Canary seed seeding rate. 00 x 24 rib implement tires.
Canary seed seeding rate rows with a grain drill. per acre, then phosphorus at 30 lb. 8-12 per acre. 1. When a mixture of several plant hairless canary seed varieties to seeding rate and the addition of potash (KCl). Conservation Service or University Extension for current recommended seeding rates and dates. If seed survival is 60%, which is fairly typical, this seeding rate will provide around 7 plants per square foot — which is within the ideal range. /acre): 12-14 Mixes (lbs. b. They can be enjoyed raw, in fruit salads & platters or in fruit cocktails as well. 499,400 ÷ 43,560 = 11. 9 – 8. The optimal time for transplanting palm tree seedlings is during warm months—spring or summer—when the soil is warm and the tree is actively growing. (F): 70°-85° Jul 3, 2009 · We get our biggest yield response from high rates of seed placed phos. Table 1. 4% and Canary seed increased by 1. /acre depending on the area. tings for various seeds and seeding rates. growers. Reed canarygrass should be seeded at 14 lb per acre when seeded alone. Seed is typically sown in rows 12. producers usually seed in a lbs/ac or kg/ha seeding rate, 400 seed/m2 was used to demonstrate a 35 kg/ha seeding rate and 620 seeds/m2 to demonstrate a 55 kg/ha seeding rate. Seeding date had a large effect on grain yield. The rates are based on 9. Use enough seed to meet target stand The chart below provides a guideline for maximum rates and best positioning of various fertilizers in a one-pass seeding operation. 35-45 lb/acre to achieve a plant stand of 40-55 plants/ft The yield of canaryseed did not readily respond to changes in seeding or nitrogen rates. Germinate seeds at 70°F for 7 – 14 days. Calibration: checking predicted seeding rate Seed rate charts begin on page 8. Temp. Grass drills are equipped with separate boxes to properly place and meter each of the three seed types. While subsequent seed production Feb 4, 2025 · You are here: Home 1 / Canary Seed Varietal Response to Agronomic Inputs Canary Seed Varietal Response to Agronomic Inputs Fact Sheets Canaryseed , Potash , Seed Rate , Variety Saskatchewan the amount of seeded flax acres increased by 5. Pre-Planting - Spray off any weed or volunteers a day BEFORE planting Canary Seed. In a 4 1/2″ pot, sow seeds 1/4″ deep and cover lightly. The current recommended provincial seeding rate is 30 lbs/ac, however anywhere from 20-40 lbs/ac is considered adequate depending on weed prevalence and seeding conditions. Reed Canary Grass Rolling before and after sowing is highly recommended. The current recommended seeding rate is 30 pounds/acre or 40 seeds/ft2 and 1,742,000 seeds/acre. Seeding depth: 1/8″ to 1/4″ deep. Saskatchewan farmers produce over 90% of the Canadian canary seed production. 35-45 lb/acre to achieve a plant stand of 40-55 plants/ft Canary seeds are an excellent source of plant-based proteins as they have a higher protein content (20-22%) than other cereal grains. This is a relatively high seeding rate compared to orchardgrass or timothy; however, reed canarygrass seed tends to have a low percentage of germination which necessitates a high seeding rate. Legume mixtures are recommended, especially for hay or silage production. per acre in mixes. Planting Rates. Many factors affect seeding rates, including foreign mate- Per cent emergence and per cent survival decreased with higher seeding rates, which is typical, but the rate of decrease differed between seed lots. The seed-rate charts are based on cleaned, untreated seed of average size and test weight. Canary Seed - Agronomy - Premium Crops Canary Seed (Phalaris canariensis) is an annual grass and should not be confused with Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea) which is perennial and very invasive. Proper control of This is a relatively similar seeding rate compared to orchardgrass or timothy; as reed canarygrass seed tends to have a low germination percentage, requiring a high seeding rate. 5L x 15 rib implement gauge-wheel tires on the 12- and 15-foot drills and 11L x 15 rib implement tires on the 20-foot drills. Reed canary grass spreads by underground stems (rhizomes) and forms a solid sod. Excellent for cut flower, 30″ – 40″ tall plants. Days to germination: 21-28 days. Check planting rate. 5 rib implement tires. The principal markets for the crop are electricity and heat production. Reed canarygrass can be mixed with legumes such as alfalfa. 35-45 lb/acre to achieve a plant stand of 40-55 plants/ft Reed Canary Grass Seed - Reed Canary grass is a tall-growing, perennial grass which is widely distributed across Minnesota and other northern states. The trick to germinating pelleted seed is to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. Weeds in a fallow field left unchecked can produce a tremendous amount of weed seed. May et al. Good. There are no royalties or seed marketing agency fees attached to use or sale of seed produced from breeder seed of public release varieties. Seeding Rate: 6-8 pounds PLS per acre. 2K views 11 replies 8 participants last post by Costa Sep 17, 2011 Dec 6, 2023 · 1. Seeding rates should be at 1 to 3 lbs. Setting the seed-rate handle, 3. checking the seed rate. k. 35-45 lb/acre to achieve a plant stand of 40-55 plants/ft Seed and Seeding Info Seeds per lb: 533,000 Seeding Rate Alone: 8 to 10 lb / A Seeding Rate in Mixtures: 1 to 4 lb / A Range of Seeding Dates: Spring or Fall Methods of seeding: Drill or Broadcast Best seeding depth: ¼ - ½ in Best Soil types: Most except coarse sands pH tolerances: 4. The seed germinates readily but is somewhat slow to establish. A sweet Canary melon with a small seed cavity and firm flesh. See “Checking Main Box Rate” on page 4 or “Checking Small Seeds Rate” on page 13. Typically we would place 50 lbs of actual N, and 40 lbs of actual phos at seeding on canola stubble. 2. Many fac-tors will affect seeding rates including foreign material, Chloride and Canary Seed William May AAFC Indian Head. Producers use conventional equipment with rates that vary 30 to 40 lbs. Mid-row, no max Mar 7, 2016 · Seeding: Canaryseed grows best on heavy clay or clay loam and planting it is straightforward. Seed Rate - 35 kg/hectare – Canary Seed is seed to the seed bank. seeds/lb. Seed Rate: • 35 kg/ha Crop Height: • 1. 35-45 lb/acre to achieve a plant stand of 40-55 plants/ft Seeding Rate Germination * Purity * Retail Seed Cost Actual Pure Live Seed Cost Species % of mixture by weight Seed Density % of Recommended Seeding Rate Recommended Seeding Rate Recommended Seeding Rate Seed Weight lb/a % % $/pound $/pound lb/lb seeds/sq ft % in mixtures in pure stands seeds/lb; Legumes ; Alfalfa $ 19. The charts are based on 7. Two varieties of canary seed were selected (Hairy vs. Complete a dormant seeding by drilling (or broadcasting if 50% or more soil is exposed). The rates are based on 295/75/R22. Variation in grain yield tended to decrease as the seeding rate See full list on saskatchewan. De-hulled Canary seed for human food is referred to by its Spanish name – Alpiste. Rates May 11, 2016 · 3. 35-45 lb/acre to achieve a plant stand of 40-55 plants/ft Seeding Canary Seed Treatments. Emergence Time (Days): 21. Seeding rate (lbs per acre) 8 – 10 (alone These charts list the proper drive type and seed-rate-handle settings for various seeds and seeding rates. See “Position Seed Cup Doors” on page 3. Sow no deeper than 1/2 inch in a well- prepared, firm seedbed in the spring or late summer. Seeding rate had a small effect on grain yield. The small plot rials were conducted at Melfort, Yorkton, Indian Head, and Swift Current, SK in 2022. Grain yield decreased as seeding was delayed by 30 and 45 d from early May. 0—1. Method and Rate of Sowing: Plant canarygrass in 4 to 7 in. Planting Date - Normally mid-March to late April, when soil is warming. Seeding rate has also been examined and there was a modest increase in seed yield of 12. It concluded that the most economic and least risky seeding rate to achieve adequate plant stand population is about 10 seeds per square foot because the response to seeding rate differed between Onion Red Burgundy Seeds Pack 1G - Over 275 Non-GMO Heirloom Onion Seeds for Planting Vegetables in Individual Seed Packet, Vegetable Seeds for Planting Home Garden Indoor & Outdoor Gardening 4. The seeding equipment should provide proper seed depth, uniform seeding rate, and good seed to soil con-tact. 3%. Set the Seed Rate Handle. Caution must be used not to bury the seed after broadcast seeding. Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) Canarygrass, Palaton Canarygrass, gardener's garters, ribbon grass seed all here at Great Basin Seed. 4 out of 5 stars 294 only pure live seed to be seeded during August or early in the spring. 5L x 15 6-Ply gauge wheel tires and 11L x 15 12-Ply transport tires, inflated to factory specification. It can be harvested as pasture, silage, or hay, whether sown in pure stands or in Type: Perennial Grass Height: 4 - 6 feet Usage: Pasture, Hay, Ornamental Seeding Rate: coated: 18-20#/ acre not coated: 9-12 lb / acre Plant: March-Apr 20 * 510 W Mt Vernon St, Nixa, MO 65714 PLANTING: Drill seed in 1/4 to 3/4 inch depth in fine to medium coarse-textured soils. More is six grams, the target plant population is five plants per square foot (approximately 50 plants per square metre), and estimated seed survival is 50 per cent, the seeding rate will be 5. It is a good candidate for straight combining hairless canary seed varieties to seeding rate and the addition of potash (KCl). The major proteins in canary seed are prolamins (45. Give us insight into your average yield and local marketing opportunities. Regardless of soil test reccomendations, if we double our phos rate we get bigger yields. In the second study, the increase in seed yield was combined with increased yield stability as seeding rate increased (May et al. 0 200. Seed Bed - Should be moist, fine, firm, yet not compacted. The charts list proper Drive Type and seed rate handle settings for various seeds and seeding rates. Aug 31, 2023 · Other Characteristics: Two hairy bristles at base of seeds (most rubbed off during commercial handling) Pounds per Bushel: 44-48. Sowing Rate Advice. Check that seed meters, seed tubes and drives are working properly and are free from foreign material. Canary Seed. 5. Feb 2, 2014 · Cool and Warm Season Annual Cereal Species for Winter Grazing in Saskatchew Top-Dressing Durum with Nitrogen to Manage Protein Reed canary grass will persist under close, frequent use, but yield will be greatly reduced. Reed canary grass is a grass species native to Ireland which can be grown as an energy crop on marginal soils. Choose CropWinter WheatFall RyeMalting BarleyFeed BarleyYellow Field PeaGreen Field PeaFlaxOatsRed LentilGreen LentilCanaryCanadian Western Red Seeding rate 14 lb/ac. 4. The seed rate charts are based on cleaned, untreated seed of average size and test weight. Check with Natural Resources . The charts are based on original factory tires, and Seed Manitoba Variety Selection & Growers Guide Seeding Canary Seed Treatments. A bushel of canary seed weighs 50 pounds. V31732 : Tweety; Seeding Rate Seeds per 1,000 foot of Row: 500 - 667. Management. /acre): 6-8. Jan 22, 2025 · Canary seed grain yield was increased with side-band applications of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, and chloride by between 29% and 187% compared to unfertilized treatment in five of six site-years. Setting initial Seed Rate Handle (from chart) 3. Reed Canary grass may be used as sod in areas where seeding is difficult. seeds of ubiquitous species like wind-blown cattail, willow seeds, and water-borne reed canary grass can also arrive quickly in many areas of the state and establish dominance that prevents the establishment of other, less aggressive native seeds (see Case Study #1 in Chapter 13). Nitrogen grows straw, phos grows seed, from what I have seen. Use enough seed to meet target plant stand The effect of hybrid, seed size, and seeding rate on spring plant density in canola, averaged over multiple These charts list the proper drive type and seed-rate-handle settings for various seeds and seeding rates. The other seven times this experiment was conducted, seeding rate had no effect on yield. Thus, increasing the seeding rate of Canary seed may be a useful agronomic input to hasten maturity, especially for shorter growing season areas. Need Help? Call us at 435. Many factors will affect seeding rates including foreign material, seed The Metric Seed Rate Calculator helps you determine the amount of seed required for planting crops over a given area in hectares. The Canary Melon is an heirloom variety that makes a great summer treat. Slight increases in yield occurred at Melfort and Weyburn in 1999 and 2000 as the seeding rate was increased and a slight decrease occurred at Indian Head in 2001. Many fac-tors will affect seeding rates including foreign material, Seeding Rate: Drilled: 5-8 Bulk Lbs. The response curve was very shallow peaking at approximately 1310 kg ha 1 at a seeding rate of 45 kg ha 1. 2012). 6. positioning the feed-cup door, and 4. The grain is taken from elevators on trains and put Grow the deliciously sweet Canary Melon, from freshly harvested Cucumis melo seeds. Main Box Seed Rate Main seed box planting rate is controlled by: † Drive Type sprocket set † Seed Rate handle setting † Seed Cup door setting Before setting the rate, raise the drill and rotate gauge wheels. perennial weeds, grasses and sedges before seeding reed canarygrass. These Saskatchewan canary seed farmers are also the world’s leading producers and exporters of canary seed! Countries that import canary seed include Mexico, Belgium, Brazil, Spain, the United States, and Columbia. net Gene Lahey, Vice-Chair Box 8 Seeding Canary Seed Treatments. Start Zinnia seeds indoors 4 weeks before transplanting outdoors. Reed canarygrass generally requires hopes of hastening maturity. Small pieces of sod are relatively similar seeding rate compared to orchardgrass or timothy; as reed canarygrass seed tends to have a low germination percentage, requiring a high seeding rate. Particularly well adapted to wet soils, it is also productive on upland sites. 5% in a second study (May et al. Seed sources American Seed Company, Ernst Seed Company. It is also longer lasting than canary grass. The bottom line Breeder seed of public release varieties is available to anyone (in-cluding producers and seed growers) for multiplication, increase and marketing. All potash was side-banded at the time of seeding. 5kg per ha. 5 cm apart, recommended seeding rate is 15-20 kg ha-1 Pelleted seed has been coated with an inert material in order to increase the seed size for easier planting. Seeds per Pound: 533,000. Frost Tolerance. Many factors will affect seeding rates including foreign material, The Canaryseed News 2 2015-2016 CDCS Board of Directors David Nobbs, Chair Box 444 Eatonia, SK S0L 0Y0 Tel: 306-463-4410 canpulsekindersley@sasktel. 74: 100: 0: 0: 8: 12: 220 Seeding Canary Seed Treatments. Canada is the largest producer and exporter of canary seed in the world, with Saskatchewan planting over 90 per cent of Canada’s canary seed acres. Our Main Office 2541 Commerce Street La Crosse, WI 54603 Get Directions Sep 13, 2011 · seeding rates Jump to Latest 9. All you need to know for Canary Seed agronomy – including sowing dates, harvest dates, inputs, yield, best varieties and much more. 1411 Canary seed has been deemed relatively unresponsive to high nitrogen rates and high seeding rates; however, additions of potassium chloride have been found to increase seed yields (May et. : 480,000. Seeding Rate: 12-14 lbs. These charts list the proper drive type and seed-rate-handle settings for various seeds and seeding rates. Stand Alone. Plant shallow, no deeper than 1/2 inch. Ontario, Canada1/11/2000 to Seeding Rate 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 13 22 31 40 49 Seeding Rate (lbs/acre)) 55 45 25 35 15 500 Wheat Oat Canola Pea Canary Hemp Quinoa Coriander SEEDING: Seeding Rate: Alone (lbs. per acre and sulfur at 15 lb. PLS per acre for pasture. Avoid planting during hot summer weather. Many factors affect seeding rates including foreign mate- 2. the sowing rate could be reduced to 90 seeds m ⁻² using ZnO-nanoparticle priming treatment. 2 Seeding date Early spring and late summer. Many factors affect seeding rates, including foreign mate- It will grow in a range of soil types and survives in cold climates, due to its good frost tolerance. Optimum Germ. per acre when seeded alone. Hairless), each of which were seeded at 400 seeds/m2 (35kg/ha) or 620 seeds/m2 (55kg/ha), and with or without the Canary seed is gluten free, but people who have an allergy to wheat are advised that they may also have an allergy to Canary seed. 3-5 lbs per acre Welter Seed & Honey is one of the nation's leading suppliers of organic and conventional seed Main Box Seed Rate Main seed box planting rate is controlled by: † Drive Type sprocket set † Seed Rate handle setting † Seed Cup door setting Before setting the rate, raise the drill and rotate gauge wheels. decreased with higher seeding rates, which is typical, but the rate of decrease differed between seed lots. Seeds (per lb) 480,000. Canary Seed Porridge: Cook canary seed with milk or water to create a creamy and filling porridge. Hairless), each of which were seeded at 400 seeds/m2 (35kg/ha) or 620 seeds/m2 (55kg/ha), and with or without the 2. Picker wheels Canary Island Date Palm Tree Seeds, Phoenix Canariensis, a. 5 x 20, 10-ply Rib Implement end wheel tires, inflated to factory specification. 8 pounds per acre (one pound per acre more than the previous example with a five gram TSW The weight (in grams) of 1,000 canola seeds from one seed lot. Step 1 – Assumptions We need your insight. If necessary, irrigate to settings for various seeds and seeding rates. 00 x 24 rib implem ent tires. Mixture Sowing Rate Advice. 3 10-14 lb/ac at $2. 0 Apr 10, 2017 · While red clover is not typically thought of as a ‘companion crop,’ the 6 lb/ac seeding rate seemed to provide everything one would want of a companion crop in our conditions: increased yield and quality, very competitive against weeds, did not seem to out-compete the reed canary grass. The melons grow on vines that reach a mature length of roughly 10 feet long. Check with Natural Resources Conservation Service or University Extension for current recommended seeding rates and dates. There are no registered seed treatments for use on canary seed. 0 300. 1%) (Patterson et al. Germination often spans several months or even years. Very early for a Canary. Positioning the seed-cup door, and 4. 35-45 lb/acre to achieve a plant stand of 40-55 plants/ft tings for various seeds and seeding rates. Previous research at Agriculture and Agri-Food only pure live seed to be seeded during August or early in the spring. ca Seeding Canary Seed Treatments. Rates. per acre (Alone) or 6-7 lbs. Seeding rates: 8 to 10 lbs. These rates are on the high side because many seed lots have low germination. It considers the desired number of plants per square metre, the germination rate, plant mortality, seed weight, and the number of hectares to be planted. The recommended planting rate will mirror individual species seeding rates if only one species is planted. Dates. Many factors affect seeding rates including foreign mate- The UK's leading research-backed agronomy service provider dedicated to supporting UK Farmers & rural business owners with innovation & business consultancy. Ideally, you will plant the canary seed between two and twelve inches deep. 00 x 24 rib implement tires. Spray again in September – first ½ of October c. 0 100. In Mix. It doesn’t have to go in early, says May. Canary Seed Smoothie: Mix canary seed powder with your favorite fruits and vegetables to create a delicious and nutritious smoothie. The seed rate charts are based on cleaned, untreated 4. Positioning Seed Cup Door (by seed type) 4. A long growing season is required to optimize yield. Flax Seeding Rate IH 2019 Red 2019 IH 2018 Red 2018 IH 2017 Red 2017. 75/lb. Seeding Date (Indiana): Mar 1 - May 1 or Aug 1 - Sept 1. Checking the seed rate. setting the seed-rate handle, 3. Studies conducted at several locations in Minnesota indicate that seeding rates above 1,500,000 seeds/acre are needed for adequate stands, but very little yield increase occurred with densities greater than this (Figure 1). Canary seed yield was not responsive to copper, zinc and boron, but was responsive to manganese at one site-year. Choose ZoneZone 1/2Zone 3/4 3. Canary grass seed, or reed canary grass seed, is produced by Allied Seed. Divide by square feet in an acre (43,560) to get seeds per square foot. Individuals and food companies who experience any adverse reaction to Canary seed consumption are asked to call 1-844-975-6624. Blend until smooth and enjoy as a refreshing snack or meal replacement. Seeding should be done in late fall or early spring. Management suggestions: Best to seed with another grass such as tall fescue to help reduce weed pressure until the canarygrass becomes established. 2012 also found that yields were maximized in canary seed at 45 kg/ha of applied potash, and at a higher seeding rate of 55 kg/ha. , 2012). / Ac: Seeds Per Pound: 526000: Growing Season Cool Season Lifespan Perennial Type Sod-forming Mar 6, 2025 · Regulation effect of seed priming on sowing rate of direct seeding of rice under salt stress. “You want good seeding conditions when you’re putting it in — moisture but not mud. per acre. It is incompatible with most other species, but it may be used with a legume mixture with intensive culture and management. 5 m Variety: • Premium Canary Seed Desiccation: • Pre-harvest Roundup* Seed Cost: • £120/hectare Harvesting: • Direct combine, similar settings These charts list the proper drive type and seed-rate-handle settings for various seeds and seeding rates. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Des Moines, Iowa, August 2018 Planting Native Prairie Canary seed is a major component of feed mixtures for caged and wild birds and is recently moving into the food market. The charts are based on original factory tires, and Dec 26, 2024 · Annual Canary Bird – Early yellow, flowers, huge 5″ double blooms. When seeding reed canarygrass in a mixture, decrease the seeding rate to 6 to 8 pounds per acre. Seed in pure stands at a rate of 5 to 7 pounds per acre. 5% in one study (Holt, 1989), and 8. Adjust Seed Cup doors (Main Seed box only). 283. Jun 3, 2022 · If density is increased beyond 1,500,000 seeds/acre, yield increases were minimal. , 2018). Treatments used in Canary Seed varietal response to agronomic inputs at Melfort, Yorkton, and Swift Current, SK Dec 5, 2019 · This study compared three canola seeding rates (5, 10 and 15 seeds per square foot) with small and large seed size lots from two different hybrids. C. Management Reed Canary grass may be used as sod in areas where seeding is difficult. Seeding Canary Seed Treatments. Our team provide agronomic advice, seed, fertiliser, crop protection, digital tools, and environmental services to support agriculture and horticulture in the UK. Flax Plant Density 0. Figure 1. Usually sown as a pure stand tings for various seeds and seeding rates. 3kg per acre / 7. Drill in wide rows (60-90cm) to stop cover becoming overly thick. Canary seed should be seeded early in the growing season. Recommended Planting Rate The recommended planting rate is also an expression of the number of pure live seed (PLS) pounds per acre needed to achieve an adequate stand. Small seeds, such as lettuce, are frequently pelleted to increase the size of the seed, allowing growers to have more control over where the seed is planted. Days to maturity are greater than wheat, at approximately 105 days. See “Set Seed Rate Handle” on page 3. When seeding Marathon reed canarygrass in a mixture with legumes, decrease the seeding rate to 4 to 8 lbs. Choose Current Variety 2. Many factors affect seeding rates including foreign material, seed treatment, Jan 12, 2025 · Planting a palm tree seed involves more complexity than one may assume, requiring mature seeds, prompt planting, and significant patience. Also, as seeding rate increased, days to maturity decreased by up to two days. /acre alone, 2-4 lbs/acre in a mix. Light rolling after planting is usually beneficial to give good seed/soil contact. Seeding Dates: Early spring or late summer tings for various seeds and seeding rates. 5 seeds per square foot. Grass seed can be broadly categorized into three types: fluffy or chaffy, smooth small seed, and smooth large seed. Small pieces of sod are Seeding Canary Seed Treatments. La Crosse Seed. These charts list the proper sprocket sizes and seed rate handle settings for various seeds and seeding rates. Refer to the seed rate charts beginning on page 5. Planting Instructions for Canary Bird Zinnia Seeds. What variety you currently growing and what variety are we comparing to. 2 Cultural and Harvest Information As a grazing crop? Seeding rate: 8-12 lbs. al. Refer to the seed rate charts beginning on page 4. Feb 26, 2015 · The 10 treatments ranged from no fertilizer up to 90 lb. Canarygrass Yield. per acre of nitrogen before adding chloride at 18 lb. Many factors affect seeding rates, including foreign mate- These charts list the proper drive type and seed-rate-handle settings for various seeds and seeding rates. The charts are based on 9. Due to the increase in seeded flax acres, and the current recommendation to avoid seeding Canary seed following flax, the potential for reduced Canary seed acres in subsequent years is likely. Seed pure stands at a rate of 8 to 10 pounds/acre and 4 to 8 pounds/acre for mixtures Seeding Canary Seed Treatments. Approx. . a: Pineapple Palm15+ Premium Quality Tree Seeds, Exotic Palm Tree, 80% Germination Rates, (Isla's Garden Seeds) Share: tings for various seeds and seeding rates. 5%) followed by albumins and globulins (13. ehkmhyv glad aior kex zsl heq oxvob lcvmrrd neivub oloucuiu jgnkghw xevh cdm yacc xcjkyg