Char to integer in abap Mar 11, 2019 · l_character, l_char_a, l_char_0, l_char_1, l_char_2. int = CONV i( sqrt( 5 ) ) + CONV i( sqrt( 6 ) ). ' INTO DATA(lw_start) DATA(lw_rest). Typical examples of numeric text fields are account numbers and article numbers, postal codes, and so on. Please let me know the way irrespective of number of decimal digits. May 17, 2018 · Hi Team, Char to Integer conversion is not working in ABAP CDS View. Jan 5, 2007 · ABAP Development. ) and separator with space in character variable and condense and then move to your required variable. converting character to integer!! data a(3) type c value '123' data b type i. 52 where casting from CHAR to INT is not possible according to the matrix in the documentation. Below is the code snippet,Please Have a look. Programming Tool. Mar 16, 2009 · when uploading the excel file into an Internal table, I need the values entered in Exponential form to be convered into Integer. if sy-subrc 0. Each position in one of these fields takes up enough space for the code of one character. I want to add a integer to a string. thanks amit Sep 3, 2014 · 1. regards !! Lic. Mar 17, 2010 · Move statement works while moving a char variable to a curr variable. now when A = 'ab' (non-numeric value) i want this to be converted in '000ab' so, is there any standard Function module or any other way for doing this conversion ? I tried DATA int TYPE i. Mit CONV wird der Vergleichstyp des zweiten Vergleichs so beeinflusst, dass der Vergleich wahr ist. ), you have to remove them as well. This way it formats perfectly in the column on my report/form. So, in such a case, we can change CHAR datatype to INT by having NUMC as intermediate, CHAR --> NUMC --> INT. Result: The Decfloat34 data type has an unexpected result in lines 3,4,8 and 9. I need to have the leading zereos. – EXPORTING Parameters details for CHAR_INT_CONVERSION INTSTRING - Data type: AM61K-CLINE Optional: No Call by Reference: No ( called with pass by value option) Copy and paste ABAP code example for CHAR_INT_CONVERSION Function Module The ABAP code below is a full code listing to execute function module POPUP_TO_CONFIRM including all data Aug 2, 2012 · I have an ALV grid where all the columns are being populated with CHAR data. Beispiel Der erste logische Ausdruck ist nach den Vergleichsregeln für zeichenartige Datentypen falsch. Jan 30, 2009 · I move a quantity to a character field for a form display output. parameters: lv_char type c. Pls suggest. Posted by pallavikashyap (abap) on Jul 13 at 9:13 AM. ENDIF. DATA str TYPE string. Luis E. to_char(123,'XX') = ' 7B' to_char(12,'X') = ' C' 0 . p = <fs1>. I am moving it to char field because i have to concatenate it later to variable. field-symbols:<fs1> type any. View products (1) Hi guys, C14W_CHAR_NUMBER_CONVERSION. [/code] or use. I suppose the writers of cast wanted the caller to explicitly decide if they wanted a floor or ceiling function. * HEX -> CHAR cl_abap_conv If the number is not 2 bytes long, the software does not pad the output. 345’ (this means 12 + 0. I thought it would accept it automatically if it had only numbers but we get a mismatch. Next, the subfield processing appears. depending on the number of digits the user enters in the numeric field, i need to add so many number of leading zeroes to the character input that i pass to the function module. Below is documentation, parameters and attributes of ABAP Method INT_TO_CHAR within SAP class CL_TREX_CHAR_UTILITY. Dec 18, 2007 · i have a problem in converting int to char i have a number with 5 digits and when i use the write statement with the number to char with more then 5 places it puts me a coma "," after the first to digits, very annoying thing because i want the number without a coma ",". IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. output : 44. I am holding the number in character format in abap. class cl_abap_container_utilities definition load. endif. Jan 27, 2010 · Hello All, i have a user input '12889' which is of type char 12. Data : char(5) type c value '123. 56', lv1 type p decimals 2. 결국. there is also a full "cut and paste" ABAP pattern code example, along with implementation ABAP coding, documentation and contribution comments specific Jun 17, 2015 · First, the String is types STRING in ABAP and Integer is a just an ‘I‘ in ABAP Typing. Incase if you want to merge more than one char variables into string , you can use 'CONCATENATE' for that. Hi all, Could you please tell me May 14, 2008 · report zv_sdn . FL110 Diagnosis You attempted to display, change, rename or delete a function module that does not exist. for example , data: A(5) type c. For eg: a) number=1 => Convert into: 0000000001 (9 leading zeros) b) number=234 Jul 31, 2009 · I have 2 variables var_1 type CHAR 100 var_2 type INT4 length 4 I have value '1234' in var_1. I tried TYPE n(12), but its throwing an exception. In database or in your variable you have your number stored as string or 255 char in internal database format (with dot as decimal point with no spaces and no commas) with value ‘12. The length of the target type must be enough for all potential values including the sign. convt_overflow = 2. data:l_qtyinv(20) type c. quotes are invalid characters so you must remove them using SQL string functions. Now I want this char value to the actual menge field which is a Packed decimal. If you have any other non-numerics in the field ($, etc. Feb 11, 2023 · ABAP SQL supports CAST to convert values from columns of type CHAR or SSTRING into numeric types. Following this, a character string is assigned to int_telephone_num, a WRITE statement for this string and a blank line. The number value is converted to a character string in mathematical notation without decimal separators and is left-aligned. I need a Function module Thanks Jayasree If the source field is of type (b, s), i, int8, or p, the character "V" in mask is inserted from the left for a negative number as "-" and for a positive number as a blank into the result. I used MOVE statement, = , UNPACK but it works when itry from r/3 but this piesce of code is present in the RFC and is executed from portal. This is done using the following classes: CL_ABAP_CONV_IN_CE; Extracts other formats to ABAP data objects (reads a binary input stream). 24 and 1 will return 1. I mean my number is; 1. V_char = v_num. 9799999999999997E01) but i want (5. FIND ',' IN in_par-value. WRITE int TO string. It is used for Move character to numeric, catch errors processing and below is the pattern details for this FM, showing its interface including any import and export parameters, exceptions etc. 9800000000000004E01). 456,89 2. If the number is not 2 bytes long, the software does not pad the output. Jan 16, 2010 · see you will be getting the value to char variable in a loop and endloop. write lv_char_out. Since only strings can be concatenated, I copy integer variable into string variable, make a whole string and concatenate. data: int type i value 1, lv_char_out type c. regards, gaurav j. CHAR fields are good: If they are small, they are fast (less than around 32 chars on unicode systems) Aug 28, 2012 · Char num. REPLACE ',' WITH SPACE INTO NUMBER_C. There is also a number of example ABAP code snipts to help you implement this method. cast ( cast (parameter1 as abap. Mar 20, 2009 · Hi, Use FM CLSE_SELECT_USR01 and get user default decimal sign and separator. Procedure Check your input. char_numc_conversion. Reply. Rob. call function 'move_char_to_num' exporting chr = lv_chr importing num = lv_num exceptions convt_no_number = 1 convt_overflow = 2 others = 3. This is not desirable. 00. Arithmetic expressions with decimal floating point numbers always have the calculation type decfloat34 . 56'. 432- (as integer) Sep 7, 2007 · Hi i have a file with some data i need to load. Is there a conversion function such as to_string(integer_variable) that can convert integers to string? PROGRAM abc. Java™ ist eine registrierte Marke der Firma SUN Microsystems, Inc. cheers, vasanth CAST( 1 + 2 AS CHAR ) You can use the CAST function to shorten strings: SELECT CAST( lname AS CHAR(5) ) FROM Customers Usage. Problem: - I have a char with 1000 characters fill with data with 500 characters. ' IN lw_rest WITH ''. Instead, it is a character-like type, which should not be used in calculations. The CONVERT_STRING_TO_INTEGER also controls if the string is only a number or not : sy-subrc = 1 : if the string’s integer length overload the length of ABAP Sep 19, 2013 · Hi, Im new in ABAP developmet. DATA: char TYPE c. 250. Search SAP OO objects. to_char(12,'oo') = ' 14' to_char(1,'o') = ' 1' Feb 1, 2008 · convt_no_number = 1. Character-like target type; The possible target types are CHAR and SSTRING. How can i convert this 13 position char field to betgr type?? Thanks a lot Nov 4, 2015 · Nice challenge, here is a one-liner I found that works with your data definition. " May 31, 2010 · "K option works only for Character-like variables (char, date, time, numc), string and Integer. if lv_char = sy-abcde+int(1). * INT -> HEX ascii_hex = 64 + sy-index. WRITE NO2. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ',' IN char_format WITH space. DO. Dec 10, 2007 · Function module MOVE_CHAR_TO_NUM does not exist Message no. . The built-in type n (numeric text field) is not a numeric number type, even though its values are only strings of digits. Here NUMBER_C is 127,280. The code uses the latest in-line data DECLARATION SYNTAX but I have included an ABAP code snippet at the end to show how declarations would look using the original method of declaring data variables up front. Mar 29, 2023 · Suppose we have a parameter1 as CHAR datatype but need to perform an Arithmetic operation like addition, we can’t directly change CHAR to INT as shown in the image. In the case of the target type FLTP, values that cannot be represented as binary floating point numbers are converted to the next adjacent number. 20 the number is not getting converted since it is gettinf overflowed. b = a. with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. |{ trunc( l_value ) },{ trunc( frac( l_value ) * 100 ) }| Mar 26, 2008 · So we can directly assign character varible to string and there is no need of the functional modules. i am using this FM -- C14W_NUMBER_CHAR_CONVERSION. The conversion of type FLTP to a packed number using the function FLTP_TO_DEC is platform dependent and does not have to be reversible using a CAST. Try removing any non numeric content in your char variable, example spaces and pass it to currency variable. others = 3. Please help. CONDENSE NUMBER_C NO-GAP Sep 30, 2020 · The string has mixed string and integer variables to be joined. check the below code which will convert character to integer. e. The simplest way is to use the standard function CONVERT_STRING_TO_INTEGER in any ABAP Code. There is also a number of example ABAP code snipts to help you use the functionality of this method. How can I change this column to be formatted as a number? cast ( char1 as demo_char_text preserving type) as char_with_text The following function module call returns the attributes of the view field The text shows that the semantic attributes of the data element were applied. Fields with these types are known as character fields. - I need to create a dynamic char datatype cut the 500 characters and fill then in the char with only 500 characters. the field is a character string. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy Mar 6, 2014 · Using FMs like 'FLTP_CHAR_CONVERSION' is not solving the purpose. exit. l_qtyinv = itab-fkimg. it ignores the number of decimals of the column). Aug 3, 2007 · If I have a character field that contains only numbers how do I convert this so it moves into a numeric field. Note that it will not always show two digits after the decimal character, e. condense the variable and then move to packed varibale. I left justify the character by shift character field left deleting leading spaces. 20. One of our columns contains data for “LENGTH”. net Jan 1, 2001 · This one is not compatible down to ABAP 700 like szakos but I want to bring in another solution: FORM increment CHANGING fcw_out TYPE string. If you want to make string data into character varibles use 'SPLIT'. i. Regards, kasinath. Example The first logical expression is false, as specified in the comparison rules for character-like data types. " assign your field to Field symbol as shown. This option is not case-sensitive. Data: ANumber : I, AString : String, NewString : String. Now do one thing, data : p type p decimal 2. lv_char_out = sy-abcde+int(1). The end users would like to sort this column in the ALV grid but, as expected, it sorts it like a character. IF sy-subrc = 0. 0 and pu @Florian I just tested and floor and ceil seem to convert to type abap. The below code works for me. elseif htype = 'CHAR' then the field is containing alphabets. 12. WRITE lv_curr. Could you help me to know how I could do it? e. The CONVERT_STRING_TO_INTEGER also controls if the string is only a number or not : sy-subrc = 1 : if the string’s integer length overload the length of ABAP Oct 13, 2006 · fm to convert character to integer Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. Character-like target type; The potential target type is CHAR. EXIT. now if value of l_qtyinv is 200. write : int. So I have to put the number to character and shift or using function 'CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT' I'm moving minus character to left. use the statment. These are often different values. MOVE lv_char TO lv_curr. Regards, Ravi Below is documentation, parameters and attributes of ABAP Method CHAR_TO_INT within SAP class CL_TREX_CHAR_UTILITY. NO1 = '1234567890'. 000020 000020 case1 num to char 30 000030 case 2 char to num 으로 나온다. Regards, Abdul Sep 10, 2020 · PACK was useful for handling currency amounts, because SAP stores the currency amounts in the database with a floating decimal point (i. Thanks and Regards. Of the five non-numeric types, the four types C, D, N, and T are character types. - The problem is the other 500 charaters (empty) can not be process. Nov 28, 2024 · check the below code which will convert character to integer. For example, 7. After assign that value to a variable of FLTP type it shows (5. Now i want this to move to var_r. If you do not indicate a length for character string types, Sybase IQ chooses an appropriate length. Is there any other alternative way. OUTPUT: Scenario:3 – Here we have a method that accepts an importing table, but in the method call we assign a table type which is little different. DATA NO2 TYPE I. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '. DATA lw_as_n TYPE n LENGTH 8. edited by: gaurav on feb 1 Jul 5, 2018 · Does abap have any method to perform an inline cast for char types (or any similar types of different length)? Perhaps there is something similar to value operator( for structures) that can be used for fields. Eg: data:lv(8) type c value '1,234. This just gets rid of the comma. a® In the case of the target type FLTP, values that cannot be represented as binary floating point numbers are converted to the next adjacent number. DO 26 TIMES. Regards, Abdul. c14w_char_number_conversion. Then replace user decimal sign with dot(. The documentation is for 7. If neither precision nor scale is specified for a DECIMAL conversion, the database server selects appropriate values. 0000000000000000E+01 in one of char field in the output of my report , But I want it to be display as '30' . Like if DECIM is 2 then 1. Go to solution. or use these fms. Before moving the string you have to delete the virgola, because the dump occurs: So: DATA: NUMBER_C(20) VALUE '127,280. assign wa_tab-char to <fs1>. 00 NB : The exporting parameter ' i_number_of_digits ' determines the number of digits after decimal which are visible. Nov 25, 2005 · Hi check the below code which will convert character to integer. CONV is used to alter the comparison type of the second comparison so that the comparison is true. But still no luck. For instance, if I write LOOP AT messages INTO msg WHERE type = 'E', the first time the loop actually runs might be on the fourth row, and the value of sy-tabix will be 4. write: p. Jan 5, 2006 · hi ABAP supports automatic type conversion for all data types except you cannot assign type t to type d field and vice versa. int8)as datatype_int Dec 26, 2020 · SY-TABIX does not contain the loop counter, it contains the table index. Concrete example (name is of type tdobname, which is char 70 and ebeln is char 10) that leads to a dump due to type mismatch: Oct 3, 2007 · DATA: char_format(10) TYPE c VALUE '12,345. By multiplying by 86400 (number of seconds in a day), you'll get the number of seconds since midnight, that you can then convert using a simple ABAP predefined elementary conversion Integer to Time: DATA secs Sep 22, 2009 · I had a bit like requirement, and I dealt with ABAP code. Jun 13, 2007 · ABAP Development. Jan 2, 2021 · To start with, new DATA variables are declared, “int_telephone_num”, “country_code” and “telephone_num”, along with lengths and types. if it is an amount type field, then use write statement. Aug 17, 2007 · Hello I'm new to ABAP and I'm trying to do a simple thing. I tried to make it generic for any number of decimals but that turned out to be pretty difficult. Aug 14, 2007 · Hi everyone, I am trying to move an integer/quantity field to char field Data: begin of itab occurs 0 fkimg type vbrp-fkimg, | | end of itab. Is there any easy syntaxfunction module, etc. DATA NO1(10) TYPE C VALUE '1234567890'. It is more optimal than with CHAR fields. Th Mar 24, 2008 · I am getting value 3. The ABAP code below is a full code listing to execute function module CONVERT_STRING_TO_INTEGER including all data declarations. Reply Go to solution Feb 4, 2003 · check this function CHAR_NUMC_CONVERSION. capture. lw_as_n = lw_rest + 1. DATA str Oct 21, 2009 · Ur Character when moved to packed decimal is not able to intrpret as number because of the coma. If you want to interpret 314500 (database value) as an amount in a currency with 2 decimals like EUR or USD (and many others), you may use CL_ABAP_DECFLOAT: May 19, 2017 · Variante 1 (Integer (ASCII) -> HEX -> Char) DATA: ascii_hex TYPE x. convert_string_to_integer. Jul 16, 2013 · The result should be fill with data coming from a char with very large lenght. View products (1) If the assignment is successfully then you will be touching a number. Jun 4, 2007 · Character types. SELECT SINGLE * FROM usr01 WHERE bname = sy-uname. eg. DATA int TYPE i. String containing unsigned octal integer. Venegas Ortega Coordinador de Sistemas Empresas Titan “ [email protected] via sap-r3-dev” To: [email protected] Sep 8, 2014 · Hello Guys, I came across a situation where I need couple of alternatives to move ahead - I have a Standard Internal table (I can not make it SORTED/HASHED --"Couple of constraints") - in an internal table there are only 2 columns - 1st Column - Offset - CHAR 3 (With or without minus sign) 2nd Col Oct 10, 2016 · Here the CONV operator first converts the SQUAREROOT result into integer and then it is added. May 29, 2008 · The length of the character i need to pass to my function module is 10. Concatenate AString ANumber into NewString. Nov 25, 2005 · Hi . EXAMPLE: data: v_num1 type i value 11, v_num2 type i value 14, May 7, 2008 · SAP®, ABAP®, ABAP/4®, R/3® und weitere auf dieser Site erwähnten SAP-Produkte und -Dienstleistungen sowie die entsprechenden Logos sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der SAP AG in Deutschland und anderen Ländern weltweit. Because I have to take the minus from right to left. It doesn't work for packed, float and other types (see routine CONVERT_SYMBOLVALUE in include LSTXVFCD)" So, the only solution is to assign the value to another field. I also tried converting Char to Numc and then Numc to integer. 0 May 21, 2021 · What you're looking for is ABAP CDS - cast_expr. 12 in ‘var Jul 13, 2010 · Subject: [sap-dev] SAP ABAP regarding conversion of a parameter from character to numeric. for a value 20918867. WRITE : / lv_output. clear: p. I am having problem for this Dec 20, 2024 · Navigating through data type conversions in ABAP can be a complex task that requires careful handling of exceptions and understanding of underlying data structures. Reward points if ans is helpful Message was edited by Nov 25, 2005 · Hi . DATA txt TYPE abap_bool. concatenate itab-f1 itab-f2 l_qtyinv itab-f3 into var separated by ‘;’. , that will take char field 1000. View products (1) 'C14W_CHAR_NUMBER_CONVERSION' Pass your in_var-value in the FM and you can get the amount in numeric type. Even I wasnu2019t able to find a right FM for that, thus Iu2019ve done with a bit mixture of ABAP code and FM . the foll code will convert the string to interger. IF htype = 'NUMC'. CHAR_NUMC_CONVERSION. write b. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ',' IN lv WITH Nov 13, 2007 · Hello All, I've a Quantity field menge in char format initially. Jul 19, 2007 · Just assign. call method cl_abap_container_utilities=>read_container_c exporting im_container = char importing ex_value = int exceptions illegal_parameter_type = 1 others = 2. 150. loop at it_tab into wa_tab. IF sy Aug 22, 2019 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Sep 4, 2009 · If the number lies within the value range of data types i, b or s, it is converted into the corresponding internal representation of an integral number, otherwise the treatable exception CX_SY_CONVERSION_OVERFLOW occurs. if you write i_number_of_digits = 1 , output will be 44. Can anyone tell me how to do this conversion from Char to Packed decimal ? Regards, Deepu. Let’s assume I have USR01 settings with display number format = ‘ ‘ (space), which means 123. Dec 8, 2005 · You only need to move your string to decimal number by MOVE comand. 그대로 들어가는거고 (0까지 input 된다) char to num 은 자동으로 뒤부터 30이 들어가니 특별한 경우가 아니면 쓸 필요가 없다. 245 will return 1. Former Jan 15, 2008 · data : int type i. to remove the coma. WHEN ' '. Feb 11, 2008 · Hi Friends, Actually i want to convert number variable to character. NO2 = NO1. May 2, 2007 · Hi, I need to convert an integer to a 10 digit character. Jul 20, 2006 · Hi, If I have char and want to convert to dats eg : 20061230-->char convert to date 20061230 ie converting character to DATS type. Summary: If you need to convert a floating point variable (type F) to a character type, you can use the CONV expression, first converting it to a type I or P, then to STRING and/or a CHAR. Can I just create another datatype like this a type char. number to char 는 딱히 펑션을 쓸 필요가 없다. Instead, character literals must be used whose content can be interpreted as a packed number, meaning that it represents a number in mathematical, scientific, or commercial notation. ENDLOOP. 01', NUMBER TYPE P DECIMALS 2. Is there any Function Module available for conversion. Below is documentation, parameters and attributes of ABAP Method CHAR_TO_INT within SAP class CL_TREX_CHAR_UTILITY. Aug 16, 2007 · You can try using the function module NUMERIC_CHECK for checking that ur char field contains an alphabet or not. I need to CONCATENATE integer and a char. CL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE Transforms numeric columns and a date field from a database table to columns of the type CHAR, which makes it possible to process them as character strings in the ABAP program. CASE usr01-dcpfm. Oct 1, 2010 · Spaces are part of the string (trailing spaces in CHAR fields are lost) You pass them around a lot (when STRING variable metadata is less than char field size) You need to get the STRING length often. All other characters in the edit mask are taken over unchanged. MOVE_CHAR_TO_NUM. Please help , and tell how to convert the value Thanks and regards, When converting from ABAP format to another format, data is read from an ABAP data object and written as a byte sequence. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ',' IN lv WITH ' '. 5. I don't know if it is possible in later versions, check in your system. b= a Apr 12, 2008 · HOw to COnvert Numeric to char in ABAP Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. 000. decimal_format = char_format. 45', pack type p decimals 2, int type i. Jul 15, 2011 · Rohit is correct, the decimal part contains the fractional part of a day: . Oct 3, 2007 · ABAP Development . Jun 17, 2015 · First, the String is types STRING in ABAP and Integer is a just an ‘I‘ in ABAP Typing. regards. CONDENSE char_format NO-GAPS. if the integer is 6000034, the converted value must be 0006000034. move_char_to_num. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno . 80 I want to convert to float type. For alphabetic numbers, try the follwoing function module: clear: word, decword. int4 This makes sense, since cast cannot be used to convert a DEC to an INT. do. then the field doesn't have any alphabets. See full list on sap4tech. For example, it will sort like: 150. By exploring these 30 examples, you gain a clearer perspective on how conversions impact data integrity and application logic. Currently, ABAP only works with single-byte codes such as ASCII and EBCDI. The general CAST is designed to be platform-independent, which means it does not permit conversions of type FLTP to other numeric data types. SPLIT fcw_out AT '. 3454333333333 corresponds approximately to a third of a day. 23'. Mar 26, 2014 · e_char_field = lv_output. May 12, 2022 · Hi Team, Char to Integer conversion is not working in ABAP CDS View. g. b type numeric. When i try to move it to betgr field of t558a table i got a dump. data : char(10) type c value '123'. arun Mar 20, 2007 · Hi! There are many ways to it: MOVE int TO string. Cheers, Ravi May 12, 2010 · I have a character type value of 59. I don't know how to convert the integer into a string type? Any ideas Andrew The number value is converted to a character string in mathematical notation without decimal separators and is left-aligned. see the sample code below codedata: lv_chr(4) type c, lv_num type p. 345) 3. DATA lv_char TYPE char20 VALUE '10. Hi everyone, I am facing a problem with one of the function module GUI_DOWNLOAD Jul 11, 2007 · Hello friends, I want to add leading zeros for a field. DATA: decimal_format(10) TYPE p DECIMALS 2. The number value is converted to a character string in mathematical notation and is left-aligned. K . 01. You will understand it. write v_amount to v_char. Thanks, Sandeep. As it takes fixed number of decimal digits as input( DECIM ) and always return with that number of digits. 50 will show as 12,5. enddo. Can u please sujjest me a FM which can convert number ( >10 digits) into character . You need to provide the numbers as a valid number format e. e variable1 = variable. Reward points if helpful. numc( 8 )) as abap. May 14, 2020 · Moreover, the ABAP documentation uses the term "cast" to cast the type of a variable without changing its value, while the term "conversion" is used to transfer the value of a variable to another variable of a different type by using a conversion. 62E+14 must be convered to 762000000000000. DATA lv_curr TYPE s_l_cur_pr. Jun 27, 2022 · Just for reference, here is the link to ABAP Documentation which says that CHAR can be converted only to CHAR, SSTRING, NUMC, CLNT, LANG, DATS, TIMS, UNIT, CUKY, and ACCP. I know there is the function CHAR_FLTP_CONVERSION, it shows dump while using this function module. Jul 25, 2008 · Hi Deniz, Try to execute this code and see the output. I have a field which is 13-position length field, with a comma and two decimals. in program i want to convert it to '000000012889' for comparison. DATA NO1 TYPE STRING. png. But after assigning number to character it doesn't hold the points. if the field didn't have any alphabets u can then move it directly to int field. int = sqrt( 5 ) + sqrt( 6 ). add 1 to int. Aug 29, 2008 · c14w_char_number_conversion. If you do not know the exact name, choose Utilities -> Find to search for the function module in the Function Builder. cchqj ggr odusigj vmhvwemc gjswplv zxm ssoaal syx bqp oiws amaml infp zexb zwdvz vqzlb