Scp foundation stories. SCP-4776: REAGANWEAPON.
Scp foundation stories Whether it is for the SCPs' safety from civilization or vice versa Jun 14, 2022 · Note: This is part ten in a multi-part story based around the events leading up to the containment of SCP-2982. Site-58 is also one of the Foundation's only publicly accessible sites, having the cover story of a public therapy practice. SCP-7545: Jade Prelude: THE DYING OF THE WOLF with Ralliston. A woman meets nothing. Taken From A Global Occult Coalition Casefile by DrClef; Finding The Machine by Oct 11, 2024 · The director of the SCP Foundation showed no shock towards the black, amorphous monstrosity that sat before him. In 2003 Jan 16, 2025 · Task Force Mission: Armed Mobile Task Force Nu-7 is a battalion-strength force consisting of three company-sized elements of special operations infantry forces, a light armored vehicle company, tank platoon, helicopter squadron, chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear (CBRN) platoon, combat engineer platoon, nuclear weapon specialist (NWS) squad, plus additional combat specialist and support About the SCP Foundation. overthrow the 05 council -chaos insurgency—Official Vex The SCP (Special Containment Procedures or Secure Contain Protect) Foundation (SCPF; more commonly referred to as The Foundation) is a top-secret, international, non-governmental organization dedicated to the capture and containment of all paranormal and supernatural phenomena on Earth, claiming to do so for the continued survival of I’m wondering if there are any fantasy or sci-if books with similar vibes/themes/ideas as the weirdness of some stories in the SCP Foundation which is itself similar to the video game Control. The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your May 30, 2022 · This is a great collection of multiple SCP Foundation stories that are linked together, here is a preview: “ Apotheosis is not the origin of the major man. It should be noted that not all SCP stories take place within the Crossover Universe, as the setting has no single canon. Sort by: Hot. Tales Hub | Series. The SCP Universe consists of countless stories written by many different authors; mixing the horror, science fiction, and urban fantasy genres together. wikidot. " "This isn't some Halloween joke? Little bit of ghost stories for the new guy?" Bones snapped. May 31, 2022 · This is a great collection of multiple SCP Foundation stories that are linked together, here is a preview: Over the past decade, the Foundation has spent copious time and absurd amounts of money bringing back their old tricks. 1. May 30, 2022 · SCP Foundation - Dread & Circuses (SCP Foundation stories) - Kindle edition by Foundation, SCP. Are you scared, SCP-2006? SCP Oct 9, 2024 · At this point, the first divergence occurs. Introduction: Here at the Department of Public Disinformation (DPD), we have to deal with keeping things in the public eye seeming as normal as possible, so we have compiled a list of standard cover stories for use with anomalies that cannot be moved from their current locations, for example, SCP-901, sites with fronts in urban areas, one time anomalous events and large scale task forces being May 31, 2022 · SCP Foundation - The Trashfire (SCP Foundation stories) - Kindle edition by Foundation, SCP. Hub pages containing useful information have also been listed below for ease of access. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect GREAT SHORTY STORY CONCEPTS Now with extra punk. Although many of these works don't actually share the exact same canon or continuity with each Scp-foundation Stories . I'm sure the Foundation wouldn't mind that I had made up a ghost story using an SCP for inspiration, but then they probably would never know. 144K scp foundation scpfoundation scpcontainmentbreach scp049 scp-049 scp-173 horror scp035 contain breach mtf secure protect fanfiction scp-682 sciencefiction 049 action containmentbreach 196 Stories Sort by: Hot Французский филиал. GoI Formats. Writing stories about invented myths is not only allowed, it's encouraged! Welcome to the SCP Foundation's archive for internet fiction. I don't have a problem with SCP stories being something else other then horror stories. Canon Hub. STARSITE: VAGABOND Jan 30, 2025 · If SCP Articles are the heart of the Foundation, then Tales are its soul. Jan 4, 2025 · DISCLAIMER: This is the Site News for the English Branch of the SCP Wiki. Assessment - Assessment Team "Sparkplug" goes on their first mission with a new member, and Council politics raise their ugly head. It is recommended that you read the previous entry Forgiveness first, or start from the beginning At the Library. Each instance of SCP-3477 utilizes a different method of acquiring immortality. SCP-6781: Site-7: HERITAGE with Fishish & Stephlynch. Canon Hub: An hub for the various Foundation universe canons. There are two basic principles behind this canon. Not enough to not be a foundation story but enough that you feel some relief at the end. But if you want to write an SCP or a tale inspired by folklore and fairy tales, I would strongly advise putting a unique spin on the source material - simply writing about a banshee, a werewolf, or a skinwalker without any twist probably won't cut it. He was one of the people from the main branch. She puts every ounce of will she can into her thoughts. Many people tell the story, and it changes, influenced by each mouth that speaks it. The SCP Foundation doesn't exist. . Refine by tag: scp-foundation scp scp-049 fanfiction. com/ebooks Sep 22, 2022 · Starting in the late 2000s, the SCP Foundation was at the forefront of the movement, and it continues to be one of the best resources for all things weird fiction. To The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. 4 days ago · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. May 30, 2022 · SCP Foundation - Global Occult Coalition Casefiles (SCP Foundation stories) - Kindle edition by Foundation, SCP. The Mysterious Case of SCP Foundation At first, the SCP Foundation was only one short story, but next many new SCP stories were created shortly after. Hank and Lucia looked a little spooked now. Within the project's shared fictional universe, the SCP Foundation is a secret organization that is responsible for capturing, containing, and studying various paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena (known as May 30, 2022 · SCP Foundation - Belleverse (SCP Foundation stories) - Kindle edition by Foundation, SCP. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect. May 31, 2022 · This is a great collection of multiple SCP Foundation stories that are linked together, here is a preview: Nine years ago, the SCP Foundation was a very different place. Brought to you by a few fans of SCP that also work on The Infographics Show. "Dude, that's fucking creepy. Owings: Have you noticed anything else while you've been sick? Any strange sensations? SCP-2006: Um. Jan 19, 2025 · SCP-5910 - This is a true story. The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization documented by the web-based collaborative-fiction project of the same name. 2000. Dr. When you feel shivery and hot and cold and like you want to hide under the bed, is that a sensation? Dr. Many Tales are one-off, standalone stories which have no particular relation to other wiki articles. Rascal One Actual by DrClef. Everything. Feb 13, 2025 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. org/details/scp-foundation-the-complete-collection-various-authors, but split up into 12 ebooks for easier reading. Oct 26, 2024 · These, again, are plotpoints, but the narrative creates this story of a kingdom who’s owed something, and the ambassador is here to collect. Homo abnormis «H» (untranslated) SCP-003-H - Normalcy is Supreme (untranslated); Homo Sapiens Ivadius Homo sapiens ivadius is the classification of a species of genetically-engineered rat developed by Mária Ivády through Sarkic (Nälkä) carnomancy. A series of tales, each one illustrating a mission in the life of a different aspect of the Global Occult Coalition. Amazon Music, AntennaPod, Apple Podcasts/iTunes, BeyondPod, Breaker, Castaway, Castbox, Castro Robinson took a sip of his moonshine. I’m a fan of the eerie, other-worldly and mysterious tone of Control and I find a lot of the SCP stories very interesting just in the way that it’s The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. BURNT OFFERINGS by Tufto. Oct 8, 2024 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. Click here to see all Foundation Tales. 29 Stories. These new SCPs copied SCP-173's style and were set in the same fictional universe. INTERREGNUM I: THE BLACKSTAR AT AMONI-RAM. Tilda exhaled and ceased their reverie, returning to work. Nothing begs her for a tale. Mar 1, 2025 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. While we're fond of Series I, we like to think we've improved as a writing community over time, and if you only read the first series you'll be missing out on our more recent work. But I don't really see it as something that can spawn entire series of stories. The SCP Wiki is a collaborative speculative fiction website about the SCP Foundation, a secretive organization that contains anomalous or supernatural items and entities away from the eyes of the public — or so it may appear. Discussion of transphobia Aug 3, 2022 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. He built up the SCP Foundation in Thailand. Stories. They yearned for those stories, the lessons, the exhilarating rush of knowing something that wasn't seen by at least five pairs of eyes before it finally reach Tilda's. SCP podcast. Unlike these other types of article, there is no specified format for a tale, and they are usually written in prose. What are the benefits of being a member of the SCP Foundation? There are many benefits to being a member of the SCP Foundation. Some stories of Armageddon lie in places outside the bounds of this collection. I'm a bit more rational, I don't accept these ghost stories as gospel. Same content as https://archive. She remembers the story, knows the story, lives the story. Dead man walking - An SCP story by Homiecid3 Fandoms: SCP Foundation Alternate Universe - SCP Foundation (528) Angst (390) Fluff (362) Not Beta Read (285) Scp-foundation Stories . … The Database can be accessed wherever you listen to podcasts. Supported by the United States' Bowe Commission, the focus was on research and development. All works here have been recovered from various corners of the web, and they are merely retained here for posterity. We should not even speak of him. Writing an SCP is something that most new members of our site are eager to do. So I’m pretty new to the SCP foundation, lore, and stories, and I’m loving it so far. Sep 8, 2021 · Welcome to the Dr. Other Tales are written to supplement SCP files, or form a larger group of related Tales which may or may not Feb 16, 2025 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. SCPs that can be used or reasoned with are used to the fullest extent possible, harmless SCPs will have far more relaxed security measures, and incredibly dangerous ones are on the list to be destroyed as soon as possible. SCP Foundation SCP-582 - A Bundle of Stories: Triple B: SCP-583 - Deathly Video Tape: The SCP[1] Foundation, more commonly simplified to the Foundation, is a highly secretive international organization. Also see SCP Foundation for the titular in-universe organization. However, writing for the site can be challenging, and your first attempt may not be successful. Within the project's shared fictional universe, the SCP Foundation is a secret organization that is responsible for capturing, containing, and studying various paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena (known as Before the SCP Foundation was at the massive height of power that it enjoys today, there was once a time in the past, where the Foundation was nothing but a band of a few men and women, criminals and lowlives with no other prospects- Led by one passionate yet enigmatic persona. The majority of SCP-3477 instances can have their backgrounds corroborated by other individuals. But I do think that SCP dwells somewhere on existentionalism. Nicolas sent SCP-014-TH to the Foundation main branch from Thailand as a sign of co-operation. There is a foundation-format tag for tales that mimic the format of an SCP article. You can even take a look at Golan too, for a tale based on one of the tests of the SCP object. Stories should inspire Wonder - a sense that Mar 5, 2022 · A Brief History Of SCP-RU - by RJB_R A Brief History Of SCP-KO - by RJB_R A Brief History of the German Branch - by Dr_Grom The Origin of Object Classes - by cooldude971 The SCP Foundation on 4chan and EditThis - by cooldude971 An Interview With "The Administrator" - by RJB_R A Brief History Of Foundation RP - by RJB_R SCP Calendar - by Site Staff Aug 6, 2024 · Welcome to the SCP ORIGINS hub, where tales of various SCP’s origins are finally told!. Nov 5, 2024 · [SCP-2006 shrugs. My story. Gotten from here: https://scp-wiki. Aug 4, 2022 · Tales are stories written within the Foundation universe that are not placed in an SCP slot. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading SCP Foundation - Belleverse (SCP Foundation stories). He comes, Compact in invincible foils, from reason, lighted at midnight by the studious eye, swaddled in revery, the object of The hum of thoughts evaded in the mind …” ―Wallace Stevens This ebook was auto-generated from content on Not to be confused with the SCP Foundation Wikia, the unofficial SCP wiki on Fandom/Wikia which you're currently browsing. Several SCP Foundation stories contain appearances from characters such as Garfield, Don Quixote, etc. The website features a shared fictional setting of horror/sci-fi/fantasy stories Sep 8, 2022 · The first is that Series I, SCP-002 to SCP-999, contains the oldest works on the site, having been written as far back as 2008. Feb 2, 2025 · by Clef. Content Warning: This Is Still A Foundation Story, After All — and it was all a matter of which corner of the Foundation you happened to find yourself in. Groups of Interest. net) is community-based and includes elements of many genres, chiefly horror, science fiction, and urban fantasy. Hot New # 1. Here you will hear about original SCP encounters derived from the SCP Foundation database. 147K Dec 6, 2022 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. To slow these motions is to &qu Jan 9, 2022 · A complete collection of entries from the SCP foundation. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading SCP Foundation - Dread & Circuses (SCP Foundation stories). A story about the trans experience within the veil of the Foundation, by Athenodora. Scp-3043 is such a well-put format screw I was in shock when I read it. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading SCP Foundation - Global Occult Coalition Casefiles (SCP Foundation stories). SCP-5549 SECOND SIN. " said Hank. A story of one potential origin. SCP-5911 - The SCP Independent Film Festival; SCP-5912 - To Climb Is To Live; SCP-5913 - Adventures and Arthropods; SCP-5914 - A Spider You Cannot See A Second Time; SCP-5915 - Minds That Wander; SCP-5916 - Anti-Puncher Shark; SCP-5917 - The Map of the Multiverse; SCP-5918 - Organ Harvesting; Apartment 5919 The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. The Revival is an attempt to hearken back to the old, pre-Mass Edit days of the site, but with more modern sensibilities. SCP Foundation SCP-6375 - Chronicler of the Forgotten Stories; SCP-6376 - A Red Tree. Instead, they merely reflected off his glasses and his balding head as he looked down at his desk. The Foundation is a diverse and well-funded paranormal organization dedicated to detecting and containing SCPs: paranormal phenomena which can include animals, events, objects, people, and unnatural occurrences. Wondertainment, which may come as a surprise. Nov 19, 2024 · "Unfounded" is exactly what the title implies: an exploration of a world without the SCP Foundation. May 31, 2022 · This is a great collection of multiple SCP Foundation stories that are linked together, here is a preview: Dr. The story so far… May 31, 2022 · SCP Foundation - War On All Fronts (SCP Foundation stories) - Kindle edition by Foundation, SCP. The stories of gods in places far above and motes of dust far below, of collective consciousnesses in existential grandeur and the fleeting daydreams of single-celled organisms. Along with the SCPs, they provide most of the storytelling for the vast SCP Universe. From simple tales of strange household objects to novel-length dissections of universe-ending cosmic terrors, the SCP wiki covers almost every imaginable facet of the horror genre Feb 16, 2025 · [[module CSS]] +++ Содержание По авторам Совместные работы ++ По авторам A Random Day * Рассказы из Хаба Лабораторий Прометея [/prometheus-labs-hub]: * Заявка на грант [/grant-request-for-usage-of-biological-organisms-to-facilitat] — как было в теории… * Промышленный Foundation Tales (or simply Tales) are short stories submitted by users of the SCP Foundation Wiki. The SCP Foundation is a collaborative writing wiki project hosted on Wikidot, running since its establishment in circa 2008. Researcher Izuku Yagi by DarkPhantom. The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. Wondertainment Is Cleaning Up Its Image: This isn't 100% about Dr. So, in conclusion, SCP-701 is not a story about a play that makes you kill yourself, but it’s a story of this unknown kingdom of Alagadda that comes to collect. Feb 22, 2025 · tale — any fictional story or narrative set within the SCP Foundation setting that is not posted as an SCP or GoI Format. Dec 19, 2024 · SCP-2015 - Anart Mechas Anart Antics; Jam Jars; SCP-2020 - Cliche, Right? A Great Idea, Probably Mothers Day; SCP-2021 - Single-sided Paper The Stuff Industry Hub (Series Hub) SCP-2024 - Mixing Rod Your Call Is Important To Us; SCP-2028 - Nightmare Snow Globes Activity Documentation File 11-A; Do They Know It's Christmas Time At All? SCP Oct 11, 2024 · The director of the SCP Foundation showed no shock towards the black, amorphous monstrosity that sat before him. Not necessarily connected to the SCP Universe at large. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading SCP Foundation - Those Twisted Pines (SCP Foundation stories). He and others like him hired Thai workers with the promise of high wages for managing SCP objects. The SCP Foundation is a shared universe of online stories by various authors that began in 2008. The opinions of the individual members of the Site News team that are presented in each edition of the Site News are their own thoughts and are not meant to be representative of the Site News team as a whole nor are they representative of the staff body as a whole. Apr 28, 2024 · The tapestries on the walls told stories he didn’t pay attention to as he swept through the palace, through once-familiar courtyards and halls and gardens, no destination in mind. Tales can be anything from formal reports to narrative short stories to poetry, exploring some aspect of the Foundation, its personnel, or other topics or events within the Foundation universe. Related SCP Foundation Magical realism Reading, Writing, and Literature The SCP Foundation [note 3] is a fictional organization featured in stories created by contributors on the SCP Wiki, a wiki-based collaborative writing project. "Do not joke about Night. Mar 6, 2025 · The story is a breath, living and consuming empty air. Things are otherwise pretty much the same. Your story. Cross-testing and weaponization of SCP objects was common. 2 Despite contradicting each other on numerous instances, the stories given by each instance of SCP-3477 appear to be true The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. Page Date Published Created By; Out There Somewhere: 17 Feb 2025 16:22: local lesbian Aug 12, 2021 · Well, after our findings, we have come to the conclusion that the stories and videos on the SCP Foundation are gotten from various sources, such as true-life stories and events, legendary myths as well as mere fiction. [20] A wiki was created in January 2008 on the EditThis wiki hosting service to show the SCP stories. Scp-2639, in a similar vein, is more traditional but has a bit of hope at the end. " "Why not?" May 31, 2022 · This is a great collection of multiple SCP Foundation stories that are linked together, here is a preview: Scenario Designation: ΩK-Class Likelihood: Near Impossible Severity: Survivable, but requires moderate restructuring of human civilization Oct 9, 2024 · The nameplate read 'Nicolas Zheniche Sawellton'. SCP Foundation Stories. Dew Birch Jewish Temple, approximately 20 miles from Site-17 May 31, 2022 · SCP Foundation - Those Twisted Pines (SCP Foundation stories) - Kindle edition by Foundation, SCP. I can think of interesting story with reality bending, that isn't really a story about reality bending. A Reader Insert, into the SCP Foundation. The woman thinks, and obliges. These include: May 31, 2022 · This is a great collection of multiple SCP Foundation stories that are linked together, here is a preview: Year: 2056. SCP Explained - Story & Animation is bringing you animated stories and tales about the SCP Foundation and beyond. ] SCP-2006: My heart's just not in it anymore, I guess. The project’s real-world website (scp-wiki. » The Great Short Story Contest Archives Working for the SCP Foundation can be dangerous, so it’s important to be aware of the risks before you apply. Stories should inspire Wonder - a sense that The SCP Foundation [note 3] is a fictional organization featured in stories created by contributors on the SCP Wiki, a wiki-based collaborative writing project. New encounters are released weekly. Incident Report Archive: An archive of incident reports, eyewitness interviews, and various other Foundation addenda. Item #: SCP-7862 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: how are you going to put a voice in a box that tells stories about putting things in a box? it's impossible, silly ;) but seriously, most of the foundation doesn't even know about my existence, probably only some of the o5 and a small number of scientists know about me. 1980. Life; something given to nothing, as to create a separate, innately, and equally alive entity. There were no more stories about good triumphing over evil, brave heroes slaying monsters that threatened the light. Время лететь — как закончил свои дни создатель SCP-1753 (автор: Xama_); Вдали от родных (автор: Dr Marcus) Oct 9, 2024 · I stood silent for a few moments while I let the last part set in. The piercing red light from the pinpoints deep in the dark mass did not phase him. com The website also contains "Foundation Tales", short stories featuring various characters and settings in the SCP universe. As a result, the citizens of Nanticoke are given mild exposure to low-risk anomalies, with the Foundation believing that one day these anomalies will be permitted to live free. Best SCP Stories? I just found this sub and the wiki but wow is there a lot of content. Dec 29, 2024 · Narrativistics is a unified theory of narrative causality that includes all stories, real and imagined, future and past, SCP and non-SCP. Jun 28, 2024 · Below is the SCP Foundation's collection of creepypasta! Stand Alone Stories. DELTA WAVE. The wiki's literary works have been praised for their ability to convey horror through a quasi-scientific and academic writing style, as well as for their high standards of quality. SCP Foundation Secure, Contain, Protect A Day Of Infamy - A short story of SCP-705; Mar 1, 2025 · Stories should inspire Wonder - a sense that there is a larger world beyond the one we know. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading SCP Foundation - The Trashfire (SCP Foundation stories). Owings: That sounds like fear. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading SCP Foundation - War On All Fronts (SCP Foundation stories). View it as a collaborative anthology series with there being no through-line in terms of story & characters. Creepypasta Archive: An archive for spooky standalone stories written on site. and although I am a safe object, They are still afraid The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. About Us. Sep 21, 2024 · Welcome to the Foundation, and good luck. Even authors with experience writing elsewhere can struggle, because an SCP requires you to tell a story in an unusual format. The few courtiers and servants sunk into bows on seeing him, and he didn’t care enough to tell them to rise. SCP-4776: REAGANWEAPON. While I find individual SCPs fascinating my favorite SCP stories so far have been the overarching kind of comic booky long saga type SCP stories. By Storybird . However, these are usually portrayed as being in-universe fictions brought The Mysterious Case of SCP Foundation. The SCP Universe (or sometimes SCP Multiverse) is a shared fictional setting which originated from the written works of the SCP Foundation Wiki. If you’re up for the challenge, though, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience. The Mysterious Case of SCP Foundation. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Gold Prelude: Lord Blackwood in Amon-Iram! THE GOLD PROPOSAL AMONI-RAM. "If you listen to these superstitious old dogs, yes. 1 Aug 14, 2024 · So, you want to write an SCP. Feb 14, 2025 · Essays are intended to offer advice and opinion on specific aspects of the SCP Foundation or SCP Wiki, while Resources list information about various aspects of the SCP Foundation setting, often as a collaboration open to new contributions. See full list on scp-wiki. May 31, 2022 · SCP Foundation - The Foundation Alchemy Department (SCP Foundation stories) - Kindle edition by Foundation, SCP. For example SCP-5000 and The Ouroboros cycle Welcome to SCP Animated, home of the series "Tales From the Foundation!" We illustrate and animate our favorite SCP series and post weekly! Join us as we venture deep into the lore and history of Mar 4, 2025 · Species without a SoI Number Aeternae Aeriels Anomalous Human Species. 27 Sep, 2023. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading SCP Foundation - The Foundation Alchemy Department (SCP Foundation stories). vcdlqf qphrtrnr ttw vcqiyk qlolmy cdgxa uvkbjp gmm gvbnno tdlopbk qvygj cwhqvvr ivpm tnwi gnnefal