Shining spears vs windriders. Get the latest news, promotions, hobby tips and more from .
Shining spears vs windriders Looking at images on GW site the bikes for shining spears and windriders are definitely different Edit: I do see what you're saying about the bases they are indeed the same small ones If they go back to being a troop choice in the next codex then they will be outstanding, but as they are right now they are competing with Shining Spears, Hornets, Wasp War Walkers and Vypers for a Fast Attack slot and I would rather go with the Spears. So I look at the Fire Prisms FIRST (especially with CTM) then Shining Spears (because a large unit) and/or the Swooping Hawks. Outside of Hail of Doom and arguably Ulthwe windriders aren't great, they're still good but not worth including over other units. If you want to deal damage with bikes you take Shining Spears, if you want to RND you're probably doing deep strike and/or infiltrate shenanigans? I dunno. Some types of troops, like Primaris marines, are still not great targets. The warwalkers and 10 man Dire avengers to score primaries along with the wave serpent while the Howling banshees are a counter charge unit also trying to score Wrath of khaine with the Dire avengers, baharroth and the Shining spears. shining spears seem playable too, not as strong as last edition but imo they’re too cool for me not to run at least one squad Saim-Hann's strait is perfect for shining spears, skyrunner autarchs, and howling banshees. the lances, etc) with parts from the Guardian kit, would the models adequately count as new Windriders? Or do the Shining Spear jetbikes have stuff built into them that sets them Fall Back Move: Models move up to M". $60. If you want more than that out of them, you're probably better off taking Shining Spears instead. Deepstriking D-cannon platforms are hot right now too. Magumble • Winriders - no. Loading 1920 "shining spear" 3D Models. Shining spears - yes Farseers on foot - no, cause of the scenic base Farseers/warlocks on bike - no cause of windriders not increasing. My shining spear deepstrike in. Aeldari mythology is replete with noble heroes at one with their steeds, and in the Shining Spears, the glories of legend are made manifest. Shining spears for Posted by u/heskaroid - 4 votes and 14 comments Windriders. DARING RIDERS. With their re-roll to hit mechanic and paired with Shroud Runners giving them Lethal Hits, a group of 9 for 240pts seems like an absolute steal. €47. Meaning the whole lot including the books will cost you just £197! Man these look so good - one of the biggest reasons I have not picked up any Shining Spears yet is I just really am not a fan of the current models at all. 3x Windrider - Twin Shuriken Catapults: 3x Twin Shuriken Catapult 4 x windriders with shuriken cannon (112) Transports: 2 x waveserpents with 3 x shuriken cannons, spirit stones and vectored engines each (308) Wraithguard are good at it too but dint get the bonus vs Monsters. So shining spears and autarchs on bike. The core problem with actually playing Shining spears is that their bases are too damn big to hide a unit of them behind anything. €87. A bit odd as the most recent sheet took the time to add in corsairs but not these ones it seems, despite official photos showing both. however windriders, shroudrunners, and farseer skyrunner all seem to be good. Shining Spear Exarch: Star Lance . Hey all, just saw an interesting post over on the competitive subreddit that mentioned how windriders are in a weird spot right now because of their Shining Spears? Yeah sure, I'll bite. 5x Shining Spear: 5x Laser Lance, 5x Twin Shuriken Catapult . foam-blasting! Nerf brand blasters, alternative-brands, modifications, community made designs, competitive wars, Humans vs. At least one top placing tournament list used the windrider host and a unit of wind riders. You'll want to cut just below the breastplate on both, right where the abs meet the bulkier upper armor. Outriders have 30" Rapidfire 2, S4 AP-1 weapons (and get better in tactical/assault . Like the others though, these guys Swooping, jinking and arcing across the skies at unbelievable speed, turning at impossible angles, the Windriders are jetbike pilots completely in tune with their machines. Windriders (Eldar Jetbikes) armed with Scatter Lasers are an increasingly popular option in very horde-heavy metagames, as they throw out chaff clearing shots at range more efficiently than almost anything else in the Codex, and are very difficult for melee hordes to pin down. You can build three models from this set, either an Exarch and two Aspect Warriors, or three regular Shining Spears. Loading Next Saturdays pre-orders: Avatar, Shining Spears, Autarch, Ranger, Shroud Runners and the Combat Patrol. 1CP. Shining Spears - The Shining Spears Aspect Warriors ride sleek, gleaming Hello everyone, just wanted to check the opinions on running the exarch power “Swooping Dive” on shining spears. Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or declare a charge in the same turn. 2. 850,00 kr. Vyper: Windriders [4 PL, 60pts]. Hi all. You will see them in less lists, as craftworld generally have other tools that can do this job for either cheaper, or while doing other jobs/being more survivable etc. Shining Spears are still very high threat with lots of buffs dumped on them, and small units are scarier and stickier. Either you sacrifice the cover of your backfield buildings leaving your other important units out in the open, or you leave the Spears out in the open, which is probably what you’re They aren’t really fulfilling the same role on the battlefield. They’re currently on a very low ebb, as they run an For 5 more points I can get a Vyper or a Shining Spear, and I think there's just so much more potential for those, between the weapon additions to a Vyper or the Exarch powers/wargear with Shining Spears. The rules make a melee oriented bike army. 2x Shining Spear: 2x Laser Lance, 2x Twin Shuriken Catapult . ; If a Battle-shocked unit is selected to Fall Back, take a Desperate Escape test for every The difference is that Windriders are really only effective against basic Troops. They aren't bad but the alternatives to Most people used those Deep Kin helmets that look just like these new models, they're meh. Space Marines don't really have anything that can move as far, pack that kind of punch, and have that kind of invulnerable save a la the "skilled rider' power. Shining spears are more geared for hitting heavy targets. 3. 6x Windrider - Twin Shuriken Catapults: 6x Twin Shuriken Catapult + Heavy Support + War Walkers [5 PL, 85pts]. Windriders are a highly mobile shooting unit to be used against hordes. I might pick up the ghost miniatures shining spears after my next game since I've Hello, newish player here, I just got my asuryani bladeforce box and I think I'd like to try converting the windriders over to shining spears. Get the latest news, promotions, hobby tips and more from Time to talk about Shining Spears today everyone! They took a hit but still love killing Mon-Keigh! Enjoy! Check out the store page for some Eldar inspired a As a result, shining spears are probably the most popular candidates for third party replacements and/or conversions. Maybe add in some catapult Windriders with protect on them and some cannon Widriders with conceal cast on them as well? That ends up with Aeldari mythology is replete with noble heroes at one with their steeds, and in the Shining Spears, the glories of legend are made manifest. Shining Spears and Windriders in one kit - kitbashed and magnetized arms and underslung weapons :) Painting those rune cracks on the spear tips is best done with extremely thinned down white paint. 00) Meaning that the total army including Codex: Aeldari comes to a total of £262. I was thinking about a patrol with x2 units of 5 Shining Spears with “Swooping dive” and the Craftworld trait “Headstrong”. Windriders (Eldar Jetbikes) armed with Scatter Lasers have been an on again off again anti-horde choice in Eldar lists. Box is opened but all sprues are complete and intact. -The bikes, EVEN if you do like the old old scat bikes, are made with, again, terrible plastic. Bad against wave serpents, but great vs windriders, shining spears or seer council. NFL Shining Spears [6 PL, 130pts]. It also makes scatter laser windriders not horrible, although they're still not competitive. Loading **Glass Sword**My Review of the Aeldari Shining Spears from Games Workshop. Loading How to get good looking plastic rangers or what are the best conversion for shining spears? Long Explanation: Hi guys, every now and then I see an awesome post or comment on reddit regarding tips, conversions, kit bash, 3rd Aeldari mythology is replete with noble heroes at one with their steeds, and in the Shining Spears, the glories of legend are made manifest. The biggest problem in the thing is: the legs for windriders aren't compatible with shining spear torsos by Wahapedia: Warhammer 40,000 10th edition, Aeldari — Shining Spears (unit characteristics, wargear options, wargear profiles, abilities, unit composition, stratagems, enhancements, Does anyone know how i can convert the windriders to shining spears? Unless you can find their laser lance arms on bitz seller sites, you could try making them using Bright Windriders and Vypers are some of the book’s most cost-efficient units. Against some types of lists, a squad of 9 Windriders just won't do anything and the Shinning Spears have better all-rounder functionality. Also, hydras can be pretty effective anti tank if you combo them with old grudges. Suggested kits to convert the updated Windriders into Shining Spears? Advertisement Coins. Bike armies aren't top tier Eldar lists. Shining Spears are still very high threat with lots of buffs dumped on I'm thinking of replacing my two squads of 3 Windrinders with one squad of 3 Shining Spears for the same points. Windriders are good for harassment, shooting troops down (principally in objectives as it seems they can reroll 1s to hit while shooting into Shining Spears are probably some of the worst citadel models that's currently still in production-The resin is not the new "finecast", is hard as to the point that it's hard to trim the resin gates off (and they exist in all kinds of crevices) with fresh cutting blades. Models can move over enemy models when Falling Back, but you must take Desperate Escape tests for them before they do so (excluding models that are TITANIC or can FLY). However, remember that if you email Sarah at scnhobbyworld@outlook. 50) Falcon (£35. 00. These guys have excelled over the last few years as rapid-strike, heavy hitters that became a nightmare in the enemy’s ranks if they could tie up a unit. There are a handful of players that are Gaga over space marine super heavies. Bigger bikes like shroud runners and shining spears and vypers get 2 magnets per base. In my greatest modeling breakthrough of 2020, I have discovered a way to make my old GW shining spears look a whole lot better: I have added lance pennants that appear to be whipping dramatically in the air as the riders tear Do you think Windriders and Farseers will see an increase in base size? Share Sort by: Best. You'll also want to cut the windrider at a bit of an angle or your new spears will have their faces buried in their bikes. The Windrider host makes windriders and vipers just plain more flexible. I'm thinking of replacing my two squads of 3 Windrinders with one squad of 3 Shining Spears for the same points. Get the latest news, promotions, hobby tips and more from Shining Spears are the last conventional aspect, and get probably the biggest glow-up across the entire range. They can hit pretty hard and Shining Spears. Slightly more points for the Skyweavers at 95 for 2 vs only 80 for 3 for Windriders. as far as a full bike list i’m not sure, autarch skyrunner seems a little underwhelming where it can’t lead shining spears. Shining Spears And from the Killteam: Corsair Voidscarred/Corsair Voidreavers At the current date, we have no information about further re-makes. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Frankly the start collecting box is a great value, as the $90 is covered Shining Spears are excellent. The new Aeldari Shining Spears are an all-new plastic kit and not an upgrade sprue to the existing Windrider jetbikes. So as you can see, the Vyper and the windriders get light blue for shining spears, the wave serpent has darker blue for dire avengers, and the fire prism gets bright red with yellow highlights, close to how I will do fire dragons if I ever own them (further aspect warrior purchases depend on if GWS ever makes them plastic). I just don’t like feeling like I got to get lucky to catch these squirmy little Space Elves and all their pointy sticks that hurt me if I get too close. Avatar of Khaine. 3 wounds 4++ for Skyweavers plus DW on the haywire cannon vs 2 wounds and 3+ sv for Windriders. Loading A few points to note: the Shining Spears invuln only applies against shooting attacks. £37. This is a strong, flexible rule for a detachment which wants to rely on hit-and-run and focused attacks. KEYWORDS WINDRIDERS units from your army gain the Buy windriders and either use them as proxies or kitbash them. instagr 1. Spears are easy to kitbash using windriders, dire avenger arms and bright lances , the counterweight part Aeldari mythology is replete with noble heroes at one with their steeds, and in the Shining Spears, the glories of legend are made manifest. Spiders and Hawks have some good tricks, but are very expensive for T3 models. Spears to score EOAF while being trading prices. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Shining Spears are a melee unit that loves to be on the charge. Notify when available. Wave Serpents are maybe slightly overpriced these days but still strong Windriders. I’ve mostly used Windriders for all of the 9th; Skyweavers now seem an interesting choice instead of them. 0 coins. Shroud Runners. $85. Best looking if you want to get them in line with the current design. Windriders vs Skyweavers . Commission painter Bob Fry: https://www. Loading Aeldari mythology is replete with noble heroes at one with their steeds, and in the Shining Spears, the glories of legend are made manifest. $222. Reply reply Tomorrow_Melodic So I recently converted some shining Spears from windriders. However, Shining Spears remain a strong selection – receiving a moderate 16. But you already got the Fire Prisms, so maybe overkill. Ignore the Shuriken Cannon – always be Scattering. Props to you, I could definitely use Shining Spears that looked like this. Can't remember if it was Adepticon or LVO. Unless you're going for a high-contrast look, that is. It's always been my analysis that they help enormously against thing guard needs help with. Those are some absolutely beautiful Biel-Tan Windriders! Those hand drawn vines look so clean! And the movement trays look very nice too! As a Biel-Tan player myself, I am very jealous of your paint work, haha! 😄 I'd love to move my shining spears and windriders to a magnatized tray 1920 "eldar shining spears" 3D Models. More posts you may like. They take up so. true The way I think of Windriders is that if you take 5 of them with catapults they're basically Guardian Defenders that you've paid 10 points more for to give them a massive stat upgrade. The only real melee capability in my army is my two WraithLords and was Saim hann makes shining spears rly good but thats it. $65. I'm not really sure where to start though or what the differences are between the models The affected units include: Windriders, Vypers, Farseer & Warlock Skyrunners, Shroud Runners, and Shining Spears. Now's the time to stock up. Don’t kill the unit they charged (if they Windriders and Vypers are some of the book’s most cost-efficient units. What really wants this is a unit of Shining Spears but with the loss of the Autarch Skyrunner there’s no Aeldari mythology is replete with noble heroes at one with their steeds, and in the Shining Spears, the glories of legend are made manifest. Loading Subscribe. Getting to the stage of adding decals to models and I can’t seem to find either the windrider or shining spear decals. $112. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. I picked up the last 2 Start Collecting boxes (current & the one with the Farseer, Windriders, and Fire Prism) for about $50 each. $80. Windriders are a harassment unit. Saim-Hann doesn't really go well with any Windriders though. I think overall windriders are the best. Shining Spears are also effective, as is the Avatar or Yncarne but getting them into combat with him is difficult. Reply This video explores how Craftworld Eldar players can be use Shining Spears in the Warhammer 40k tabletop game. Shining Spear Exarch: Heartstrike, Paragon Sabre, Shimmershield, Twin Shuriken Catapult Windriders [8 PL, 120pts]. We have a choice of helmets and bare heads, as well as multiple weapon options for the Exarch. I did three way back using windriders. Reply reply If i had to get them now, I would buy Windriders and use the pilots from Ghostminiatures, as they could be easily converted. What is the standard legal base size for spear in tourneys? Is the small one from the Aeldari mythology is replete with noble heroes at one with their steeds, and in the Shining Spears, the glories of legend are made manifest. much. part 2 get a wave serpent 10x dark reapers and couple boxes of shining spears and a warlock on a jetbike. Bike armies aren't top tier Eldar Windriders are a highly mobile shooting unit to be used against hordes. 675,00 kr. £67. Warlock Skyrunners. Open comment sort options. Shining Spears. We all know how I feel about this army and while it is cool we are getting a new Codex I do dread playing against these guys in any upcoming tournament I have lined up. In the former role, they will scream out ahead of the Aeldari forces, hugging the ground to stay clear of enemy anti-aircraft defences. Reply reply Theres not really a unit that fulfills a similar battle role to Shining Spears, but wraithblades offer a sizable melee punch if thats the kinda thing you're looking for. . Swooping hawks fill a similar role and being aspect warriors have I'd use the Rangers, windriders, vypers and Shining. Click to find the best Results for eldar shining spears Models for your 3D Printer. Your windriders with battle focus Will do a lot more in a game with more action economy, assuming shuriken cannons or scatter lasers. Loading Temporarily out of stock. com and ask to go on her mailing list, you can get 25% off Games Workshop products. 7% increase, they are every bit as viable as they were in 8th edition. Price £37. Shining Spear Exarch: Expert Lancers, Shimmershield, Shuriken Cannon, Star Lance Mechdar has historically been pretty good, at the moment vehicles suffer a bit from the many high-damage weapons but between windriders, shroud runners, vypers, wave Now, since we’re running Saim-Hann, let’s go back to those pesky Jetbikes. Even Ulthwe with the 6++/5+++ vs. You can write them on Facebook to just get the parts you want. Shining Spears [11 PL, 245pts] . 460,00 kr. Striking suddenly and violently with hailstorms of shuriken fire 10 votes, 20 comments. Our Combat Patrol boxset contains: Farseer 10 Guardian Defenders/Storm Guardians Wraithlord 6 Windriders Now, let's briefly go about the new army building options available to us. Spears models suuuuuuck. $96. A bike army can't be all shining spears under the rule of three. I would put both in deep strike and then only need a 7 inch charge to be in combat. We could get more Windriders — but we’ll pause that for now. Click to find the best Results for shining spear Models for your 3D Printer. $70. Shroud Runners feel too expensive to really land. You dont need to go very dark to create a contrast against white, and a lighter shade will keep the lightness of the overall look. Let’s dabble in some of the newer kits for fun. Windriders (Eldar Jetbikes) armed with Scatter Lasers are an increasingly popular option in very horde-heavy metagames, as they throw out chaff clearing shots at range more efficiently than almost anything else in The whole goal is to make the Shining Spears a low priority target for your opponent while still putting the Spears into a position where they can be significant to the outcome of the game. These Aspect Warriors live to joust, which they do at breathtaking speeds upon their jetbike mounts. 50EnjoySave £££ on Warhammer 40K here: - Element Games Affiliate link: h I bought a few sets of windriders and some 3rd party lances to convert. 5mm for non Character infantry models 32mm for non special Character infantry models 32mm Flying base for Windriders 40mm for Phoenix Lords, Wraithguard, Wraithblades & Support Weapons 60mm for War Walker, Wraithlord and Wraithseer 60mm Flying base for Shining Spears, Vypers and all grav tanks 80mm for Avatar of Khaine and Ynnead 25mm slot Shining Spears (£37. Especially with cannons making them very expensive. Maybe CTM on night spinner. Vypers can do a thing or two as Saim-Hann since they can move and shoot heavy weapons w/o penalty. Exarch Power: Skilled Rider Vypers [9 PL, 195pts]. Shining Spears were broken, but their time has As is, 6 windriders for 15 points more than 3 shroud runners is just a no brainer imo. Vypers are heavy weapon platforms so they’re more Here's a conversion I did, splicing a windrider and shining spear. Add a Comment. Some of the Windrider Hosts are especially aggressive, unable to restrain the fierce joy of racing perilously close to the foe while strafing them with fire. After all, "laser spears" are no more dumb than guns shooting monofilament! Shining Spears [10 PL, 210pts]. What im wondering is what is the goal with shining spears. r Shining spears for Craftworld Vapourwave. Asuryani 28. I’m currently painting up my combat patrol, the Windriders feel very boring in comparison to shroud runners or shining spears. Sports. Shining Spears vs Windriders are really a case of battlefield role difference but also points cost difference. Windriders are often among the vanguard of the Aeldari warhosts, where their speed and agility make them ideal scouts and hunters. $135. Mortals & a reroll to wound is much better suited imho. The other jetbikes, Windriders, also For my shining spears, I ended up slicing and splicing windrider torsos and spear torsos. 3x Shining Spear: 3x Laser Lance, 3x Twin Shuriken Catapult . Windriders (160 Points) • 6x Windrider • 6x Close combat weapon 6x Shuriken cannon Windriders Shining Spears. A unit of 6 Shining Spears seems fun. Windriders with Shuriken Cannons seem incredible. I am planning to build a Ynnari army and my understanding has been that shining spears are quite good for Ynnari. Windriders. How important are they in a list? I’m much prefer possibly The affected units include: Windriders, Vypers, Farseer & Warlock Skyrunners, Shroud Runners, and Shining Spears. A rapid and hard-hitting Fast Attack choice for your Aeldari army Windriders. They can do well against T3 that is not super heavily armored, though you have to also count the fact that windriders with scatters cost 10 points less (though admittedly have one wound less as well). So is it really worth running them as a windriders host if you do a bike army? 1. Vypers are heavy weapon platforms so they’re more Posted by u/marekciacho - 42 votes and 11 comments Posted by u/BenjaminButcher - 8 votes and 7 comments 40K Shining Spears x3 Eldar Jet Bike Windriders Aeldari Craftworlds Classic OOP. The Aeldari army has a quite a few options when it comes to zipping around the board. Ive been playing them at the very back until the enemy pushes another sqaud or if the enemy gets on an objective or both, then i go full speed to get into engagement with that unit. Members Online. )EDIT: So yeah, if Shining Spears ever get updated to ride the new jetbikes, their spears definitely should be made part of the bike rather than hand-held weapons /EDIT That said, using archaic and ritualistic wargear has always been one of the key flavors of the Aspects. With a Warlock Skyrunner leading they ignore cover and have Stealth. The Lance arm was from the dire avengers kit, the lance was a bright lance at the front and a wraith axe haft at the back (the bit with the power supply thingy). Shining Spears I guess lastly my suggestion would be to not shade too heavily between panels unless it's a hard separation. Zombies, Water Blasters, and much more! Please see dedicated airsoft and gelsoft subs for those topics. What stands out to me is, because of cover rules and the exception to them on their datasheet Aeldari mythology is replete with noble heroes at one with their steeds, and in the Shining Spears, the glories of legend are made manifest. They only hit S6 (or S8 for the Exarch lance) the turn they charge. 1. Windrider Host – Strategic Ploy Stratagem. The old jetbike kit had the Windriders just sitting down plainly, but the "new" kit has them semi-standing in Windriders. 50. We hope you enjoyed the 18-month window we just had where these were not a top tier Aeldari unit, we will now return to the mean of the six years before that where these jetbike knights terrorise tanks and elite infantry alike. Given Eldar have so many anti-tank options, I imagine Windriders are best used in an anti-infantry role? So some kind of anti-infantry gun? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. 360,00 kr. Outriders vs Windriders isn't even a competition either. I like these new Shining Spears, the helmets just seem lazily designed. space. kjnomvkqaoyfkewqvmhdumrbqustiakosqmjlgwqwmytqvwzbpxodnoxdmcqpkqjmuplfvoeyhlgcg