Popping noise in nose sinus This valve helps to regulate airflow and pressure in the nasal cavity. That equalizes the pressure and prevents the build-up of fluid behind the ear drum. Occasional neck crepitus or having the Sep 19, 2024 路 People with hyperacusis have a reduced tolerance for sound and find ordinary noises uncomfortable, loud, or painful. Eustachian tube’s role: Equalizes pressure; blockage leads to discomfort. It is often associated with underlying issues in the nasal passages or sinuses. Sinus issues matter: Inflammation can block airflow, worsening ear popping. This is why laying down on your side often opens up the nostril that’s on top with respect to gravity. Bubbles in sinus can be a sign of allergies or acute sinusitis. This happens every night I'm about to fall asleep and it feels like some bone shifts behind my nose or in my sinuses and it makes a sort of popping sound inside my head and startles me awake. So for anyone commenting about us possibly hearing ourselves snoring, it is def not that. Inner Ear: The cochlea in the inner ear converts sound vibrations into electrical signals that travel to the brain via the auditory nerve. If you experience any discomfort or symptoms such as crackling in your ear after using a sinus rinse, stop the rinse and talk to your doctor. i sometimes notice a slight crackling sound in my voice when speaking in a low register or humming. Here are some common culprits: Sinus Infections: Sinusitis can lead to inflammation and blockage of Eustachian tubes. Jun 14, 2024 路 Allergies and sinus issues: Inflammation and congestion in the nasal passages caused by allergies or sinus problems can extend to the Eustachian tube, hindering its proper function and resulting in the bubble popping noise in the ear. In this article, we will explore the reasons why crackling in the […] Dec 13, 2023 路 Changes in ear pressure caused by allergies or sinus issues can further trigger crackling sounds. Symptoms Associated with the Popping Sound in the Head In addition to the popping sound itself, individuals may experience other symptoms Doc says nose looked healthy upon looking with camera but hopefully scan will remove more because my head constantly feels like a balloon. Ear congestion refers to a sense of fullness due to a clogged ear, often accompanied by symptoms like crackling or popping noises, muffled hearing, and sometimes, no pain. Lol), but this clicking/tiny bubble popping/tik tik noise drives me bonkers! So much so I'm considering seeing my ENT (Ear/Nose/Throat) doc. One common cause for a crackling sound in your head is Eustachian tube dysfunction. a "click click" noise in the nose Swishing noise in my head. It can be caused by a number of things, including allergies and colds. a "click click" noise in the nose . The middle ear contains the eardrum and three tiny bones called ossicles, which amplify sound vibrations. On either side of your nose bridge. Popping at the base of your skull can be surprising, even alarming, but common issues like tightness, stiffness, and poor posture often cause it. Dehydration can make sinus pressure worse. The Importance of Seeking Medical Advice. I'm able to breathe normally again afterwards. When sinuses become congested due to allergies or infections, they may produce sounds during movement. Just found this sub and it brought back ALL the memories omg. The leading cause for crackling noises when lying down is the congested mucus that travels up your esophagus and collects behind your throat. When you attempt to breathe you move air and fluid around in those cavities. Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. plz help me to find solution of this problem 馃槶馃槶馃槶 Share Add a Comment The sound of clicking is caused by air moving from your middle ear to the back of your nose through the eustachian tubes. If your ear is bothering you, there is most likely a connection between the ear, and sinus/nasal cavity. Nasal congestion can make it difficult to breathe through the nose. It can also be triggered by food, medications, and changes in hormones. When it comes to squeaky sinuses, it’s not just about the noise. The sound of clicking is caused by air moving from your middle ear to the back of your nose through the eustachian tubes. Heaviness in head, Numbness, Tingling/Stinging? Brain Noise (fluid like sound), it happens only when I . . For instance, if there's pressure build-up within the sinuses, it might lead to discomfort or cracking noises as you move your head or face. This sensation can be concerning, especially if it persists or is accompanied by other symptoms. The eustachian tube, a small passage that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose, helps equalize pressure in your ears. Most often it is harmless, however sometimes it can lead to adve … Feb 25, 2018 路 endotympanic inssuflation with natrium bicarbonat water italy for treatment of sinuses clicking popping sound in ears tinnitus nose congestion stuffy nose st Apr 30, 2024 路 Exploring Treatment Options: How to Deal with A Nose Whistle. Oct 23, 2023 路 Crackling noises in your nose most likely stem from issues in your sinuses. Apr 14, 2023 路 A sinus pop is the sensation of pressure and popping in the sinuses when the mucous membranes become congested. Dec 13, 2011 路 Hello, I have had a strange popping sound in my nose which i can constantly do if I like. The smell is bad but the feeling of my sinuses draining feels so good. My wife swears by the NeilMeds. Apr 14, 2023 路 What is the Clicking Sound in My Nose? The clicking sound in your nose is caused by a small flap of cartilage in your nasal cavity called the nasal valve. The resulting sound can be alarming but is often harmless and temporary. I had a minor operation because my nose bone deviated a little bit to left after an minor accident so doctor suggested to had septoplasty . Clinicians are mostly unaware of it as it is a lesser known habit that has been popularized on social media. 4. This inflammation can lead to a feeling of pressure or pain in the forehead, cheeks, and around the eyes. ! When I use my irrigation machine that sometimes sets them off. Understanding how sinuses function helps clarify why sometimes my nose cracks when I move it. 4 days ago 路 When there is a perforated eardrum, the pressure in the middle ear can fluctuate, leading to the popping sound. Don't release it for 15 minutes. Apart from the annoying nose noise, individuals with squeaky sinuses may experience other physical discomforts and sleep disturbances. When experiencing sinus congestion due to colds or allergies, these cavities may become blocked with excess mucus leading to increased internal pressure dynamics within both sinuses and ears alike—resulting in audible sounds when attempting relief methods such as gentle nose-blowing maneuvers. When this happens, the lining of your sinuses becomes inflamed and swollen, which causes the sounds you hear when air moves through them. Sinuses, located behind the cheeks, nose, and forehead, can become inflamed or blocked due to allergies, infections, or irritants. The sinuses are small, hollow spaces located behind your cheekbones, forehead, and nose. Any disruption in this system can lead to unusual sounds like crackling or popping noises. These sounds are caused by a small part of your ear called the eustachian tube. When fluid and air come together in a small space, there’s usually some noise. Multiple causes: allergies, viral Web-Search: There can be several reasons why you may be experiencing popping noises and pressure in your nose without an obvious sign of a sinus infection. i can't tell if this is from mucus /sinus rattiling?: Hoarse voice: This is likely due to inflammation of your vocal cords. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, colds, flu, sinus infections, and environmental pollutants. This can lead to discomfort and aggravate your sinus infection symptoms like cough, nasal congestion, and throat irritation. Here’s a closer look at some common treatment options: Nasal Strips. Altitude impacts: Rapid ascents/descents cause pressure imbalances in ears. Jun 11, 2021 路 I heard a popping sound and had a sharp pain in my ear after using a sinus rinse Do I need to call my doctor? I seem to have fluid in my ears from sinus drainage and they pop. The condition varies in intensity and can significantly impact your quality of life. In this article, we'll explore the causes, symptoms, and effective treatments for crackling in the ear. Four days later, I called letting them know there is a popping sound in the right side of my nose, which is the side of the extraction site. this saltwater rinse can help get rid of excess mucus from your nose and sinuses that may be contributing to eustachian tube dysfunction. Sinus Infections Mar 26, 2024 路 Use your thumb and index finger to squeeze together the soft portion of your nose between the end and the hard, bony bridge of your nose. Popping candy is a good description. [40M] Caucasian, 170 lbs. Sinus pressure condition can be uncomfortable and affect your day-to-day life. If it’s a sinus infection we can help you figure that out. Dr Google has nothing. : Sinusitis may take weeks to resolve and require mor Dec 24, 2018 路 Having a popping, clicking, or crackling sound in your ear can be annoying but it is mostly nothing to worry about. By click click Mar 9, 2025 路 Neck crepitus refers to clicking, cracking, popping, and crunching sounds in your neck when moving your head. (Nose) & Sinus Problems. temporomandibular joint (lying just in front of the ear), arteries and veins near the ear, muscle contractions in the head and neck, and turbulent airflow in the nose and upper airways. Apr 24, 2024 路 The bubble popping noise in the ear, also known as ear barotrauma or Eustachian tube dysfunction, refers to the discomfort or sensation of pressure changes in the middle ear. Or try the NeilMed solutions. Hydration. Dec 9, 2024 路 The rapid altitude changes while flying can make the Eustachian tube work overtime to adjust the pressure inside your ears. Sometimes they seem to close up and sounds are muffled? Ears with fluid and popping When I play with my kids and they laugh close to my ear it sounds like a broken speaker. Mar 7, 2024 路 If you’re dealing with a clogged ear sinus infection, you’re likely seeking quick relief and understanding why it occurs. I have the same prob loud clicking in my nose and sometimes it herts to. I trained myself how t Dec 7, 2023 路 One example of such an unusual sound is a cracking or popping sound. Several factors can contribute to hearing a squeaking sound in your ears when blowing your nose. Ear Congestion. Regular Check-ups Matter:Regular Check-ups Matter: Near your nose, between your cheekbones and jaw. By the next day, I had a 102-degree fever. This sensation occurs when the Eustachian tube, a small passageway that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat, experiences changes in pressure. As a result, individuals may experience a range of symptoms, including a popping or crackling sound, muffled hearing, ear pain, and even dizziness. The doctor spent 30 minutes in my nose with that little balloon, filling it with saline so it would expand. metafilter. These infections can exacerbate nasal squeaking sounds by inducing congestion and mucus buildup in the nasal passages. Sep 17, 2020 路 However, sinus pressure is even more likely to pop up if you have a sinus infection or if your allergies are acting up. But, I have had sinus issues going on 3 years. Learn about the anatomy of sinuses and nose, the possible causes of bubbles in sinus, and how to get online doctor referrals for diagnosis and treatment. These noises are caused by a tiny part of your ear called the eustachian tube. Nov 23, 2020 路 Some of the most common causes of a constant, clear runny nose include allergies, infections, and nasal polyps. I have been doing some research and people say this is caused by sinusitis but they experience pain with theirs. When you blow your nose, air can rush through, causing vibrations that produce sound. Apr 3, 2022 路 why do I hear popping sounds in my nose? sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses. I've heard myself snore more than a dozen times and that is a completely diff sound. com/15492/Popping-noise-in-nose#265379 Try a sinus rinse. Exposure to loud noises is one of the leading causes of tinnitus. One of the side effects was continuous popping noises. Muscle tension: Tense muscles in the neck or jaw can contribute to the popping sound in the head. Seek Medical Attention: Urgent signs include difficulty breathing and cyanosis. Examples include sinusitis , hay fever , allergies , and ear canal problems such as foreign objects and earwax blockage. By improving the drainage in the nasal area, it can help relieve pressure in the middle ear and reduce the crackling sound. The anatomy of your nose and sinus Secondly, I doubt that the cracking noises you hear in your nose are making your nose bigger. Medical Centric Recommended : (Affiliate Links)Thermometer https://amzn. A clicking sound in the nose or facial areas usually just means that you have some fluid built up that is moving around when you move the muscles of your face or jaw. The nasal and sinus passageways are closely linked to the function of the ear and the vestibular system, the sensory system of the inner ear. Sep 7, 2023 路 Recognizing the symptoms associated with squeaky sinuses is crucial for early detection and effective management of this condition. Also called paranasal sinuses, your sinuses are basically hollow cavities. The noise in your ear when blowing your nose is often due to sudden changes in air pressure within the Eustachian tube. These tubes are designed to keep the pressure the same on both the outside and the inside of your eardrum. The tinnitus I learned to live with but the popping developed into a nervous habit of constantly popping my ears and it causes a pretty decent headache by the end of the day, I figured out wearing ear plugs tend to help stop the popping, basically by simply having something physically push outward in my outter ear canal (not the drum or Nasal cracking is the habit of applying pressure to one's nose until hearing a popping noise or feeling a release of pressure. Feb 26, 2024 路 No matter how it occurs, inflamed sinuses and buildup prevent the Eustachian tubes from properly draining mucus from the nose and sinuses, creating a sensation of blocked ears and sinuses, contributing to that bubbly noise. The clicking may be the sound of the turbinate disadhering from the sticky nasal cavity wall, but I’m not 100% certain on that. It started with a high pitched noise that kept increasing, then nothing. So, if you are wondering, why does my nose make popping noises? We try and answer this question here. http://ask. This tube connects the middle ear to the throat and helps equalize pressure. This sound can be intermittent or constant and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as sinus pressure, nasal congestion, or eustachian tube dysfunction. Dec 18, 2024 路 Your ears can feel congested due to sinus congestion, altitude changes, middle ear issues, wax buildup, and more. Dizziness can often accompany this ear popping sensation. Drink plenty of water to ease your symptoms faster. After it does the popping thing, all of the stuff in my nose would just go away. I am not having any pain with this annoying sound in my noise. Ear popping is a common sensation where you feel pressure changes in your ears, often accompanied by a popping sound. Here are some possible causes: 1. Edit: also to add, GI problems, like GERD can impact the esophagus and throat/sinus. When these become blocked with mucus or Mar 3, 2025 路 Crackling sound in sinuses are often linked to sinus conditions due to inflammation, congestion, or mucus movement. Nasal strips are adhesive strips applied externally to the nose. As a result, air may escape suddenly when you blow your nose, leading to that squeaky noise. Feb 5, 2015 路 Some people experience clicking in the nasal base after rhinoplasty, and occasionally some feel clicking or popping as your lower lateral cartilages are moved past the bottom of your nasal septum. popping noises in nose aftee blowing it. I consulted my doctor/surgeon who had the septoplasty done. However, severe or lasting symptoms need a doctor’s evaluation. Treatment Options: Lifestyle changes and medications help manage noisy breathing. Yesterday, they were distracting; today, they are slightly painful and coupled with a miserable sinus headache. Since these conditions are known to cause swelling within the sinuses, pressure (and subsequently, facial pain) is a common side effect. Weird Feelings in head Misfired brain nerves causing noises in the head Audible noise when moving my eyes Ear pressure and Ringing noise. The ear consists of three main parts: the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. Common Causes: Allergies, infections, and anatomical issues can lead to noise. Whether it’s a one-time exposure to a loud concert or prolonged I experience those types of noises, sometimes I'm aware of them in my ears as well. Hyperacusis can cause voices (including your own) to sound distorted or loud, cause a popping sensation in the ear, worsen tinnitus, and other discomforts related to sound. Sinus infections can trigger inflammation that blocks the Eustachian tube, leading to clogged ears and discomfort. I've got chronice sinusitus does anyone experience a popping/cracking noise in there nose and kinda like behind their cheek? If you have some sinus infection symptoms, you may notice that with your sinus infection, you may also hear a popping noise. This can be because you had an altitude change, went underwater, or simply yawned. Understanding the underlying causes and exploring effective treatments is essential for individuals troubled by crackling in the ear. Oct 9, 2020 路 A number of conditions affecting the upper respiratory tract and ear canals can lead to the perception of a clicking or popping sound in the area of the ear of jaw. Aug 21, 2024 路 Sinus infections, also known as sinusitis, refer to the inflammation of the sinuses, characterized by facial pain, a congested or runny nose with viscous mucus, and swelling of the sinuses. Keep holding your nose until the bleeding stops. Also, drink lots of water, blow nose, deep breathe, and lay face down off the side of your bed (head hanging) as much as tolerated. It isn’t uncommon to hear a crackling or popping sound when there’s a change in pressure in your ear. Have you recently experienced any symptoms like congestion, runny nose, or nasal discharge along with the popping sound in your nose? 2. Conditions like allergies, colds, or sinus infections can block these tubes, causing more frequent pressure changes and popping sounds. Sep 21, 2022 路 The crackling noise in the ear can vary from a light popping sound to a persistent crackle that accompanies every word spoken or swallow taken. I follow up with a saline rinse to get rid of the smell. The same tubes we’ve talked about that join your middle ear, throat, and nose can become affected by any issues within your sinuses, including seasonal allergies. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. . Your nose is a space that was designed to provide necessary air to your body. Sinusitis: This is a common condition that results from inflammation of the sinuses. It’s critical that you stay hydrated, especially if you’re congested. You might find that when taking off or descending in an aircraft your ears pop more than usual due to changes in the altitude. Sinus clicking sound, also known as nasal clicking, is a condition where a person experiences a clicking or popping sound in their sinuses or nasal passages. When blowing your nose during an allergy attack or sinus infection, mucus buildup may block airflow through these tubes. Apr 16, 2024 路 Sinus dizziness can happen with sinus infections, allergies, or nasal polyps. Oct 11, 2023 路 The Eustachian tube connects your ear to the back of the nose. D. Acute sinusitis or allergies usually improve with essential remedies. Don’t be alarmed at the clicking sound in nose. What is that? Sorry if I explained it weirdly. Any ideas what this might be? My allergist said there’s small openings at your sinuses and that could have something to do with it, but I’ve tried 3 allergy sprays so far and the only thing that mildly helps is irrigating the hell out of my nose before I go to sleep with extra strength saline spray. The popping or clicking noises in your ears are normal and shouldn't concern you. Also, I know this is strangely specific but I cannot make “n” or “m” sounds without speech sounding very restricted and rounded off… my nose is completely clear and no mucus but still so much Jul 29, 2024 路 Experiencing sinus pressure and ear pain can be discomforting, often occurring concurrently due to their interconnected anatomy. Do you have any allergies or a history of sinus infections that could potentially be related to this new occurrence in your nose? 3. Inflammation from nasal polyps or sinus infections can cause dysfunction in the auditory tube, impacting balance and equilibrium. If the tube is blocked or not functioning correctly, the result can be a popping noise or even a bubble popping noise as air is slowly released from the middle ear. Yes, a hole in the nose sounds strange, but a septal perforation can be a potentially painful and serious condition. The noise is produced by anatomical structures that are near the ear, e. Most often, the common cold, flu, allergies or sinus inflammation are causes of blockage of the Eustachian tube. Here’s what you need to know: May 24, 2023 路 When these tubes become blocked or inflamed, they can cause a clicking or popping sound in the ear when blowing the nose. Consult a healthcare professional if it becomes bothersome. Mar 11, 2020 路 Hi, Ive had a sinus infection 4 months doctors says everythying looks fine (camera and the tool they use) got a scan in 2 weeks - Ive suffered with ongoing colds on and off, face pain and now my ears pop too. Ever since I was younger, whenever my nose was clogged and i was laying dowm, there has been this popping noise/feeling in my nose. Jul 2, 2024 路 What Causes Ear Popping? The Eustachian Tube and Pressure Changes. When the Eustachian tubes are blocked or malfunctioning 1. Jan 17, 2025 路 Bubbling Noises Causes by Allergies. If ear popping is Barosinusitis, or sinus barotrauma, is a condition that describes the varying degrees of sinonasal injury and/or inflammation that result when the aerated spaces of the nose and sinuses are exposed to an uncompensated change in ambient pressure. It usually happens a few times before I finally fall asleep. Acute sinusitis, or a sinus infection can bring a great deal of mucous and fluids into the sinus cavities bringing a myriad of noises when these move around through the blowing of the nose, or Is it normal for my ear to pop frequently after blowing my nose? Frequent popping may indicate that your Eustachian tubes are not functioning properly. Allergies and Sinus Issues. g. When the sinuses become congested, it can lead to pressure changes in the ear, causing a popping or crackling sound. Its making me feel like im losing my mind. Ear popping occurs due to changes in air pressure around you. Treatments for Popping Sound in the Ear Now that we have discussed the possible causes of the popping sound in the ear let's look at some treatments to alleviate the discomfort. It opens periodically, like when you swallow or yawn. That is when they told me there was a small sinus perforation, which they described as routine. to/465qJkNOximeter https://amzn. to/48etrFSBlood pressure machine https://amzn. Steam inhalation May 29, 2024 路 Another unique sound is a crackling or bubble popping in the ear, often compared to the noise that a bowl of Rice Krispies makes after pouring milk over them or even a popcorn sound. Allergies can cause inflammation and congestion in the nasal passages and Eustachian tubes. I had the balloon sinuplasty in 2018. The sensation you feel is when a turbinate moves to unblock the nasal passage on one side. This sound can be intermittent or constant and may vary in intensity. Spray your nose with a decongestant nasal spray like Afrin (oxymetazoline), which constricts blood vessels and slows bleeding. Key Takeaways: Breathing Noise Breathing Noise Variability: Noisy breathing can indicate various conditions. Edited for accuracy. If you also experience pain, balance problems, or hearing loss, a doctor can help Feb 8, 2021 路 It’s not uncommon to hear a popping or crackling sound when the pressure in your ear changes. My dad has sinus problems quite a bit and allergies really bad. But even then sometimes it happens anyway. While a sinus rinse can be helpful for relieving congestion and sinus symptoms, it is important to use caution to avoid potential complications such as crackling in ear after sinus rinse. Feb 24, 2021 路 We can tell you this – it’s not Rice Krispies. What Is A Sinus Infection? Your sinuses are just hollowed spaces located in a few positions in your skull. Nov 18, 2016 路 What is Sinus Pressure? Sinus pressure occurs when the sinus cavities in your face become inflamed, often due to an infection or allergies. Takes care of sinus – It’s a successful way of calming your sinus symptoms as any other traditional sinus treatment is: Side effects – Although sinus rinses are safe, certain regular users complain of side effects like nasal irritation, nosebleeds, and headaches. It's scary because sometimes my sinuses pop loudly then I can't smell or taste or feel sensation for hours afterward, and there may be pain and dizziness/confusion. The back of your nose and your ears are connected by the eustachian tubes. why do i sometimes hear/feel a kind of crackling or popping in my sinuses?: Congestion: You should see and ENT. Nasal clicking sound is a condition where a clicking or popping noise is heard when breathing through the nose. In front of your ears, on both sides of your face. They suggested I take Sudafed, which I did. Dec 21, 2020 路 I had a molar extracted. But after few months now sometimes when I breathe it sound like whistle from left side of my nose. Jan 13, 2025 路 Sinus congestion can lead to ear ringing, or tinnitus, affecting millions of people worldwide. Sinus rinses are a popular home remedy for nasal congestion and sinus pressure, but many individuals may experience a crackling sensation in their ear after performing the rinse. This article dives into the symptoms, explores the anatomical connection between your sinuses and ears, and outlines home remedies and medical Understanding why ears pop and hurt requires a closer look at ear anatomy. Ears pop from pressure changes: Common during altitude shifts or sinus issues. After my rhinoplasty + septoplasty back in 2016 I was blowing these out of my nose for MONTHS. nose, and throat (ENT) specialist or an audiologist. Thank you. May 13, 2019 路 If your nose whistles, it could be a sign you have a hole in your nose—one that’s not supposed to be there. Dec 9, 2024 路 This can be particularly beneficial if you have a stuffy nose or sinus congestion that is affecting the Eustachian tube. Eustachia I had clogged ears for 6 months because of my sinus infection ,but my ears ain’t clogged anymore but they are making crackling and popping sound whenever I swallow anything . Addressing a whistling nose often requires a comprehensive approach that targets the underlying cause while providing symptomatic relief. Even thought the mycotoxin problem is long gone, I'm still continuing to lose my sense of smell and sensory nerve function, and it often worsens after these incidences. A bad smell in my opinion, could be a blocked sinus. People who experience a clicking sound or popping noise from these areas usually are already experiencing some discomfort around their nose or sinuses. Apr 3, 2023 路 Blowing your nose too hard can cause your ears to pop, as the excess force relieves pressure in the eustachian tube. Feb 22, 2005 路 For the past two days, I've heard and felt repeated popping noises/sensations in my nose, sort of like I shoved some pop rocks up there (I didn't) . Sinusitis: Inflammation of the sinuses can create pressure imbalances, leading to a popping sound in the head. Nasal Decongestants If the popping sound is due to This table summarizes some common causes of popping sounds experienced during swallowing. The outer ear captures sound waves and funnels them down the ear canal. Consider consulting with a rhinoplasty specialist for an evaluation. Finally, hearing a bubble pop in your ear or feeling like bubbles are in one or both ears can be connected to either an allergy or a sinus problem. Common Causes of Ear Squeaking. or sinus issues. When the nasal valve is not functioning properly, it can cause a clicking sound when you inhale or exhale. Nov 11, 2024 路 This can lead to a crackling or popping sound in your ear. Try gargling with hydrogen peroxide, then salt water, 3 times a day for a week. I still don't have an answer. Yes I hear a bubble popping sound usually when I’m stuffed up followed by terrible smelling (green-yellowish) mucous draining from my sinuses. If all else is fine with your nose, this should not be a significant issue. The popping sound in your ear happens when you swallow, yawn, or blow your nose. Consulting with an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist) becomes crucial if symptoms persist despite home remedies or worsen over time. Any pocket of hollowed space can be inhabited by fluid and air. i'm still getting over a sinus infection on med second one won't go away?: Nasal sprays/M. Warm salt water will work. rnam ngttk xgqz tepo xsfqh och oontnw eyrtslz iblv qmtai rpch hsd kdssl xyydgqxr sianh