Rdr2 save outfit pc. Jul 30, 2021 · Story Mode missions 44.

Rdr2 save outfit pc You may be right but I swear I could save at least 4 of them on my last playthrough. Each Red Dead Redemption 2 game save free example is solving a certain issue, so there are many available options. 5 MB It seems that loading a save does have the outfit you were wearing stored on your horse but loads in as a random outfit. Nov 16, 2019 · Save your current outfit Quickly equip saved outfits Reset all your components Change Ped Skin (see readme) Enable Multiplayer Assets (try changing your model to mp_male or mp_female using our trainer to access them in all your glory) New! Change beard and hair length, untuck shirts and much more! New! Customize menu key Controls A video guide tutorial showing you how to save, store, delete, create and modify, make a custom outfit in Red Dead Redemption 2. You've been warned! Okay: so you need to accept that you only REALLY have four outfit slots. You can save up to 4 custom outfits. 1% i really hope you download this and enjoy it please leave any suggestions for future content and if there are any bugs even tho its a save game please let me know. However, save editor makes it much easier and gives you a lot more options. Get to that and you can see the option. This location cannot be sketched until Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal, but I use Save Editor (on PS4/PS5) to create custom outfits that cannot be remade using items in the wardrobe (for instance, “Saved Outfit 3” is the red Union Suit you see John wearing sometimes around camp and during Epilogue; I like having it for bathing in rivers and when sleeping, for immersion). About them bugging out. I accidentally wrote about rdr2 on Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Jul 30, 2021 · Story Mode missions 44. Upgraded Red Dead Redemption 2 with "Ultimate RDR2 save game Mod", the game can become even more fascinating, so don’t miss the chance. They will be available in the Found Hats (or Stolen Hats) section of the Hats while checking your Outfits etc. I got a saddle bag for 5 outfits and 2 custom outfits saved though I should be able to have 3 saved. Nov 19, 2018 · -Red Dead Redemption 2: PC and PlayStation 4 (Save Wizard Required) --- Red Dead Redemption 1 Save Editor ---Editor Menus - Convert Saves from Xbox 360, PS3, Xenia, PS4, PC, and Nintendo Switch to Xbox 360, PS3, Xenia, PS4, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Load game. I don’t know how to fix it as the save editor seems glitched. You’ll see the outfit in the stored on horse tab. Red Dead Redemption 2 close Clear game filter. What I do is: I build 4 outfits for the horse saddle to carry. I can't save any new outfits because "save outfit" is grayed out. Keep rolling saves and youll have to reload to a save before this began. After awhile I just gave up on trying to save outfits and just made sure I had one saved with a coat. Now I just use the bear hunter template outfit for cold weather so I can at least have 3 different fits for regular/hot weather. It's a pity that in RDR2 Mexico only exists as a mock-up that can be seen from NA,although it is known that work on NP was ongoing,but unfortunately we didn't see it in the game. Good luck. Last time I had it, a reboot of the game worked. You can only have four outfits saved. Jun 27, 2019 · So, if you make 3 outfits, and save them to your horse, then go to "outfits" in your wardrobe and save to horse, you can actually save 5 outfits. During the mission "Dear Uncle Tacitus" go t Aug 31, 2023 · red dead redemption 2 starter save chapter 2 savefile all outfits unlocked. 7 Percent Completed Modded Save File With Outfits - mod. Then glitch happens. This makes room for the total outfits you can have in wardrobe- something like 8-10. THE SOLUTION; You have 11 custom Outfits, at the top of tab 3, is 'custom outfit' it should be grey. You can only initially save 3 outfits to your horse though. When saving custom outfits, it goes from two to four, and there is no three. Any help with this? This sounds like a bug I had, by the end I could only save 2 outfits. Jan 1, 2020 · Legend of the East outfit (comes with lots of bonuses and is suitable for all weather types which is super useful) Legend of the East satchel (gives you space for 99 items of any kind) 100K money + 25 gold bars from treasures Question: Why am I unable to save my custom outfit when playing Red Dead Redemption 2?Answer: We're aware of a potential issue and investigating. yesterday I was able to tweak the "grizzlies" outfit and make it my cold weather outfit while still retaining the others. Instead of the not saved "custom outfit". Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file Aug 31, 2020 · this is a rdr2 save game file it has all the money you would ever need plus alot more all guns all upgrades the best horse in the game and a whole lot more its at 53. Whichever boundary you face, look though our suggested Save Game for Red Dead Redemption 2 Online list and you will find the needed solution. Make all of your outs then switch to one of the already man outfits like the Gunslinger then go to saved outfits and save them all to your horse. They can then be made part of an Outfit, or stored on your horse for retrieval at any time. Jun 17, 2021 · However this is how you modify a outfit. 8 Red Dead Redemption 2 save. Mar 24, 2023 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jul 11, 2022 · Story Mode missions 44. You should be able to switch between customized whittemore and the rest of your outfits. For epic game version, save at C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Profiles\ All outfits disappear after any loading in RDR2 single player (death, save loading, etc. and one is check marked active. Jan 16, 2022 · Is there any mod or solution to fix the saved custom outfit disappearing bug? I try to use the wardrobe function in Rampage but the outfit doesnt save after cutscene. I want to save outfits but I can't for some reason. Games . HIDDEN TUNNEL on the far western edge of the map. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file It’s possible, it will just name it “Custom Outfit 2” or something. In this video I will show you how to keep the Guarma outfit and an alternative way to get the Whittemore outfit. all weapons unlocked and upgraded. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file Basically, I can only save custom outfits 3 and 4. does anyone have this problem? Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments Nov 27, 2019 · Credits and distribution permission. 2 years ago they can save up to 5 custom outfits and save them on horse. all traper item unlocked. This location cannot be sketched until Jan 9, 2023 · Hello! I have made another save to share with you all! Having played through RDR2 multiple times, each time needing to go through all of Chapter 2 to unlock various functions, weapons & garments, I have decided to make & share a Chapter 3 save, with some added benefits. Only completed chapter 1. Please let me know if you guys know any fix or mod, thank you! WhyEm’s adds all of the online clothing into story mode so I’d say yeah it’s custom clothing at that point because it’s locked away behind a higher in-game paywall and a progression system in a inferior mode of the same game. Disliking Sadie Adler from RDR2 means you are human garbage -kainzow42 If you dislike a game I like, your opinion is ignorant and disingenuous -LordPoncho So I go to make a custom outfit and save it it saves as custom outfit 1 make a second one and it saves as custom outfit 4 and. It’s now or never, so step forward right now! Nov 5, 2023 · best game save for rdr2 place into save folder have fun bye. This leave the 5th slot open as it needs to be because the game needs that slot for Custom Outfit when you put a face mask on, remove gloves or hat. It can be quite annoying not Apr 8, 2022 · Unofficial Map for RDR2 – An app by Digitech Apps which shows location of everything imaginable and made my life easier Lenny’s Simple Trainer Red Dead Redemption 2 Save Editor (Used it only for money, gold medals, rose grey arabian and challenges to get the Legend of the East outfit because it’s practically impossible to get it as Arthur) Jun 5, 2023 · Starting with the Chapter 3 save, I have placed map markers at the following easter eggs and left them in a state that you can still experience them all the way through the 99% save. Deleting 3 and 4 and making new outfits simply saves them as 3 and 4 again. ) so you are equipping a non-saved custom outfit, then you can delete any custom outfit. I want to then save this outfit at the store/outfitting Some time in to the game, you lose the ability to save a custom outfit even if you have a free slot available. Change a single piece of clothes (jacket, hat, etc. happens from time to time you wanna regularly double check it everytime you're in the wardrobe >tab outfit >saved outfit >outfit stored in the horse stored outfit will have a saddle icon next to it note you can only have 2 stored outfit in the horse (including the one you currently wear) Dec 27, 2024 · Legendary Animals: Every Legendary Animal has been hunted and skinned, unlocking all the related crafting rewards for outfits, trinkets, and special gear. But if you have an earlier save, load that. The good news is that this is easily fixed, the bad news is that the fix means you will be limited when choosing your hairstyle. - Enable/Disable Cheats Flag - Bounty You can store 3 outfits. (This save does not have the Limpany treasure map, nor the Ardennes War Horse). Outfit 2: Law-abiding Arthur for cold weather —- Just create the first outfit and save it, then add a warm or very warm coat and save that outfit Outfit 3: Law-breaking Arthur for hot weather Outfit 4: Law-breaking Arthur for cold weather —-Be sure that each piece of clothing (weapon equipment too) is different from the Law-Abiding outfits Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. So you can make 3 outfits, save them and then change without saving that last outfit to get 4. Red Dead Redemption 2 - Story Mode missions 44. 3. Suppose you store all 5 outfits, then put on outfit 1, then put on bandana, then outfit 1 with bandana automatically becomes the custom outfit. 5 MB, Downloads: 1. Exit game. Dec 24, 2019 · SAVE LOCATION \Users\<name>\Documents\Rockstar Games\Red Dead Redemption 2\Profiles Update 03/10/2022 - added Owl feather trinket - added Reutlinger pocket watch - added Antique pocket watch - added a few missing hats like the sun hat and racoon hat. After it loads (it may take a while), click on "Character" in the left side menu, then on "Custom Outfits" in the top red banner at the right side. I saved the original outfit so I can always go back to if, and I also made a couple outfits using different parts of the suit. ay my boi, i need help with the trainer. Yo! i recently bought rdr2 online on pc and i've run into a problem, I can't save outfits, like the "save as outfit" thing does'nt show up. 100 percent game save with rare outfits. Two save files: 80% and 100% completion Unlocked: All weapons, rare horses, legendary outfits A Lot of money for purchases Compatible with mods 📂 Installation: Depending on the horse satchel you can save 4 or 5 outfits I believe. Jan 24, 2024 · - Upon loading in the save, Arthur might be glitching through his cloths (depends on the outfit), it is easily fixed by accessing the wardrobe or re-equiping the current outfit from your horse saddle. But I cant seem to save even 4, I can get 4 on my horse but the 4th isnt saved so if I change to another then leave and come bac The only way is late in chap 3 when you do the Angelo bronte mission when you go to the cemetery. -John have every outfit. You can save "Custom Outfit One," "Custom Outfit Two," and "Custom Outfit Four. Dec 28, 2019 · sometimes saved outfit were missing from the horse. Since there is no such save editor tools to convert it to PC, therefore, it does not work. You're welcome :) Saw this posted in r/reddeadredemption [PC] Fix for the disappearing Custom Outfit slots in the Story, requires the use of the Save Editor In my 100 hour long playthrough on PC I had one usable Custom Outfit slot, the others had disappeared due to the annoying bug that's still in the game. Where are the best horses Red Dead 2? The best free horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 is the Arabian horse with a white coloured coat. That said, money is a joke in this game. I'm pretty sure there is a glitch in Chapter 4 during the "Angelo Bronte, Man of Honor" mission that you can enable cheats and save, but I don't know the details of how to as I've never tried. In your wardrobe, there's a section called outfits. Try turn off your console and unplug it for 5 minutes. Dec 31, 2019 · the save outfit option greyed out, i tried remove all the saved outfit, saved on horse outfits, everything and it i still cant save outfit. Nov 7, 2019 · If you are looking for something very unique, Red Dead Redemption 2 Save Game category could be the answer. Not buying the holster will not allow you to save the outfit. Additionally, you can also store 2 additional hats in the “horse” option of the wheel. You can't change the name though. However, for some reason, it hasn't been letting me save up to 4, as it only let me save Custom Outfit 1, skipped 2, and went straight to Saved Custom outfit 3 and 4 only saving 3 outfits total. I technically have all of my F keys (f1 to f12 except f5) all label the mods like super punch, no clip, etc. We recommend that players make sure that they have an open Custom Outfit slot available and play through… IT works fine, its like the game, a texas two step to get OUTFIT to make new outfits. Anybody else have this problem or have a fix? I figured it out. soooo instead of being able to work on an outfit and then overwrite it, youll have to select it, work on it, delete the original saved outfit, and save the new "custom outfit" in its place. Jun 7, 2023 · Starting with the Chapter 3 save, I have placed map markers at the following easter eggs and left them in a state that you can still experience them all the way through the 99% save. extract in - Hello I have a bit of a struggle to save any outfit I make, the icon is just grey and I dont know what to do. A: Before deleting a custom set of outfit, make sure you are not using one of the pre-made outfits by Rockstar. You just have to love PCs. Like dead eye on the PC, thats tricky, remaping keys so you can use them fast. Probably the new update only allows 3, but I doubt that. I also tried to transfer save game of Star Wars Fallen Order PS4 to PC. Nov 18, 2021 · 2. Nov 24, 2019 · Skip the grind with this save file early into Chapter 2 with Legend of the East Satchel and Outfit unlocked, All trinkets and talismans unlocked, plus more! A few main story missions have been complet May 21, 2019 · So I just would like to know how to save 4 or 5 outfits to my horse and wardrobe. After that choose the one you want to wear, but don’t choose another outfit until you get on your horse or else you have to repeat the whole process. Before altering any files, you should launch RDR2 in its vanilla state and make some tweaks in the graphics settings to optimize the game to your PC specifications. Someone told me here a solution and it has worked for me so far. Spending far too much time in the outfit menu, making sure my outfits were exactly how I wanted, and stored on my horse in the order I wanted. For some strange reason, Yuzu saved games also work in this PC port, so I'm sharing my saved game at 60% (not 100%) with nuevo paraiso, new austin, west elizabeth unlocked only with a mission of that state, and with the legend of the west outfit unlocked only in case someone wants it. Select the outfit, then put on some gloves. Anyway, I was able to successfully save the whittemore outfit, the caveat is that the stupid satchel comes back, but hey can't win em all. Oct 29, 2024 · just a save game for rdr1. Some players have reported that the issue resolves itself after additional playtime and can be made worse by deleting all of their Custom Outfits. Go to a hotel or camp and go to your saved outfits. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. (i think). 3 summer fits and a nice custom winter fit. But nonetheless, I made do. Restart Console. This will allow you to save the outfit. /r/RedDeadRedemption - A subreddit dedicated to Red Dead Redemption & Red Dead Redemption 2, developed by Rockstar Games, the creators behind the Grand Theft Auto series. 5 MB Jan 31, 2025 · This is a clean save for RDR2. Of the 11 custom outfits, 3 should be on the horse. Post Script: Reports on different scenarios this bug has occurred other players that related to my video has come forth. I experienced this bug during a chap Jul 9, 2021 · Saving custom outfits can sometimes simply become impossible in Red Dead Online. Specifically when trying to save custom outfits. Jan 17, 2024 · In addition, I crafted all of the saddles +some of the outfits and clothes at trapper, I realized that some of the clothes and outfits can’t be crafted as Arthur since animals needed are located only in New Austin which is locked until the epilogue. 1 and 2 were deleted but the game still thinks they're there and I can't access them to delete or wear them. Equip a preset outfit (Gunslinger) Remove all outfits from the stored on horse section of the menus. Now i can only save custom outfit 4. I personally can cycle through 3 of mine all the time. What makes this file stand out is that there are unlocked outfits normally unavailable in it (Whittemore Outfit, The Gilded Cage Tuxedo, Guarma Outfit, Saint Denis cop outfit and John's Wedding Suit). I play disc version 1. 0 and can save the 4th custom outfit. Screenshot your outfit or note down the components, and delete all of them, save and close your game re open it. At first I thought it was the installed mods (Whyem's DLC, RDOffline, LAW); I deleted all the mods, then decided to completely delete the game and download again, started a new game, it didn't help. " For some reason, "Custom Outfit Three" is no longer a thing that exists in the RDR2 universe. Not everything works, but much of it does, in my experience. Oct 30, 2024 · This save file begins at the "New Friends, Old Problems" mission, where you first meet Bonnie. I think you may be misunderstanding what I am trying to do. Mods will inevitably impact the game’s stability and performance so it’s recommended to have the game running as best as it can on your system. The Guarma outfit does not have a holster nor off-hand holster for some reason even buying the upgraded holster. When you load it in game, you will start at the camp in Horseshoe Overlook. Nuevo Paraíso is my favorite region that we can visit in the RDR series. Endorsements. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances The outfit you are currently wearing is counted as the 4th outfit so technically you can still only actually save 3. Go to SD Tailor with whittemore outfit equipped Buy all white French dress shirt Exit and save. Crafting: The player has crafted every weapon, outfit, and item in the game; Weapons & Gear Jul 11, 2022 · Save game for Red Dead Redemption 2 created by WellerManLOL. all animals and fish discoverd. ) Any custom outfits disappear if a load happens. Go to “outfits” and it will let you select outfits and give you an option to store on your horse. From Day 1, I've felt the whole outfit system in this game is "wonky" at best. The game starts saving from this point as it unlocks the save feature. You have to delete one. 1 and 2 are lost. Do you have to pay for it? -No! It's completely free! What platforms does it support? -Red Dead Redemption 2 PC -Red Dead Redemption: Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. So, what you need to do, is go to your base camp and select your chest to change clothes. 11. Skip to content. What I’ve done in the past is individually code each article of clothing in the custom outfit slot, but unfortunately you can’t do that with neckwear, or at least not to my knowledge. I usually use the mod for the outfits & clothing. I think game sees custom outfit slots (1-2-3) are saved but there is none. everytime i (save the hotkeys in the Load/save settings) and quit and reload back in my savekeys/ hotkeys are all gone except f1,f2,f3. The only diference between a saved outfit is that the name changes to "saved custom outfit one" for ex. Description: A save in which the game has been 100% completed. Also, save wizard works with a shitload of other games, too. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! I tried some outfits, save on horse, save custom outfit, delete custom outfit etc etc. The button to do so in the Wardrobe just vanishes and you are left wondering what went wrong. It is possible that, eventually, you lose the ability to save any custom outfit. LML, ScriptHook, ASI Loader is up to date. I had not any problem with it. There are no markers in the 100% save as all Easter eggs were opened. For what it’s worth, Save Wizard can also be used to mod RDR 2. Go to a general store and you will be able to save the outfit as a "Custom Outfit". It is here that you can also equip I had not any problem with it. It needs to be converted to PC version using X360hazard Save Editor as per the guide here. 7K, Last 7 days: 5, Last Update: October 21, 2021. I've noticed though that sometimes the game tends to store a "custom outfit" to the horse instead of one of my saved outfits. . Q: What could be the solution for a future update? Nov 13, 2019 · An editor that allows you to make various edits to save games in RDR2 developed by XB36Hazard. all challenges complete. Even if i delete all stored outfits on horse and all saved outfits. From the camp in the wardrobe. I saved my outfits and everything was right when I restarted the game. However, it does not work as intended because the decrypted save game is designed for PS4. It's ever so slightly lower in health and stamina than the two Arabians mentioned above, but it's still a superb option, and is available at just one location in the game: in the wild, up in the north-western part of the map. I was able to do it both yesterday and today. all colectibles collected - cegret card, graves , dino bones, rock carving etc. And yes this can happen more than once! You could literally delete (permanently!) ALL of your outfit slots on the horse! There's no fix to this except for going back to a manual save. - Arthur is healthy but looks sick. My wardrobe page says 4 of 5 saved on your horse, or 3 of 5 saved to your horse, etc. The missing Custom Outfits are now visible and can be deleted After deleting the Custom Outfits, save the game to a new or old savefile Quit the game Open the Save Editor again and select the new savefile (check the time when it was played last and/or the Edit time in Windows Explorer) Jun 18, 2023 · But only load it up with 4 outfits. Any and all cheat codes disable saves. Here you can delete, store on horse, or equip. To get it out of custom outfit just delete the same named outfit- or delete any outfit you know you won't need and then you can save the custom outfit to the name you want. Save game. Feb 3, 2025 · 🎮 Red Dead Redemption 2 – 80% & 100% Save Files This save file includes multiple post-story progressions, ideal for free roaming, collecting remaining items, or roleplaying. This mod provides instant access to all weapons outfits completed achievment Red Dead Redemptio How to Install Documents\Ro Oct 2, 2020 · This is a %99. Change and customize Arthur I know there is an extract/replace option in the clothing tab of the RDR2 Save Editor, but I’m not too sure how to use it yet. You should now be able to save outfits again. 2 all multiplayer components!), Arthur has never looked more unique. I think this happens when I've edited my current outfit somehow at wardrobe without saving it afterwards. After this, you will be able to switch to it anywhere (upper picture). You have to make sure that auto save is on prior to the mission snd you get all the cheats buy buying newspapers you can enter all of the ones you want beforehand, then do the mission regularly and right after you get back to camp with jack and are done talking to John reload the most recent To clarify, hats that are glowing while on the ground WITHOUT Dead Eye use (on PC at least) can be picked up and will be kept. NOTE: THIS IS A BETA EDITOR! What is Red Dead Redemption Save Editor?-Red Dead Redemption Save Editor is the most up-to-date and advanced save editor there is for Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. RDR2 community I have found out a way to keep the lawman outfit from "goodbye, dear friend" it's simple start the mission and as soon as you gain control of arthur instead of following dutch turn around and take the back exit to abandon him after that cancel the mission and voila you have the lawman Available now on PC/MacOS/Linux, PlayStation 3/4/5, Xbox 360/One/X, Nintendo Switch, and iOS/Android. At no point (even in the Epilogue) can you use them and save unfortunately. Go to the outfits menu. It will clear the cache. in the Wardrobe. Remove the gloves and save the outfit, and do with it as you please. Then, open the RDR SE, click on "PC Selector" in the left side menu and open the save file that you'd like to modify, creating a backup for peace of mind. (Starting from the gunslinger preset and adjusting from there) Hope this works. Outfit 1 lot remains unchanged After that if You switch to outfit 2 and buy a new hat or a new holster or anything. If you wear a custom set of clothes, you need to save that as an outfit first. At around the start of Act 3, you can no longer save four custom outfits. BUT! Since the last WhyEm's update, every time I save an outfit and restart the game, it disappears. Members Online Alien Isolation but you're the Alien Nov 16, 2019 · We are proud to release our latest modification for Red Dead Redemption 2: An outfit changer! Featuring all of the more than 1300 single player clothing items (and in version 0. Outfits crafted at trapper: The Bear Hunter, The Stalker, The Ghost Bison, The Wrangler. Jan 3, 2021 · These mods let fans make their game feel even more special, bringing unseen features to the beloved Western-themed action game. Dec 5, 2021 · So recently a glitch has been happening in my oufitter in RDR2. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views-- youre space limited on outfits, you can only have up to 4 stored outfits and 1 worn outfit. Press R1 and it takes you to the custom outfits menu. You should be able to save it the same way you saved the first. Typically you can save up to 4 Saved Custom Outfits. When the bug appears, you are only able to save 3 or less outfits. You don't necessarily need a PC to be a member of the PCMR. unlimited funds. Wedding Outfit: Hat- C2F59087 Shirt- 3D017D2D Vest- E3F12FF2 Oct 25, 2018 · Learn how to get more clothes & outfits, hats, and how change your clothes and hats from your wardrobe in Red Dead Redemption 2. File Type: mod, File Size: 47. Jan 1, 2020 · Credits and distribution permission. May 30, 2023 · This save file contains: The Guarma outfit High Honor Legend of the East attire Legend of the East pouch with 99+ items You have a lot of money that will help you for a long time, probably forever. Now the outfit 2 with new hat etc fets stored as custom outfit and so on. If you’re on PC, im not sure if you need save wizard to use save editor. Oct 24, 2022 · Credits and distribution permission. No mods used, no side missions completed, just finished chapter 1. I use a mod/trainer to make a custom outfit. Well you see: it should be possible to rename custom outfits just like in red dead online and you should be able to save like at least 20 of them, i am not a modder but it is possible all what you need to do is wait or learn how to code in c# or c++ and start modding Hello everyone, I own Red Dead Redemption 2 for both PC and PlayStation 5. It will be saved as a custom outfit. 7 Percent Completed Modded Save File With Outfits - mod - 47. Exit the change outfit menus to the main game. Nov 13, 2019 · Here's some hex ID's for a few rare outfits. Anyone… Nov 13, 2019 · What is Red Dead Redemption Save Editor? -Red Dead Redemption Save Editor is the most up-to-date and advanced save editor there is for Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. I was wondering if there’s any way to sync my save files from the PC version of the game so that they can be used on my PS5 version. xbb ppry gwakyl gzldq hraolbu nlb ekzltwn vynnhgke gzriy yoeu idfi ktk zztoge tog euodxtu