tanky, crowd control-focused build. If you manaburn he should definitly go oom before the priest. Sep 12, 2022 · Unholy Death Knights have two possible options for a perfect arena partner: they can either choose to pair up with another high burst class, such as a Retribution Paladin, or they can team up with a healer to ensure high survivability. Mar 19, 2018 · Word of Glory has been nerfed by 20% in PvP but the healing is still incredibly strong, allowing a Protection Paladin to sub-in as a healer in some circumstances! We saw this from Drainer in the EU 2021 AWC. Played on Warmane's WotLK - Blackrock realm. Apr 15, 2008 · Your 2v2 team would not work that well, if he went Prot. Feb 22, 2022 · Holy Paladin & Arms Warrior in full Relentless gear on Blackrock ft. Me (arms warrior) being in the best gear and the holy paladin in the worst, making him abit squishy. Best 2v2 partner for Holy paladin ? 10 posts. Your 2v2 team would not work that well, if he went Prot. Any tips on R/priest as Warrior/Priest. Better surviability and good shutdown skills. One of my guildies is on a 2450 rated team using a deep holy paladin/ arms warrior setup. the paladin does blessing of freedom on the warrior and judgment of what-ever that makes me unable to move faster than my running speed that makes me unable to CC and unable to run away any ideas how to deal with these teams? Thank's for the tips. Shockadin (40/0/21), nice burst damage, good healing as needed, will allow you to take down targets faster than 41/20 paladin, but easier to CC. I do have s1 sword with MS 31/30 spec, I have 3 S1 pieces and 2 pvp-rep-blue pieces (for res bonus), I do not have - currently trying to get the pvp trinket. twitch. tiktok. Best 2v2 partner for Holy paladin ? Antwort verfassen. Feb 17, 2025 · Warrior / Resto Shaman Probably the strongest healer/Warrior duo, Resto Shamans are almost as tanky as a paladin while providing both defensive and offensive power, through a combination of strong spells and totems. I'd play prot with a retribution paladin in 2v2. 4 Dec 4, 2019 · Warrior; WotLK Warrior/Hpal 2v2 Strats against certain teams help; Tools. Nov 17, 2022 · C Tier 2v2 Arena Teams C Tier 2v2 Arena Compositions are usually very good but might have a hard time dealing with some of the most popular teams. Blessing of sac when your warrior yolo's in. 1 Guide! Feb 16, 2025 · 2v2 Arena Teams for Holy Paladin Healer in Cataclysm Classic Paladin / Warrior Arms Warrior / Holy Paladin is one of the most feared 2v2 compositions in the game, and for good reason. Then you add in Holy Paladins at their peak most overpowered state keeping the Warrior free to hit anything and everything. Feb 16, 2025 · Warrior / Resto Shaman Probably the strongest healer/Warrior duo, Resto Shamans are almost as tanky as a paladin while providing both defensive and offensive power, through a combination of strong spells and totems. I've seen a few good ret/feral and ret/spriest at 2100-2200ish mmr. Blow up the paladin simply means that they’ll rush in, sap the warrior to force a zerker rage so he can eat a full fear and in that time kill the paladin with an MD on the bubble. Jun 7, 2022 · --- SUBSCRIBE --- For more Daily Wotlk Classic Highlights! :DDISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the original ( unedited ) clips featured in this video. Aug 25, 2022 · One of the most bursty and fun comps on Wrath of the Lich King - Retribution Paladin and Marksmanship Hunter for the win! #1 Holy Paladin + Warrior. the paladin does blessing of freedom on the warrior and judgment of what-ever that makes me unable to move faster than my running speed that makes me unable to CC and unable to run away any ideas how to deal with these teams? Post by Advocado So I went and did quite some 2v2 arena matches for the fun of it. Nov 27, 2022 · Season 5 with Enha as Preg. The druid will be better as resto or dreamstate healer. com/showthread. Post Reply Oct 21, 2022 · The primary 2v2 Setup for Warrior in WotLK. You have so much cc to get the warrior away from the priest and lock the paladin in place to manaburn. Mar 7, 2009 · Holy Paladin/ Arms warrior is a solid 2v2 comp. Stances for PvP Protection Warrior in Wrath of the Lich King; 7. Post by Advocado So I went and did quite some 2v2 arena matches for the fun of it. Jun 20, 2008 · Your best bet, get into a 5v5, or find a good ele sham, rogue, or mage for a 3v3. This guide lists some of the strongest comps for a Discipline Priest in Wrath of the Lich King, in both the 2v2 and 3v3 formats. com/@bajheeraofficialTwitter Jan 1, 2023 · Want to see protection warrior high rating PvP arenas of WoW WOTLK? Want to learn how to push your arena rating? Don't go futher, you're at the right place. We are playing on Sulfuron Your 2v2 team would not work that well, if he went Prot. Post by warrior Resto druid, the druid has to be very good at kiting. Post Reply Toumpanoz - Human Warrior 80 Stormscale EU Pipakolo - Blood Elf Paladin 30 Darksorrow EU. Nov 17, 2022 · Warrior Holy Paladin is considered the strongest 2v2 team composition in Wrath nearly every season. warmane. 9k and about 6x 2. Played the exact same comb yesterday and holy pala warrior was one of the easier opponents for us. 6k on Arena Tournament as Paladin. While the Paladin can be replaced by other healers, Warrior has insane synergy with paladin, relying on abilities such as Hammer of Justice and Hand of Freedom to help them lock down enemies further. We are playing on Sulfuron Jan 1, 2024 · 6. Warrior/Paladin/Shaman will be a top contender in this years 3v3 arena tournament, possibly only falling short of a Rogue/Priest/Mage combo. Post by Cytrus Hi all, I'd like to know which spec is better for 2v2 arena, I as an holy paladin and my partner being a warrior or dk. Many of the C Tier teams might struggle against the most popular compositions such as Warrior/Holy Paladin or Frost Mage/Shadow Priest. Stats for PvP Protection Warrior in Wrath of the Lich King; 8. Messaggio di gooseymac Hey, me and a freind just started doing some 2v2 as arms warrior/holy pally, and considering both of us didnt have the greatest gear we did pretty well 0-524 rating in around 1 1/2 hours or so. Arms Warrior + Holy Paladin is the unstoppable mac truck of Wrath. Doing well increases your team's rating, and the higher you go, the more points will be gained upon the weekly reset. - Make paladin keep always the rogue in combat, and avoid double fear if possibile. The dk wants it but it doesn't hurt him that much. If you plan to do 3s in a set-up where the warriors are choosed more for their utility ( Like Affli lock/War/Druid ) or if you plan to stick with . Nothing special, but could be helpful for people that just start. Nov 15, 2007 · Post by gooseymac Hey, me and a freind just started doing some 2v2 as arms warrior/holy pally, and considering both of us didnt have the greatest gear we did pretty well 0-524 rating in around 1 1/2 hours or so. Nov 15, 2023 · LIKES/COMMENTS help the videos reach more people!SUBSCRIBE lets you to see more content from me!CLICK THE BELL to enable notifications to see when new conten Aug 1, 2010 · On to the tactic – they have two tactics they use a lot, either: Blow up the paladin or “train the warrior till it dies”. First the paladin is played by me and the warrior is played by my real life friend, but first thing is that we are having problem with druid and warrior combo … Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. The consistent Jan 8, 2024 · 0:00 disc / feral - W1:45 ele / unholy dk - W3:01 disc / warrior - W6:00 disc / ret paladin - W9:27 disc / unholy dk - W11:35 disc / ret paladin - W15:20 hpa Feb 25, 2023 · Wrath of the Lich King - Welcome to Season 6 arena videos!My teammate and I (Hanolari) are Season 5 Gladiators and are currently in the process of gearing up Your 2v2 team would not work that well, if he went Prot. Both of them are very good. the paladin does blessing of freedom on the warrior and judgment of what-ever that makes me unable to move faster than my running speed that makes me unable to CC and unable to run away any ideas how to deal with these teams? First the paladin is played by me and the warrior is played by my real life friend, but first thing is that we are having problem with druid and warrior combo … 此站点大量使用JavaScript。 请在您的浏览器中启用JavaScript。 the paladin does blessing of freedom on the warrior and judgment of what-ever that makes me unable to move faster than my running speed that makes me unable to CC and unable to run away any ideas how to deal with these teams? Apr 10, 2022 · Holy Paladin TBCC PvP Guide : Gearing, Tips, Tricks and 2v2 Warrior/Paladin matchups Hesback (이)가 작성함 마지막 업데이트: 2022/04/10 변경 기록 패치: 2. I switched to a disc priest as I had a bad argument with paladin and our ways split. Holy paladin (41/20), self-explanatory. My paladin spent a lot of time complaining about me in matchups versus Rogue/Priest (Shadow even) that I was too hard to heal or that the priest was getting off too many burns off. Same goes for Prot Paladin + Prot Warrior. Gearing a PvP Protection Warrior in Wrath of the Lich King; 10. 5. I've been noticing that we've lost a fair deal of matches since we started - it might just be bad coordination, or bad gear. So we'll be playing this one a little higher than the disc variant on this Classic WOTLK 2v2 arena tier list. 5k+ as holy paladin. Beitrag von 205534 Jun 13, 2021 · 3v3 Arena Teams for Retribution paladin in Burning Crusade Classic Paladin / Warrior / Shaman This is the most classic 3v3 comp for the Ret Paladin: Ret / Warrior / Shaman (RWS) provides an absurd amount of burst every 3-4 seconds as the warrior and ret launch weapon swings with a variety of damage process. The Mortal Strike debuff is one of the most important debuffs in 2s; healers are almost unkillable in standard DPS/Healer compositions without it. Also the new priest seems like he knows his #$%^. Jul 7, 2016 · But what about double DPS? This could work exceptionally well thanks to the survivability, dmg mitigation, utility and CC the paladin offers. WOTLK Classic Arms warrior/Holy Paladin 2v2 Arena Jun 15, 2021 · 2v2 Arena Teams for Holy Paladin Healing in Burning Crusade Classic Paladin / Warrior or Rogue It's going to be a challenge running a Holy paladin to high ratings in 2v2. It was good the first night and we hit 1750 then it went downhill. --- SUBSCRIBE --- For more Daily Wotlk Classic Highlights! :DDISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the original ( unedited ) clips featured in this video. Elemental Shaman with hybrid healing/dps gear on, 40/0/21, can still heal enough, while being able to lay windfury for Warrior/Paladin, and still having the ability to Elemental Mastery/Natures Swiftness The difference between Ret and Fury is that Ret is able to get away with having less gear issues than a Fury due to them not having to worry about Armor pen so this means a Fury is highly gear dependent before they can really compete on damage meters compared to other classes, on top of that Ret will always scale better than a Fury in any raid tier even if specs are BiS geared. I just don't get how people get's enough pressure on the rogue. be/M1f8qeLIbdkTwitch - http://www. Holy paladin doesn't need much PvE gear. php?t=42641 Oct 29, 2022 · CORSAIR K100 KEYBOARD GIVEAWAY - https://kingsumo. You take buffed warriors with every quality of life change they can dream of. 328167. com/g/wuzahd/bajheera-x-corsair-elevate-your-game-k100-air-giveawaySinful Gladiator Rank 1 Montage - https: Oct 21, 2022 · 2v2 Arena Teams for Holy Paladin Healer in Wrath of the Lich King Paladin / Warrior Arms Warrior / Holy Paladin is one of the most feared 2v2 compositions in WotLK, and for good reason. WOTLK Classic Arms warrior/Holy Paladin 2v2 Arena Jan 1, 2024 · In the right hands, a Warrior can feel down-right unstoppable. 2s = Warrior/Warlock > DK > Rest 3s = A multitude of comps can be run depending on your playstyle, but yes, mostly with warriors or locks. Best Professions for a PvP Protection Warrior in Wrath of the Lich King; 9. Once the Paladin Cleanses that, it has a chance to give the Warrior 30% Spell Resist for 10 seconds. Post by gooseymac Hey, me and a freind just started doing some 2v2 as arms warrior/holy pally, and considering both of us didnt have the greatest gear we did pretty well 0-524 rating in around 1 1/2 hours or so. 3v3 Arena Teams for Fury Warrior DPS in Cataclysm Warrior / Unholy DK / Healer A favourite from WoTLK that carries over to Cataclysm. As I have read, the best specs are 51/20/0, 32/0/39 or 18/53/0, but I can't choose which one would be the best, so I ask for your help. WOTLK Classic Arms warrior/Holy Paladin 2v2 Arena Mar 7, 2009 · This post was from a user who has deleted their account. While Paladin doesn't provide too much in the way of assisted damage, the healing and utility they can Aug 19, 2007 · Post by warrior Resto druid, the druid has to be very good at kiting. Paladin / Hunter Nov 29, 2024 · WOTLK 2V2 War/Hpal Warmane LSP is one of the best comps in S8 if not the best, even though it can be run with Priest or Druid, the best variation of it is with a Paladin. Oct 7, 2018 · Welcome to the 2v2 Composition list, In this guide we’re going to be ranking the most popular 2v2 compositions by tiers and giving you a brief run down on their playstyle as well as strengths and Weaknesses. So, if you plan to do 2v2 arenas or if you plan to do 3s in a comp where your team need huge burst ( like DK/Warrior/Paladin ), I really recommend you to try your hardest and get an ArP cap. Aug 1, 2022 · Holy paladin/dk has the same story as the disc priest dk. Resto shaman, you get WF and heroism. All righ Warrior/Paladin/Shaman will be a top contender in this years 3v3 arena tournament, possibly only falling short of a Rogue/Priest/Mage combo. Dec 6, 2007 · MS warrior or SL/SL lock end story. Both comps seem really strong if played right they would always kind of hug pillars and they would only freedom if they had to run they never used it to really stay on anything then eventually there burst lines up with a little bit of cc and they kill you. Dec 7, 2007 · Paladin 2v2 Teams. Joined on 2009/02/23 May 18, 2016 · Despite that, I still got 2x 2. After playing a pally for so long, I recomend against holy for 2v2. playing with various warriors So I'm safe to say my skill level is around 2. 3v3 Arena Teams for Arms Warrior DPS in Cataclysm Warrior / Unholy DK / Healer A favourite from WoTLK that carries over to Cataclysm. Beitrag von 105810 MS warrior or SL/SL lock end story. Oct 21, 2022 · The Arms Warrior is considered one of the strongest "S tier" PvP classes in WotLK and an essential role in some of the deadliest arena comps of this expansion, such as Arms Warrior + Holy Paladin being probably the most overpowered 2v2 comp, Thunder Cleave (Arms Warrior, Elemental Shaman, Holy Paladin), TSG (Arms Warrior, Unholy Death Knight Post by anywherenotes Hi, I'm just starting to pvp in arena on my warrior, so far 2 weeks into it. Warrior exp: I have obtained 2350 as arms warrior in 2v2, and 2230 in soloq on Arena Tournament. Season 7 Wotlk 2v2 Arena Arms Warrior / Holy Paladin Oct 21, 2022 · Imagine a Holy Paladin and a Warrior in 2v2 Arena, where a Mage casts Polymorph on the Warrior. For example, Prot Paladin + Rogue or Frost Mage? How about Prot Paladin + Affliction Warlock? This should be an unkillable, god-like combo, in theory at least. Arms Warrior / Holy Paladin is a completely oppressive force in the meta-game, to the point where you’d be forgiven for forgetting that Warriors can actually play with other healers, there’s no rule that says it must be a Holy Paladin. Rated 2v2 arenas tactics explained. All righ How is it that everyone has 2600 rating XP but can't piece together how to play hpally in wotlk lol. MEYTRIX/MATRIX int Oct 29, 2023 · Some ques with ma boy, pumpin some 2v2 arena in WoTLK Classic! Wrath of lich king 2v2 Beitrag von gooseymac Hey, me and a freind just started doing some 2v2 as arms warrior/holy pally, and considering both of us didnt have the greatest gear we did pretty well 0-524 rating in around 1 1/2 hours or so. If you want to know more about this spec check my guides:Written Hybrid Ret Guide: http://forum. Sep 15, 2008 · Our combo is an Unholy Death Knight, an Arms Warrior and a Holy Paladin. This spec will be at least 30% of the ladder in Wrath. However, add a Mortal Strike warrior, you spec Elemental, and have him stay Ret, and you have one of the most feared 3v3 teams in the nation. tv/bajheeraTikTok - https://www. Zur Forenübersicht zurückkehren. Post by 205534 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. The most common setup for this, though, would be pairing them with a melee class, like a warrior or rogue. All righ Sinful Gladiator Rank 1 Montage - https://youtu. all it takes is a rend on the rogue. For a detailed look at the changes to Protection Paladin, check out our Paladin Changes in Shadowlands Patch 9. 5 posts. 3v3 it works descently, and 5v5 they kick butt(2 healers, and you need a kiting healer for the other), but way gimped in 2v2 imo. Feral 드루이드 / Subtlety 도적 If the druid keep cyclone me or my partner we just try to get the the warrior and get him as far away from the druid, i seal of justice him and try to make him kite me, but if the warrior is attack me i make sure my warrior partner is stunning the druid as much as possible and pummel. Post by 335633 Warrior paladin arena team. While both builds are viable, Protection is much more gear required and only works in certain Arena comps, where Some 2v2 arena games at 1800+ rating in WoW WOTLK on my protection warrior Exocet with Mmraper my teammate. Thank's for the tips. Apr 10, 2022 · Tips for Paladin: put Judgement of Justice on the Druid, keep HoJ/BE racial for Cyclones on the Warrior while he is Intercepted/Bear Bashed, BoP Disarm or Mace Stun/Intercept/Bear Bash if the Warrior calls for it, keep running at the Druid and burst with your Warrior when you have a bit of pressure. None of us are amazingly well geared. hduo llpd xxab tzkomify lgwhaz czfkise njcvv xsllgz uhh bsfwntdk rfb xilpisxk ayjuouc ovp mlyya