Blue iris remote view.
When I access BI using Firefox 82.
Blue iris remote view Aug 30, 2014 · Just want to share a quick tip to be able to use BlueIris software as a remote "client viewer" in your local network to view/export your recordings from your BlueIris server. Nov 14, 2021 · For remote access i am using the WAN access - where the BI dialog says "Remote, external (Wan/Internet) access". The guide walks you through picking cams, setting up cams, picking computers, setting up the VPN to allow remote viewing, how to make sure its secure, and even how to setup things on a router. I have worked through the Wizard. 5. Hi I am using Blue iris for a while now and working great. 2) go to ActiveX/MPEG viewer logout Cameras +All cameras +All cameras cycle Taller Almacen Gerencia Entrada Administracion Oficina 2 Oct 1, 2019 · Hi, I have 8 cameras all working well and I am delighted with Blue IRIS. Feb 15, 2022 · Hi folks, I am running 3 cameras on my BI server from a remote location. 01) of the ios remote app within my LAN. 151. The web server speaks the HTTP protocol and listens on a TCP port of your choosing. Blue Iris (JPEG Refresh on 139. Jun 26, 2019 · In the Blue Iris console, the cameras are arranged logically as one would walk through the building. However as I have added cameras the app seems really slow when on a remote connection despite upgrading my broadband to 350/35 mbps. Looks like there are two ways one through ngrok and the other through some vpn to my router through port access. Blue iris is popular for video surveillance software. 1] go to JAVA/JPEG viewer logout Cameras +All cameras +All cameras cycle tunel cbbr km31 japek km08 japek km35 japek km19 japek kali cipinang SS Bitung janger 04 Tanjungan Nov 8, 2024 · The mobile apps (iOS / Android) and the web interface (UI3) provides remote access to cameras for users. insub-free-ddns-domain. 214. I can access all cameras and clips using the latest version (2. I built a new server when I switched from geovision to BI, it consists of I7 9700 k 32 gig ram nvme system drives and WD purple recording drives. Jun 24, 2019 · Re: iPhone Remote Software Post by HeneryH » Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:04 pm kabeach wrote: ↑ Mon Jun 24, 2019 2:47 pm I currently am managing 3 different BlueIris installs. Jul 22, 2021 · A nice feature of Blue Iris is remote connections, but I'm not sure if I can use this feature with a single licence. Keep in mind the setup page only configures the settings needed to connect the mobile app to the BI server. and selected "camera settings" all are enabled, web casting all enabled remote logon gets: "Camera list is empty!" Feb 26, 2022 · There are a lot of ways to access Blue Iris over a local network. View live cameras, recorded clips and alerts. I myself typed more than one dissertations on it. I currently have no Aug 14, 2020 · remote connect. Blue Iris (ActiveX/MPEG on 202. Blue Iris 5. Users should always go through the Wizard at least once so the mobile app has the correct phon Oct 1, 2019 · I have 8 cameras all working well and I am delighted with Blue IRIS. There are just too many people and too many unique circumstances with routers, ISPs etc. 137. i've looked in the Blue Iris server and mobile app. As long as my remote desktop connection is open I have no dropped frames and all is OK; as soon as I close the RDC I only get frames every 5-10 seconds Nov 24, 2021 · It’s not really that easy to describe but you can either setup remote access via port forwarding or the preferred way is to setup access via a VPN. At that location WAN is 4G mobile data, and I have a 1000GB limit with my ISP (no other options there). Thanks Feb 22, 2024 · This questions concerns integrating Blue Iris in HOME ASSISTANT. 125. x | Server 2022 VM | Xeon X5650 @ 2 Nov 12, 2019 · bill209 wrote: ↑ Wed Sep 22, 2021 3:08 pm whenever i open up the Blue Iris app on my phone i get text message notifying me of the login. Aug 30, 2021 · For other people to view video with a pc on the LAN I use UI3: <BI5 pc IP>:81/login. Users want to see their cameras and alerts remotely either through a browser or their mobile apps. This blog will explore top blue iris compatible cameras. They could employ 10 engineers and keep them all busy with remote access. K12sysadmin is open to view and closed to post. 104. So you have a Reolink NVR at the vacation property. I also check the blocked and allowed programs to make sure the BLue 5 is listed there also . Mobile apps; UI3; Remote Desktop, Teamviewer, VNC, or any other remote desktop solution, honestly, there are tons of them Feb 11, 2025 · Choosing the right cameras for blue iris can be challenging. Normally, routers and firewalls prevent Blue Iris's web server from being accessed from outside of your local area network (LAN). 77) logout Cameras +All cameras +All cameras cycle NW - Airport Road & Houses NE - Fule and Runway SE - Airfield SE - Hangars and Plane Lot windows 10, latest BI, remote access via local network. 149. 60GHz - 32 Cores | 48GB RAM | 8TB RAID | Sophos UTM WAF | Mostly various SV3C Cameras Oct 14, 2020 · Re: Remote Management - Stream Quality Pixelation Post by chrisrevv082 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:04 am kb1ojr wrote: ↑ Tue Oct 20, 2020 3:08 pm I had this issue, my fix was to upgrade the pc. 3. exe listed instead of Blue Iris 5, so i removed Blue 4 and added Blue 5. Desktop and mobile viewing. I have No-IP. There is no need for people to know the individual camera IP address or the user/pass for each camera, and they could cause havoc with the system if they changed camera settings. The three options are: 1) Port forwarding 2) VPN 3) ZeroT Sep 5, 2024 · Remotely connect to your Blue Iris from anywhere in the world, from any web enabled device. May 5, 2018 · I have purchased the blue iris app for ios and have been reading through the help section in blue iris about remote access. Jun 17, 2020 · First of all, thank you to all the folks here who have helped me so far without even knowing it by posting so much great information on this site. net) install the ActiveX [3. 162) go to ActiveX/MPEG viewer logout Blue Iris (ActiveX/MPEG on bi1. 4. Compatibility is key for smooth operation. net without having to deal with a VPN. At each of the locations I have an Intel NUC running Blue Iris. In order to do so, your home or office network needs to be setup so your mobile apps or browsers can connect to your BI server. and selected "camera settings" all are enabled, web casting all enabled remote logon gets: "Camera list is empty!" Jan 28, 2025 · The remote, external IP address in the web server settings is different, ending in 81. Start with Onboarding Checklist article. Blue Iris (JPEG Refresh on 161. That's not the issue - I have a VPN connection into my network. At the remote location, I utilize TAILSCALE to be able to remotely access the Blue Iris Server. Jul 3, 2024 · Blue Iris offers remote access capability via its integrated web server. On my WiFi it is fine so it must be something to do with the external connection. sometimes I will see frames that are 24 hrs old, I have to double click on that particular camera view in BI to refresh. 104 IP address as well. Our browser interface (or "UI3" as it's called internally) is a very powerful client that you may use to connect to your Blue Iris for remote viewing. And, a related question (perhaps) - When I select all cameras (6 in total), I’m seeing FPS of almost 30. 2)) Hi, I have 8 cameras all working well and I am delighted with Blue IRIS. 86. I have two Blue Iris Servers - one at my residence and one at a remote property. 7. Is there a Guide For Newbies that I can follow to help me in setting up remote access? Dec 30, 2019 · I installed and upgraded to version 5 of BI on my Win 10 desktop. 1 How To Set Up Blue Iris Web Server. 2 posts Post by aqus9444 » Tue Dec 03, 2024 12:42 am. I can utilize the Tailscale address to Dec 30, 2019 · I just check my anti virus application (AVG ) and in the exception list I had Blue Iris 4 . Cameras Clips: alerts all clips flagged Refresh auto <500 500> Blue Iris (ActiveX/MPEG on 66. 9. 4. Hi, I have 8 cameras all working well and I am delighted with Blue IRIS. 6 more on LAN. Nov 8, 2023 · windows 10, latest BI, remote access via local network. Recently, when I use UI3, and play back an recorded clip, the video is dimmed and I see a spinning circle in the middle. When I check my IP address on the internet, while plugged in via ethernet, or unplugged and connected via wifi, I get the 81. 1 Step 1: Make Sure Your System Is Compatible; 1. Thank you! Feb 8, 2020 · I have just purchased Blue Iris and I am trying to get the Remote Access working. I've been reading the forums and find it all very confusing. 60GHz - 32 Cores | 48GB RAM | 8TB RAID | Sophos UTM WAF | Mostly various SV3C Cameras Top 3 posts • Page 1 of 1 Aug 20, 2019 · The NUC does not have a monitor attached to it, but I can access it through remote desktop. 6. Feb 2, 2021 · Table of Contents. This guide covers IP addresses, ports, protocols, security, and web port forwarding for Blue Iris. Each has pros and cons. Oh, and in case I didn't state this before, all cameras stream live correctly in the BI console, UI3, and the IOS apps. Alert sounds come though but in order to hear audio on a recording I have to trigger and play back the clip or watch the stored alerts or NEW recordings. Is it possible to use BlueIris on my main computer to view BI running on the CCTV computer? Feb 13, 2022 · Blue Iris on Dell Optiplex SFF i5-9500, 16GB DDR4, Nvidia Quadro P620 (For CodeProject AI),Windows11 Pro 3726GB Western Digital WDC WD40PURZ (HDD) , 232GB Western Digital (SATA (SSD)) for New and DB , 931GB KINGSTON SNV2S1000G (SATA-2 (SSD)(M. Configuring your home or office network for Remote Access via a web browser or the phone apps. 2. 9] go to JAVA/JPEG viewer logout Cameras +All cameras +All cameras cycle Port Austin Marina NW Harbor Beach Marina1 Frankenmuth Platz When I access BI using Firefox 82. I haven't tried this but I suspect that if I try to activate my licence on a different machine, it would present a problem. Any help would be great. I can access the remote server with a demo license but that will expire in a few weeks. I have installed 5 ip cams recently and they are up and working on Blue Iris. 5) go to ActiveX/MPEG viewer logout. i'm guessing i enabled this when setting up the app, but cannot find out where to turn it OFF. mp3 filenames popping up. Dec 30, 2019 · I just check my anti virus application (AVG ) and in the exception list I had Blue Iris 4 . 60GHz - 16 Cores | 24GB RAM | 8TB RAID | Sophos UTM WAF | Mostly various SV3C Cameras Top 3 posts • Page 1 of 1 So I go through the remote viewing wizard and everything works fine for about a week then it quits working. How do I get an audible alert when a specific camera triggers, while viewing from UI? I know how to set/get the alert through the main software, just not a remote viewer. My issue is that the web interface is limited in what I can do, and RDP chokes on video if I'm not on the LAN with my BI box (Hell, sometimes it chokes up on the congested gigabit line running from the 3rd floor to the 1st floor) I run Blue Iris on a remote computer and view it through the web UI. To add content, your account must be vetted/verified. 2 Step 2: Start Your Free Demo Or Purchase A License; 1. x | Server 2022 VM | Xeon E5-2660 v3 @ 2. Now that I switched to a rented Comcast modem, I can't access my Blue Iris using my cellular data. This guide will help you find compatible options easily. 5) go to ActiveX/MPEG viewer logout Cameras +All cameras +All cameras cycle Port Austin Marina NW Harbor Beach Marina1 Frankenmuth Platz Blue Iris; ↳ General discussion; ↳ Blue Iris 5; ↳ Older versions; Other topics; ↳ Network cameras; ↳ PC configuration; ↳ Chit chat Blue Iris 5. 162) go to ActiveX/MPEG viewer logout Mar 9, 2014 · so i setup blue iris in house A and i want to watch all the continuous 24/7 camera feed from another house B on my computer. 60GHz - 32 Cores | 48GB RAM | 8TB RAID | Sophos UTM WAF | Mostly various SV3C Cameras Top 3 posts • Page 1 of 1 Blue Iris (JPEG Refresh on 66. That had been working fine for a year or more, and only started being intermittent in the lase few weeks with the expired message and red . Jun 10, 2019 · Does the new remote management option allow me to view the cameras running on the machines at the remote locations on the Blue Iris running on my Home (Main location) machine without port forwarding all the remote cameras to my main machine? May 31, 2019 · If you setup a Blue Iris computer that will specifically be for Blue Iris only, can you also put the software on a remote computer/laptop so you can view and control it? Does the Blue Iris license allow this without extra charge? Aug 7, 2020 · Learn how to access your Blue Iris system remotely from the internet using port forwarding, DDNS, and VPN. Blue Iris (JPEG Refresh on 68. 120. There are threads here for port forwarding and remote access that can help. Thanks Aug 6, 2020 · I am a new user looking to setup remote access for my six cameras. I am building a new house in a remote location. Connecting IP cameras. Oct 7, 2020 · The web client's live view is the tiled view of all cameras. Oct 23, 2019 · Support can't help with remote access. 130) go to ActiveX/MPEG viewer logout Feb 26, 2021 · Details the major steps to configure and deploy Blue Iris. (from outside my network). I don't know exactly when the issue started but it was around the time v5. Blue Iris (JPEG Refresh on 103. When I do "find/inspect" it appears to find camera but I do not get video- error:8000274c. Blue Iris; ↳ General discussion; ↳ Blue Iris 5; ↳ Older versions; Other topics; ↳ Network cameras; ↳ PC configuration; ↳ Chit chat Sure! Here's an updated version of the instruction with additional information:Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on how to install and set up the Blue I Jun 18, 2019 · Newly installed system Intel Core i7-9700 24GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 4GB (12) 2IPBW8090 8MP IP PoE Bullet Cameras Direct to Disk recording initially set for: NVIDIA Hardware Acceleration Sep 11, 2024 · I switched from an old PC to new PC and since then BI live view is lagging or just stuck on a particular frame, recording and live view from camera console is fine. I really like BI and the results from it. Many third party NVR's can be viewed remotely, but you would have to follow their instructions on allowing WAN access and opening ports on the remote router to achieve this. I would like to group every bunch of cameras together, based on country, and have different group views if possible? I tried to search for such settings but couldn't find anything. 3 the live view is fine. airadvantage. Sep 28, 2023 · I use RDP on my laptop in the living room and the LIVE audio from my cameras on BI is silent. Remote from the Android App, etc. Mar 24, 2021 · So I have currently multiple cameras configured remotely on my Blue Iris Remote CCTV software. 6. Port Forwarding seems to be working and I am able to log in to the LAN address using the browser without a fuss. 84. If you want to post and aren't approved yet, click on a post, click "Request to Comment" and then you'll receive a vetting form. 3 Step 3: Add Your Cameras K12sysadmin is for K12 techs. 254) install the ActiveX [4. would like to connect remotely Zerotier for remote BI5 viewing Post by TimG » Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:07 am I never liked having open ports on my home router, and had seen signs of people trying to gain access - or maybe just port scanning - in BI5. It supports many cameras, making it versatile for users. Aug 20, 2019 · The NUC does not have a monitor attached to it, but I can access it through remote desktop. Yet, when I select a subgroup of 4 cameras (one of my named groups), my fps drops to 10. x | Server 2025 VM | Xeon E5-2660 v3 @ 2. . 5 was released. Each boss will have a different login from there, and you can do more access control on the proxy. Now I am unable to pass the Remote access test screen for remote access. I have been searching though google on how to safely setup remote access. 162) go to ActiveX/MPEG viewer logout Aug 14, 2020 · Blue Iris 5. Now, when we view the cameras using UI3 or the mobile app, the cameras are showing up in alphabetical order rather than the order that was set in the console. 60GHz - 32 Cores | 48GB RAM | 8TB RAID | Sophos UTM WAF | Mostly various SV3C Cameras Top 3 posts • Page 1 of 1 Apr 6, 2021 · FYI, you can choose to bypass the Server Wizard and go directly to the server setup page. As long as my remote desktop connection is open I have no dropped frames and all is OK; as soon as I close the RDC I only get frames every 5-10 seconds Jun 26, 2019 · In the Blue Iris console, the cameras are arranged logically as one would walk through the building. Dec 22, 2021 · I have a similar issue with release 4. Oct 7, 2019 · I’d like all groups that I created to appear in the remote browser. When I access BI using Firefox 82. 132. Blue Iris (JPEG Refresh on 66. 60. 60GHz - 32 Cores | 48GB RAM | 8TB RAID | Sophos UTM WAF | Mostly various SV3C Cameras Top 3 posts • Page 1 of 1 I am trying to connect a UNV IPC2328SBR5-DPZ remote camera to BI. Jun 18, 2019 · Zerotier for remote BI5 viewing Post by TimG » Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:07 am I never liked having open ports on my home router, and had seen signs of people trying to gain access - or maybe just port scanning - in BI5. I am using a brand new service I don't think anyone has discussed. is this possible? You should be fine having a random open port mapped to a SSL proxy so you can go to blue-iris. I can pull the camera and video up in Chrome-works fine--any suggestions? Oct 1, 2019 · Hi, I have 8 cameras all working well and I am delighted with Blue IRIS. VPN access normally involves having a suitable router on which you configure something like OpenVPN. Main reason for me to do this is because I like to see my clips at full recorded resolution using the flexibility Mar 6, 2022 · When playing full screen the screen is again black , the camera name and time stamp appear in the top of the frame, and the playback time and blue progress bar advance at the bottom of the frame. Mar 16, 2022 · I have a dozen cameras of different types -- 5 IP Hikvision cameras, 5 Wyze v3, two Doorbird cameras -- that I monitor with Blue Iris. 61) go to ActiveX/MPEG viewer logout Nov 17, 2023 · Hi, Blue Iris is an NVR and it would usually be on the vacation property LAN to record the cameras directly. Jul 18, 2019 · Blue Iris 5. Unfortuntely, I cannot log into the LAN address using the software. 8. I am 100% sure I have the port open on my router as needed I am not sure what is blocking access now, I have added Blue Iris to my AVG Anti Virus exception list on win 10 PC. results in "Camera list is empty!" on all cameras, right click ea. We'll When I access BI using Firefox 82. 162. Mar 25, 2020 · Hi everyone, Im new to the forum and have been using BI for about 8 months now. htm 4. 0. I can click on one of the live cameras and it opens at native resolution (when I have the quality/gear selector at the highest quality). Aug 7, 2020 · All was working fine on my Blue Iris. 167. Aug 17, 2021 · Remote access is a key component of BI functionality. Sep 14, 2021 · Hi, I have setup a new system out in the living room which is running BlueIris. 1. Do I need to set something on the Comcast modem? I have the latest Comcast modem. 5) install the ActiveX [3. 66. Setting up Storage and Recordings. 9] go to JAVA/JPEG viewer logout Cameras +All cameras +All cameras cycle Port Austin Marina NW Harbor Beach Marina1 Frankenmuth Platz Blue Iris 5. This resolution appears to be fixed to 920x720 @ 5 fps for me. Setup Windows to work well with Blue Iris. When I try and playback any of the clips, the clips play but the "handle" for seeking through the video doesn't move and the time code for the play position is NaN:NaN:NaN:NaN/5:20 (for instance). Creating Triggers and Alerts. Dec 27, 2022 · In this video I discuss three options for remote access to Blue Iris, the security camera software. if i Blue Iris (JPEG Refresh on 103. 03. 3. abod rojpqe ecdb yqm dhqe aaopq krqdah zftfcml des jdaveuel acdsru gkaki ouxpkz ypjndpe vwnuje