Multivalue error in detail object where there are 3 days missing, it adds 3 new rows to the table), but instead of showing the actual dates, each row shows "multivalue error". columns are FD(dimension), GAP(dimension), REQ (dimension). The report looks like this. I have to get the status depending on the most recent reportcompletedate . both the Column headers and Row headers of the Cross tab are drillable and the body contains a measure which is wrapped in a opendocument. txt" will provide the same scenario whereas you would be using it as a file load. But I need to show just two columns Sales Month-Year and Sum aggregated, and bottom count(sum):7 and sum(sum): 263. Apr 7, 2017 · You must be a registered user to add a comment. Once I checked the Avoid Row aggregation it gave me the output like above. I think both objects are trying to insert more than one value because the values in the other objets are different. Debbie Sep 1, 2015 · 2. has more than 1 student) 124567 345678 #Mulitivalue(OrderNo. Please help me how to overcome #Multivalue issue . You could also make address a variable, Detail object of the linking objects - that will also help… Apr 5, 2009 · Try using where instead: =Sum([Misc Amount1]+[Misc Amount2]+[Misc Amount3]+[Misc Amount4]+[Misc Amount5]/[# of Units Sold]) where ([# of Units Sold]<>0) Error: "#Multivalue" when using a formula in Web Intelligence report. All objects in UNiverse are set to Dimension already. How do i get all the objects including Merge dimension in one block? I tried creating detail object based on the Merge dimension object but did not work. So, I have one individual who changed roles half way through the month. Also, what objects do you want to display from each? Mar 4, 2016 · Then I created a variable [__reopened_incident] of type dimension object just to SEE all result variables in the table (counting on the common, splitting behavior of dimension objects). As I said, a detail must have a one to one relationship with its owning measure. Also, if you still get a multivalue error, add a function Sum() over the whole formula and Mar 2, 2015 · I've run into an issue with the WEBI report I am making. Sep 17, 2010 · You must be a registered user to add a comment. Upgrading Web Intelligence report results in #MULTIVALUE errors for reports with two or more queries using a variable that contains objects from multiple queries; Migrating WebI reports with multiple queries using multiple data sources will display #MULTIVALUE where a variable uses dimensions from 2 different queries; Read more Jun 9, 2014 · I have data of employees entering time by day and time can be billable and non-billable. So its these objects that you have to make detail objects. If I cut and paste SQL it runs fine in Oracle 10g. The data in some of the rows displays as #MULTIVALUE and some of them display the value. For one class it has 6 measures and 3 dimensions. Mar 3, 2016 · In the Available Objects panel, drag the Year and the newly created Month_Detail objects to the report. (2nd data provider) Student name(3rd data provider) SKU OrderNo. Really the only option to pass more than one value to an opendocument is to use the concatenation. To build a report I’m using 2 data providers from same universe. The report also have Sub totals and no breaks. But I want the report to look like Apr 13, 2016 · You must be a registered user to add a comment. Dec 6, 2013 · You must be a registered user to add a comment. Foreach context will help you to resolve the issue. Otherwise, register and sign in. I'm new to it. for example, you could try =sum(ontime offer count) foreach [dimension object] or you could replace the foreach with forall. g. This strong tying has a profound impact on how webi handles aggregation of values in the variable you create, and can be the cause of many headaches for report developers trying to handle complex reporting requirements. I'm trying to use the variable in another crosstab. 1. Here is the code in question: =If([Group Change Task Status Desc] = "Open") Then([Count of GCT]) ElseIf([Group Change Task Status About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. They work fine in deski. Like my problem was there were 2 values fo Mar 21, 2007 · Have I just found a bug? Running a simple report in XIr2 webi with four objects - 2 dimensions and 2 details. V_Start Date = TimeDim([Start Date Oct 13, 2010 · 1) set the aggregation method of the object to sum (on the advanced tab). In webi, I get multivalue errors in some of the detail cells in the report. Since you have more than one customer and you try to put it in one cell, you get multivalue. 4. Query 1 - 3 dimensions and 1 measure Plant Material Category Stock Query2 - 4 dimensions and 2 measure Plant Material Month Date NetQty Price Nov 30, 2011 · Thanks Debbie. 0 version 14. As mentioned by Neil; it is due to multiple values for each dimension. I gone through similar issue in plant maintenance webi report. Feb 17, 2025 · Hello all, I have created a WebI report for a standard employee roster in a vertical table consisting of name, status, worksite, phone, email, address, etc. End Date (with merged object Tag Name as the associated Dimension) And finally, the Detail / Measure variable to calculate CPK limit (if you create it as a Detail object, select Tag Name as the Associated Dimension). But Status have multiple values for one student. I am trying to create a new object, as a measure showing the Average Gain/Loss on a unit. 2. Merging on Plant Id, Vendor Id, Company Code, Doc Id, Line item id, Material Group Id, Material Id Output on the report Vendor_Id, Web Intelligence XI R2 requires a one-to-one relationship between dimensions and details (this means that a detail object can have one value only for each value of its associated dimension) and does not take detail objects into account when synchronizing data. to get the sum for each dimenstion value used this calculation Sep 23, 2011 · Look at the table / page (report??) display options - there’s a switch, something to the effect display all rows - that may help. A detail has a 1:1 relationship - each person has only one date of birth for example. Check the Avoid duplicate rows aggregation check box. without seeing the report etc it is difficult to give you the correct syntax. Student Name 124567 156789 #Mulitivalue(OrderNo. 168. So, go to unvierse - > right click and change it to default agreegation or sum. To avoids this jus add some aggregate function before it like sum() or avg(). Does anyone know alternate method to add incompatible object to report after merging, instead of converting it to detail? Apr 14, 2016 · Create Detail object (variable) for Q2. 1354932-Error: Business Objects Enterprise XI 3. But When I try to add the objects from 2nd Universe I see incompatible object. Jan 16, 2013 · SAP BO, BI , BOBJ , Business objects , BO , BO interview questions , BUsiness objects interview questions , business objects pdf, business objects doc Dec 13, 2014 · IT works the same, simply merge on customer id, drop the dimensions from the n relationship, concatenate merged Customer No and Product Id [conc] = FormatNumber([Customer Id];"0000")+[Product Id] create detail Order No with associated dimension = [conc]. The variable looks like this When I try to display rows in same report, but #MULTIVALUE ERROR occurred. I'm using WebI rich client to create our Sales reports. I actually wouldn’t mind in the cases where there are multiple values for my report to show two rows for the customer. Just would like to let you know that, the solution which you have given to resolve the query was been tried by me initially but it did not worked. Dec 20, 2007 · Hi All, I’m using BO XI R2 with SP2. Basically, I’m getting MULTIVALUE errors for some (but not all) objects being pulled through from a linked query. Sep 10, 2007 · I have real problems with detail objects in XIr2 - they quite often give me MULTIVALUE errors in webi reports, instead of generating another data line. Jul 15, 2010 · Hi, Multivalue is typical of BOXI trying to return two values into 1 cell - it simply cant cope with it. S. Dec 7, 2022 · Here is my sample data (top two tables) and merged data with the #MULTIVALUE issue (bottom table). To avoid the time required to change the BW query (and the associated QA process/testing), we have changed the 2 fields used to calculate the cycle time (Measure we were getting #MULTIVALUE) to SUM instead of database delegated, in the universe. Thursday, December 24, 2015. How can i do that? Thanks, Mar 29, 2016 · Hi Varun, Exception Aggregation are choosen in BEx. But, if i try to do it as a formula, for example, I put a blank cell and called it Business Address. Note that if the assumption is not true (one project_manager, description, RAG, status, . 1 SP7. I have a variable whose value is based on the values in another column. 3. May 10, 2012 · Hence I am getting #MULTIVALUE ERROR I have gone thru many formus and no where there is a solution to this. Feb 26, 2010 · Please add other objects in the report by querywize. They both come from the same table: SubCategory Code : SKILL_MAINTENANCE. May 5, 2023 · You must go the fonction ‘in’ with that ‘in (User] + “,”+ [Var_UserGrp] ) . May 28, 2008 · Hi Guys, I have a report where there is a cross tab. In the formula for one of aggreagated measures, I created a key figure formula that is the "Status of ticket priorities". Yeah, I tried that, but no joy. Based on point no 3, not able to verify whether the subtotals are been calculated correctly. Oct 29, 2009 · Try this =Concatenation([CaseAgingAllWithOUTIntake]. Comment Oct 10, 2007 · I have a SubCategory Code object and a detail object which SubCategory Desc when running a query with both these objects the SubCategory Desc shows #multivalue. SUB_CATEGORY_DESC Example data is : Code Desc 01 AIRS 01 ICS 02 AAA The above example clearly shows that Oct 20, 2010 · Thank you Ingo. png Query1 : ID,Resource, Actuals Query2: ID, Division Output : Division, Sum(Actuals) I am trying to achieve an output Oct 4, 2022 · Hello both. This key figure is a If/Then/Else, where in some 40-50 measures have been About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. MarkP January 30, 2013, 9:21am . Hope this helps. I did a search on this issue but didn’t see the exact answers. Unfortunately, now there is a problem that the Level 3 committees are not aggregating in the correct Level 2 Committee Section ("Administrative Committee", "Technical Committees"); all of the Level 3 committees are in Jul 16, 2014 · Hi jay. The coding seems to be fine, but once the object is dragged into my report, I am getting the #MULTIVA&hellip; Nov 3, 2014 · I have created one universe with 13 classes. They should be details of the (merged) work_id. It’s the problem that context. But the tables used in the two dataproviders donot have any join at the universe level. Name IP. I have used the following formula, but it s giving me #Multi value in Status column. you can only have a 1:1 relationship between the detail variable and merged dimension. Tags: business objects, input control, multivalue, sap, web intelligence Sep 27, 2012 · Solved: Hello, I have a set of data like the following: Item Price Allocation About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Unmerged dimension objects from the first query you select. Based upon the different value of object add that object in measure object formula by using the foreach context syntax. When you say you get a #DATASYNC, please can you give us more information on the two data providers, such as the full set of dimensions, details and measures for each. For example, State and City might be two dimension objects in your universe. May 1, 2014 · The problem appears to be the relationship between the objects. I’m tracking episodes and outcomes, and given that the initial episode outcome may indicate the need for more work, the final outcome may be 2 or 3 episodes down the chain. And there you have it. If GAP/REQ values are more than one for any of the query, #MULTIVALUE ERROR occurs. I’m creating a report that shows sales data by Zone, Region, Territory, etc! I have a drill filter on Zone and a cell within my report that gives you the Zone that you’re currently in; East, West, South, North…etc! When I have the filter set on Jan 22, 2008 · Hi BO gurus, I have a table A (at article and unit of measures level) ie one article is having mutiple unit of measures and table B is fact table (at article and site level) and is joined to article and site dimension &hellip; Nov 4, 2017 · Hi WebI experts, I searched in multiple forums to get the answer but I was not able to . Comment Jun 25, 2013 · Hi RUC, Please find the steps below: The steps mentioned by you above are all right. Comment Sep 6, 2017 · Hello, I'm a beginner using Business Objects,I use Business Objects to analyze the Down Time of a set of machines. [Reimb Service Typ Descr]; " Aging Detail") I think this is what you want to bring the two values togther. In the Display Settings section of Format Table. In the report layout the objects displayed is coming from base dimension and not merged dimension. 0 SP6 that throw #MULTIVALUE errors: Using filters on object details with multiple values; #MULTIVALUE when aggregating dimension variables manually qualified as measures; Kind regards, Tom May 11, 2016 · Solution to your issue: As you're trying to show all the City names ([City] object) in the Title when you select All values in Input Control, it's rightly giving MultiValue error, you need to use the formula =Reportfilter([City]) in the Title or if you want to show as "All Cities", then try the below blog. Tags: business objects, input control, multivalue, sap, web intelligence Dec 20, 2013 · I'll confirm that iti is correct. When I dragged those detail objects in the report, the cells are displaying #MULTIVALUE. Jan 24, 2011 · #Multivalue means multiple value for that particular object is shown in one cell like or that single cell has number of values which can't be shown in single cell. I ended up having to convert all the detail objects back to dimension objects. Firstly, thank you for looking at this and for your feedback. City is a lower level of granularity than State. Dell 192. Any thoughts on how I can display multiple rows instead of the multivalue error? Dec 24, 2015 · How to handle #MULTIVALUE on Business Objects. 3. On Report, I just want to show studentno and Status columns. When I use it, it is not Jun 11, 2016 · Hello everyone on here my name is Fumo Sadiku living in Malindi City Kenyan I want to tell a little more about a good hearten man called Benjamin Breil Lee working with funding service as loan officer, Mr Benjamin Breil Lee helped me get a loan of 37,115,225. No headers, footers or fancy queries. Thanks, Feb 4, 2014 · It is giving multivalue because you have applied the formula in a header/footer cell. what I have given Aug 24, 2018 · Hi Sai, Thanks for giving guidance to my posted query. In addition, for the Measure object to display for all States, you need to create an If-Else formula to get the Sales Revenue either from Query 1 or Query 2 based on the States. 2 Sep 23, 2016 · First I dragged the Merged dimension and objects from 1st Universe. The dates need to be continuous for one month (i. ) then you'll be OK. Search for additional results. Oct 30, 2004 · bohari (BOB member since 2004-10-30). I want to divide the down time in two kinds, Micro Stoppages and Corrective stoppages, which one is which? If the stoppage is longer than 15 minutes, it will be Corrective, if not it wi Oct 14, 2014 · You must be a registered user to add a comment. So after running the Report I created the Detail objects for the objects fetched from 2nd data provider. Oddly enough if I define a measure with that equation it will return the correct result when used in the detail report, but still gives a #MULTIVALUE in the cross-tab. I know that the data in the multivalue cells is unique in each row Mar 19, 2017 · in case of multiple merged objects you need to figure out which one is relevant for the detail variable. 31) which is why I created a variable using the TimeDim() function for my datetime object as follows. Apr 23, 2024 · Create Detail Objects. Exact report runs fine in deski. Mar 20, 2018 · Actually, I'm not sure if using my "sample-data. No measure objects. User can click on the measure at any point (drill state) to go to the detail report. transaction count, cost value, etc. I want to show a column chart where I show the number of employees categorized as per following buckets based on their NB% "75% and Above", "50-75%" and "0-50%" To achieve this I created a variable (measure) f Sep 20, 2020 · Hi All, I am trying to create a Webi report with two columns - "Date" and "Total Accounts". Jan 1, 2, 3, 4,. Mar 31, 2009 · Hello, I am using BO XIR2. #MULTIVALUE means that BO is expecting only one value in a cell and you are trying to present two or more. P. system October 30, 2004, 10:31pm . Jan 16, 2009 · Hi, I have created a simple report with three different data providers. If you've already registered, sign in. 2 Jun 16, 2017 · Bear with me, this is quite involved. May 15, 2009 · per work_id. Otherwise you get multivalue errors. It contains an IF clause to return the Incident ID of all records, where the condition is met. If i put another blank cell and go to formula editor and click the same object, then I keep getting #MULTIVALUE. e. what you need to do is use calculation contexts to resolve the issue. when I try to create a report with the class which is having 6 measures and&hellip; Jul 17, 2007 · so if u migrate a report from 6. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. 32 for which I get Multivalue&hellip; Apr 29, 2008 · Hello, Thanks for your Reply, i have already tested my Count of Contracts Variable, working fine. The scenario I'm describing is using a Star-Schema with a Fact Table and AT_FISCAL_CALENDAR as my Date Dimensions. 00 Shillings on my trying time trying to get back on my feet to raise my business I know there are some of you here who are in financial Mar 23, 2011 · Multivalue occures only if you are getting more than 1 value in a result and inserting it into one single cell. As the only objects available in the universe are episode (various Sep 5, 2013 · If i just drag the objects into my structure, all the data for that object come. This allows WebI to sum the values pulled back on the two different key values. . SAP Help Portal provides comprehensive online assistance for SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence. 0. Notes: When creating a report that displays objects from multiple queries, you can include: Any merged dimension objects. let say you have EMP ID,Section in one query and in second query EMP ID, Section,Name. I have 2 queries . I gone Dec 12, 2016 · Hi, I have three columns Studentno , reportcompletedate and Status . Each class having 2 measures and some dimensions. Hope this helps, Marianne. Dec 24, 2015 · How to handle #MULTIVALUE on Business Objects. Every thing works fine except when the first level of hierarchy has multilevel we get the #MULTIVALUE instead of the Apr 27, 2011 · Hi, What if its duplicating and i still want to bring the value in my report. I should also hint that I display another dimension (ID-Number) alongside the dates, and that some days have multiple, different ID-values associated. Nov 13, 2011 · This qualification assigns a “strong” type of either a measure, or a dimension (or a detail) kind of object to your variable. Dell #Multivalue. You tried to do this, only you hooked them up to the wrong dimension object. Sep 3, 2014 · It depends. 2) use the key as the master/dimension object and the caption/description as the detail. Comment Sep 21, 2012 · The multivalue is not caused by the measure (the count), but by the customer dimension object. for one dimension object their should be only one detail object Jul 6, 2015 · Dimension objects and Detail objects have a fundamental difference: Dimension objects usually represent a different level of granularity. i. Nov 23, 2018 · Hi All, I have two queries as below : capture1. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). 4. If you want to create measures (e. Place the two objects adjacent to each other to create a new table. Measure objects from either query. I have details as in First table. And on your note, any of the infoobjects can cause this behavior. Apr 2, 2014 · The function fills the date successfully (e. i need to resolve it from the dB level level and it further got resolved in the report level as i refreshed the report. Comment May 13, 2011 · Try creating a detail object (for the object you are getting multi value error) and select the its associated dimension objects and try to select the options; Avoid duplicate row aggregation and; Extended Merged dimension values in document properties; Hope this helps… Sep 12, 2014 · I'm working in BOXI 3. You must create detail objects for unmerged dimension objects from any additional queries. But has the issue. I am using BOXI 3. The problem I’m having is the phone object has different value types (cell, home, work, etc) so I’m getting multiple rows with the same data ex Aug 19, 2014 · Hi, We have 5 Data providers. Oct 1, 2008 · Hi Everyone, First time poster to the board hopefully you all can help me out. Apr 20, 2010 · If the detail object were a number/date, I know I could use the max/min functions to get around this, but the detail object is a text field. May 14, 2012 · Hi, I am using BO XI R3 Webi Rich Client. How are you selecting the month ? If by a prompt, then you can use the formula =UserResponse("<PromptTextForMonthSelection>") If you are using input control to select the month and the scope is entire report, you can use the formula: =ReportFilter([Month Object]) palahyd (BOB member since 2012-08-06). Mar 11, 2019 · I changed the report objects to the dimensions instead of the detail, as you suggested, and that fixed the #MULTIVALUE problem. Hi Yuvraj, Did the same is I use the Sum([Measure]) it will give total sum in this ex 70. SKU(1st data provider) Order No. has more than 1 student) 123567 147889 Lie,kale(Only one student) I have tried creating detail for Student name also Oct 15, 2013 · We have Business Objects 4. 5(which supports one -to-many relationship which has one dimension and many detail objects),then u will get a MULTIVALUE ERROR. I’ve merged FD’ s, then i define a detailed variable for GAP as detail of FD and I did the same for REQ. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview. If you want to use details, yes. [Status] where ([reportcompletedate] = Max Feb 19, 2013 · So IP is created as a detail associated with Name in Universe. 1 FP3 SP3 and backend is SQL Database. so to solve the problem change the relation to one-to-one in XIR2. SUB_CATEGORY_CODE SubCategory Desc : SKILL_MAINTENANCE. My Requirement is i have CustomerID----->Contract Id(hierarchy) there is a possibilty some of the Customers having more than one contract id, if the Customer having morethan one contractid i have to show blank in another column called SysName else sysnema of that customer. Comment Jun 11, 2019 · The following two sections highlight changes implemented post your old version 4. vtvnm vhgkdyw yhhfu gqpt bvaw lznokolw ytwfor wldbzy ltqzhd zbjpbto spgl siuv rwbrqa mkxbcp liwzsc