Ios remove subview constraints May 9, 2014 · So I guess I can only let the cell do its autoresizing thing, and remove the auto resizing constraint in code. Your completion completely finished log should be timestamped about 1s after the doing animation log. – I have a UIView that contains multiple UIView subviews that has its own constraints. Calling this method removes any constraints that refer to the view you are removing, or that refer to any view in the subtree of the view you are removing. 2016-12-09 00:56:26. Make the view rounded, Using IBInspectable and IBDesignable, Taking a snapshot, Create a UIView, Shake a View, Utilizing Intrinsic Content Size, Programmatically manage UIView insertion and deletion into and from another UIView, Animating a UIView, UIView extension for size and frame attributes, Create UIView using Autolayout Mar 9, 2018 · I tried my own "placeholder in a UITextView" implementation. When yes is pressed a subview needs to be generated right under it and when no is pressed the subview need to disappear(not just hide, but remove itself). For this to work, I need to use non-required priorities for all of the vertical constraints inside the orange box. Jul 6, 2015 · try to update the constraints in the method used to return cell to tableview in data source delegation instead of the method layoutSubviews in cell. NSArray *LogoConstraints = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:logoConstraint_0,logoConstraint_1,logoConstraint_2,logoConstraint_3,nil]; [top_bg addConstraints:LogoConstraints]; Mar 25, 2017 · What I did so far? I have simple viewcontroller with UIView() added as subview. tag == 1000 { subview. firstAnchor == heightAnchor else { continue } constraint. contains("width == - 16") { subView. 0 and have tableViewCell and its subview. Oct 21, 2015 · I'm adding a subview to navigationbar , problem is that im unable to add constraints to it . only affected the relationship of the contentSize and the subviews) and to set the actual size of the subviews, you had to reach to the scroll view’s superview: Jan 14, 2018 · subview 2 is now constrained to subview 1 with a constant of 50 Updating and animating constraints. Now I want to add a UILabel to this view programmatically and position it in the center using auto layout constraints. Sep 16, 2020 · SubView Constraints. May 21, 2015 · One of the subviews I want to remove altogether so the adjacent subview can expand to fill that space via constraints. To remove this subview I use: obstacles. Just use a scroll view. It will usually be more complicated than just deactivating the constraints connected to the now-hidden view. This is the solution: I created the subview and i add a gesture to remove it @IBAction func infoView(sender: UIButton) { var testView: UIView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 568)) testView. The is Active property automatically adds and removes the constraint from the correct view. Discussion. Sorry for the noise. removeConstraints() someSubview. 3. And call cell. For example: view has width and height for show and replace constraint where width and height will be zero for hide view. Inside of that I'm trying to add subviews to it, such as a uipickerview and a segment control. I have an UITableView with 2 section. Tableview is disabled for ipad and collection view is disabled for iphone. My approach was this: I create a UILabel in a UITextView subclass, and I set the constraints of the UILabel to match the size of its Its size is the same as the view-controller's size and I want it to be that way. view addConstraints:@[leftButtonXConstraint, leftButtonYConstraint, widthConstraint, heightConstraint]]; } Also, how do I add this button as a subview of the AVPlayerViewController? Jan 16, 2015 · All of the objects within each of these views are NOT hidden, but are being hidden because the subview itself is hidden (obviously). This means the constraints and subview size are updated at compile time. view. I would still love to know how to dynamically update the constraints and subview sizes when using sizeForItemAtIndexPath. What is happening is that the view keeps its height and force other textfields to collapse or shrink thus breaking the constraints. And before removing navigationBar's subview I removed all constraints from this subview. swift ios adding constraints for several subviews with a loop. Apr 2, 2019 · 制約を一度に有効化/無効化することができますが、add(remove)Constraint(_:)と同じく適切なviewに対してメソッドを呼ばなければならないという問題は残っています。したがって、このメソッドはおすすめできません。 Apr 5, 2023 · 'remove subview' will remove the related constraint. subviews { for constraint in subView. So what sense does it make to set the button's constraints in layoutSubviews? Even if it seems to be working, none of what you are doing makes any sense in layoutSubviews. setVisibility(View. setNeedsLayout() tableView. . and delete this constrains and replace with new constrains if you need change view. If you could also explain the mechanics of such constraints that would help me understand Auto Layout better. In my case, I want to change the view's bounds only. So refresh them by calling layoutIfNeeded() method on subview. The lesson here: Start at the VERY beginning of your view stack and validate each of your subviews along the way before assuming the issue is with your subviews. If you, e. Mar 9, 2018 · You need to change the code sequence i. subviews { subview. want to find and remove the height constraint of a view you can do the following: for constraint in constraints { guard constraint. However, as soon as I make ANY constraints, the whole sub view completely stops showing up in the preview. You do not need to call removeAllAnimations() on each subview. take full size of the tableViewCell). Feb 5, 2018 · I am new to iOS development. All the Labels Lines count is set to zero in the attribute inspector, This enables the label height increase as text of the label is more. Is there a way I can have a subview which fills its entire superview and still set constraints using ctrl-drag with reference to that Oct 19, 2014 · If I drop that method and set a larger Cell Size of the CollectionView's FlowLayout in Interface Builder, it works as expected. Details. If i drawed 200px width in the story board, my code will retrieve the 200 and set the UISearch bar as 200 width. The first section (VoucherCell) will be filled with data from a database. Get Dynamic Vertical Spacing in View of Dynamic Height. You need to modify the constraints on your view to control its new frame, instead of setting the frame directly. There was a conflict with existing constraints. Share Dec 9, 2019 · Scrollview's contentHeight & contentWidth is calculated from its subviews(if used auto layout). when I click the warning (yellow arrow) this shows the warning constraints of the UIView(subview) only, but how come no warning for UITextView is there any constrains or settings that I missed on that view? Sep 18, 2013 · As much as I love autolayout as a concept, I seem to be constantly tripping over implementation details. userInteractionEnabled = true self. layoutIfNeeded() in its parent, at which point its position completely changes (it seems to Dec 15, 2012 · Adding the constraints after the transition call (but before the run loop progresses) works: my prior test of that was invalid :-(. snp. com For UIView (iOS development only), you can safely use makeObjectsPerformSelector: because the subviews property will return a copy of the array of subviews: [[someUIView subviews] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(removeFromSuperview)]; Jan 14, 2018 · If you want to add new constraints to your subview, use remakeConstraints(). The second section (KodeVoucherCell) will be filled with data inputted by the user using a simple form. You're setting the frame of your view directly, but you're using auto layout. UIView1. constraints where constraint. At the same time, the container should update the constant for the constraint that separates the boxes. tag = 100 testView. addSubview(testView) let aSelector : Selector Jun 18, 2013 · iOS add view as subview programatically autolayout conflicting constraints. After dismissing the view and adding again to parent view, the subview constraints are not applied. BUt now I get a constraint ambiguity for a subview within tableview cell when size class is "any width any height". removeFromSuperview() Then it disappears on the screen, but after that all other subviews are set to their original Position. Apr 14, 2015 · In my case, it was only happening on iOS 8. or you can keep outlets to the constraints and remove them accordingly. CellView and cellViewSubview are connected with leading, trailing, top and bottom constraints. for subview in view. First make all constraints inactive and remove from superview, override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) { button. Jun 30, 2017 · I change the height constraint of a subview in my cell in layoutSubviews(), and putting this at the end of viewDidLoad() seems to be working well in my tests: tableView. 0 -> using constraints. ios; swift; or ask your own question. func remove Constraint ( NSLayout Constraint ) Removes the specified constraint from the view. You can also use deactivate() to remove a constraint. override func viewDidLoad() { super. 0 or later, set the constraint’s is Active property to false instead of calling the remove Constraint(_:) method directly. You just add the first constraint of each visual format to the view. Apr 18, 2015 · Presto! The section view now expands, all by itself, driven by the constraints of the labels within it. In order to make the programmatic subview, (in your case the paymentTextField) you have to add this to the subview first and then apply your constraints. Aug 20, 2021 · I've dealt with programmatically creating constraints, but something isn't working this time and I can't figure out what it is. CenterY == View. Jun 18, 2019 · Thanks for the clarification and great explanation. Oct 11, 2015 · Like width or height But, alternatively you can remove your button from its super view (by calling button. Nov 12, 2014 · I need to locate a subview vertical align middle in a view without hardcode the top value 150 using constraint programmatically. constraints]; Lets say I have a ViewController in a . nib file with an IBOutlet imageView as subView with constraints, the imageView is connected to the ViewController class associated with the nib file. How we set constraint for adding subview. I made a constraint to center vertically, and then one to place it 25 pixels from the left edge. 2. – Jul 29, 2020 · Add the constraints to button's superview*/ [self. For example, when I first add a view, I might given it the constraint: @"H:[view(==200)]|" Jan 10, 2015 · Prior to iOS 11, we didn’t have contentLayoutGuide and frameLayoutGuide. Feb 28, 2016 · I have a game, and i want to remove an obstacle. backgroundColor = UIColor. Apr 12, 2019 · extension UIAlertController { func pruneNegativeWidthConstraints() { for subView in self. A colleague found that I needed to first remove any existing constraints before adding the others. Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. 3 Object's width: There are two ways of giving width constrain to a view : a. One of those is that I'm getting really tired of storing constraints that are applied to a given subview so I can remove and replace them later. But when i do this, the view is completely refreshing itself. removeConstraints(self. First add Subview [top_bg addSubview:logoView]; And the apply constraints. 0. 4. 2 height did not update expectedly . Jan 29, 2015 · Leaving the left position unconstrained to anything caused future subviews, who themselves included a left constraint, to push the parent view around to conform to the subview constraints. Here's what works: Jan 16, 2015 · Alternative way is to define two constraints: Center Y Alignment constraint (Superview. Below is the code I have so far. removeFromSuperView) and add it back to the super view to simulate removing constraints. Your code should look like this Jun 1, 2016 · @daniel-rahamim : Sure buddy :) If you are using any autolayout constraint constraint might break because you are manually changing frame to some value which might not satisfy the constraint equation :) This answer is just an attempt to tell you havent done anything wrong its just beyond the frame :) if you autolayout constraint rather then setting frame remove the existing constraint and add Nov 15, 2017 · For anyone who comes across this in the future, this is the solution I came up with by tweaking this answer a little bit. But in theory, the constraints will kick in and set the width to the size of the device e. To remove them: [yourView removeConstraints:yourView. constraints) EDIT: To remove the constraints of all subviews, use the following extension in Swift: Adds multiple constraints on the layout of the receiving view or its subviews. Dec 9, 2013 · But when I try to change the width of the MainView to 500, UIView(green) won't follow the constraints, unlike the uitextview. Jun 24, 2013 · It sort of looks like the first time it's run, the alpha animation isn't happening, which is pretty strange. subView. You still need to return a different size for the cell, and, more importantly, because of cell reuse, you would have to add the view back for the rows where you want that subview. The background is white when I comment out the line which sets the background for the subview, and no background color is set when I uncomment out the line setting the visually formatted constraints for the subview. Jan 24, 2018 · Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. reloadData() Another option, if your design would permit, would be to tell the table to re-calc its cell heights with: Feb 2, 2015 · The question is what constraints do I need to add that would mimic the autoresize mask constraints that Interface Builder creates and would allow subView in the above example to shrink to 0 height as container shrinks. If the constraint code is commented out however, the view once again loads with the appropriate frame (obviously without the constraints being applied). The only problem is that now I can't use ctrl-drag with mouse to set some of the constraints with reference to its superview. I keep an outlet to two of the constraints: the section height constraint, and the last constraint in the height stack of the internal constraints. – Adds multiple constraints on the layout of the receiving view or its subviews. removeFromSuperview() That is all. first add logoView as subview and then add its constraints. Any help is appreciated. Jan 5, 2014 · Once the subview is gone (along with its constraints) this constraint would take over and shrink the superview. Jan 17, 2017 · [LayoutConstraints] Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints. Im getting crash like this . removeFromSuperview() } These code snippets only work in iOS / tvOS though, things are a little different on macOS. Sep 6, 2014 · I am adding a subview to a view and I want it to fill the height and width of the view. May 26, 2019 · viewB has a number of subviews, each with a defined height constant (the lowest of which is also pinned to the bottomAnchor of viewB). Second, here's how I collapse and expand. At some point, auto layout will probably set the frame back based on your constraints. 3. But I want the other subviews to stay, where they where. To remove the view as a subview, send it -removeFromSuperview as usual; the relevant UIStackView will remove it from its arrangedSubviews list automatically. However, this isn't practical in a table view cell. 0 or later, set the constraint’s isActive property to true instead of calling the addConstraint(_:) method directly. 5 testView. 600px. forEach { $0. I wish to achieve something like below: Below is my code so far, Please advise. Call layoutIfNeeded, then remove and update all of your constraints and perform an animated layout as you are now. In android there is a way to hide the visibility to gone. Feb 26, 2016 · In the auto layout environment it is not good to add or remove view's programatically, if it is necessary then you must take care of the respective constraints. I am adding question components dynamically. How does iOS worked? 0. What is the correct way to do this? I tried this: UIView *v = [s Aug 7, 2018 · So my problem is when I have loaded a view from xib and added it to UIView1. Dec 7, 2016 · Then I have pinned its all four sides using auto layout constraints in code and when I run it, it looks like this as expected. I want to toggle (hide/visible) a subview from parent view. Add a setConstraints(withRelationshipTo) method in the swift class that corresponds to the nib file: When developing for iOS 8. [self. layoutIfNeeded() tableView. Add fixed width constraint (consider this constraint as iron rod of fixed width and you have hooked your rubber’s object horizontally with it so rubber’s object don’t shrink or expand) b. All of this functions normally until I alter viewB, by adding a new subView to the bottom of its lowest subview, updating the bottomAnchor constraint, and call self. When applying the same constraints to a Button or ImageView, the constraints are applied perfectly. Mar 30, 2015 · Basically, it looked like I'm not able to do this in the storyboard, that the subview won't dictate the superview as it is added through code. Now once user click on continue I wanted remove subview and add new subview with new question. Oct 4, 2009 · I have a parent UIView with a number of subviews. I can see the smooth change of the height of my subview, but the height of my superview is recalculated immediately after I set the new value for my subview height constraint. By adding the subview to view first, this ensures both views have the same parent. But you are throwing away all constraints except the first of each visual format. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. 2 also increased height constraint 0 to a height of newly added sub-view but nothing will happen. Before I place any constraints, the buttons show up on the preview. 000000> and > because they have no common ancestor. view [self. So my question is: is there way to just remove this uiview's constraints but not its subview, say a button on it still wants to center its self relative to this view's size and May 10, 2018 · If you want to hide a subview, you set its isHidden property to true. I can get it because the subviews constraints not satisfied with the new height. Oct 3, 2014 · Such as Top constraint, Bottom constraint , Vertical centre etc. Jun 15, 2015 · The first View is Having the width constraint of 180 and all the views(V1, V2, V3) are having equal width and equal height constraints. (here is a more detailed link on adding view width constraints) To just modify the existing constraints: Thanks for help. e your self. The isActive property automatically adds and removes the constraint from the correct view. g. It seems one constraint named UISV-canvas-connection is based on the view you are removing:. Jun 26, 2015 · You need to remove animation on the specified view whose constraint or property is being changed in that particular animation. isActive = false break } Feb 20, 2017 · What sense does it make to remove the button and add it again every single time? Also, layoutSubviews is where the autolayout system obeys constraints. Swift 3 add remove subview and its content dynamically. I have successfully removed the subview using the corresponding tag of subview, but I want to arrange the views in scrollview without the gap Jun 25, 2014 · remember the constraint (for show/hide a view) in to variable and remove it constrains. and your are setting anchor from your UIView, you should try setting it relative to ScrollView. layoutIfNeeded() before updating the constraints which will set the cell to default width and height (320, 44 something based on the devices), in case that you can get the Feb 2, 2014 · Add it as a subview, with constraints to give it the right position (you can pin to the top of the outgoing view for this purpose). Each subview priority values : compression = 750 hugging = 250 I'm using a storyboard among with the xib. You may add any number of subviews to a view, and sibling views may overlap each other without any issues in iOS. Ask Question Asked 4 years ago. As a side note if your entire XIB file contains just a scroll view, don't do that. GONE); In iOS. Jul 7, 2015 · Both UIView and UICollectionView have constraints in the following format: H:|[view]| and V:|[view]| (e. The height of V1, V2 and V3 is determined by the content of the labels. However it result in all ViewControllers turning black and behaving oddly. **remakeConstraints()** will remove any existing constraints you have set on that subview and allow you to add new ones. contentView. removeFromSuperview() /* Removes a subview from the list of arranged subviews without removing it as a subview of the receiver. CellViewSubview has visible borders. This is what I have currently: sel When developing for iOS 8. Jul 29, 2016 · What is interesting, is that in my UICollectionView I add a SubView to a single cell, and set the background color to white. I am trying to add a overlay over for all my viewcontrollers by adding this code to my "BaseViewController". Sep 21, 2016 · I use Swift 3. Any suggestions? I have a view controller and inside its view I added a UIView. Bottom) priority = 500; And adjust the priority to determine which contraint should be adopted. Aug 24, 2017 · the layout constraints you have created will place the subview in center. You can specify the relative z-order of subview by adding it using the insert Subview(_: above Subview:) and insert Subview(_: below Subview Oct 7, 2014 · swift 3. Call removeAllAnimations() on the view on whom centerXsettingsBtnConstraint is applied. If the view’s superview is not nil, the superview releases the view. How do I remove the subviews' constraints? //only removes the constraints on self. removeFromSuperview() } } to ensure that you don't remove any subviews you haven't explicitly added yourself. Most likely you did not specify enough constraints to define the complete layout. Aug 16, 2018 · You are trying to activate the constraint with respect to the superView(i. Then my expand/collapse code looks like this: Jun 14, 2015 · then remove only the subviews with that tag in refresh:: let subViews = self. Dec 18, 2015 · In my ViewController,I have a tableView designed for iphone and a collectionView designed for ipad. Sep 27, 2018 · Unfortunately, this does not work as I expect. First time it shows propertly. How to remove constraints from all subviews inside my superview? 0. Dec 31, 2014 · It is pretty simple from iOS 10+ you can simply iterate over all constraints of a view and deactivate it. In android . constraints]; Then you can manually add your own constraints. 792168 appName[59081:4139912] [LayoutConstraints] View hierarchy unprepared for constraint. terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSGenericException', reason: 'Unable to activate constraint with items ; value: 0. So whenever you are adding or removing subviews in scrollview you need to take care of its contentHeight and contentWidth. viewDidLoad() let imagev Jul 9, 2015 · However because the UIView inside my story board has constraints, the frame is not the final width. CenterY) priority = 750; Vertical Space Constraint (SuperView. I'm trying to add xib as a subview to storyboard UIViewController and set But you'll probably run into another problem. alpha = 0. So when you set constraints between a scroll view and its subviews, it acted like contentLayoutGuide (i. removeFromSuperview() when i use above function it remove subViewConstraints and mess up my scroll view constraints. Below I create, set, and them remove a constraint using deactivate(): Aug 24, 2017 · the layout constraints you have created will place the subview in center. Feb 3, 2015 · My best suggestion is to add a constraint to the orange box, setting it's height to 0. debugDescription. isActive = false } button. Note: I used from snapKit. Below I create, set, and them remove a constraint using deactivate(): Adds multiple constraints on the layout of the receiving view or its subviews. For some reasons the constraints are not being updated after UICollectionView lays out it's cells. Aug 27, 2019 · you can add a UIView as a subview of the scrollView (setting proper constraints), then at run-time either remove that view or add your UI elements to it (instead of adding to the scrollView directly). e. Jul 5, 2018 · What i'm trying to achieve. If you want your app to be the #NextBigThing everyone knows you’ll need to add a little flair! Jul 28, 2015 · I'm trying to adjust the UIView's height based on its subview constraints but it won't. E. constraints. Now I re Oct 6, 2013 · You can remove all of the constraints for an object, then add back in the ones you want. I am able to remove subview but contents on subview seems to be still there as I can see its overwriting. removeConstraint(constraint) } } } } This can then be used like this: May 30, 2016 · No, just call subview. Apr 7, 2017 · The loop seems to work fine and displays the Cells/Squares perfectly, however after a while I want to remove all of the squares and also empty the array (but not entirely delete) to make room for a new next grid (which may be of a different size). I use heightForRowAt function to change cellView height. I want to see the height of the superview gradually increasing/decreasing as on of its subviews grows or decreases. You can remove all constraints in a view by doing this: self. I have two states of cellView: default and expanded. scrollView. e your scrollView) That's illegal Your structure is like UIView -> ScrollView -> imageView. If autolayout is not used then you need to set its content size. for instance: someSubview. Do this task once and Sep 5, 2013 · That reason is that a visual format usually defines more than one constraint. subviews for subview in subViews{ if subview. Jan 13, 2017 · When I click the delete button of subview I want to delete this particular clicked subview alone and rearrange the scroll view without any gap of the deleted subview. If you also want to rearrange the remaining views to fill the space previously occupied by the now-hidden subview, then you need to update your constraints accordingly. I have the UIViewController loaded from storyboard and UIView loaded from xib. At my case removing constraints worked like a charm. blueColor() testView. Try this: look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. How should I do it without breaking things? EDIT: Or, from another perspective, how I can make the tableViewCell height flexible (changes with subview height and constraints)? In IB, I have to set its height, right? Apr 15, 2017 · Instead, the view simply seems to disappear from the screen. view) of superView(i. Thinking I could use the tag attribute I've given each of the three subviews a tag (0, 1 and 2), but can't figure out how to use that either (just in case this is useful as providing me with an option of how to do Feb 17, 2016 · I ran into the same problem that you described earlier. I have two buttons, yes/no. view removeConstra Adds multiple constraints on the layout of the receiving view or its subviews. See full list on tutorialspoint. view removeConstraints:self. removeFromSuperview() } Jul 11, 2015 · If not doing the first line, Xcode will complain a whole bunch about constraint conflicts, however adding this line will remove all its subview's constraints as well. I am having difficulty with constraints. Jan 14, 2018 · If you want to add new constraints to your subview, use remakeConstraints(). In your case, what is going wrong is, you have set your first label's top space to the imageView above it and you are completely removing that imageView inside viewDidLoad as per the Dec 9, 2016 · The problem is linked to your view LayoutConstraints. The reason being I want to show a subview that is currently clipped at the bottom. So I needed to add some constraints, and crucially (to avoid it conflicting with the subview's original understanding of things: Jul 15, 2015 · I placed a view within my view controller with three buttons inside it. Top == View. This constraint configuration set up within the prototype cell in storyboard, and the subview is already in place in the prototype, ready to be removed after the cell has been instantiated. Each call to the add Subview(_:) method places the new view on top of all other siblings. Periodically I need to remove a subview and completely remove it from the system.
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