
Mintaka star trek. Im Perry Rhodan-Universum ist es die Heimat der Topsider.

Mintaka star trek In 2366 had de Federatie de Mintakans al enkele jaren in geheim geobserveerd. 2 solar masses and a surface temperature of between 5,300 and 6,000 K. A fourth star is located in between the binary system and the distant companion. Listing review by immigratetous. It is easily visible to the naked eye, one of the brightest stars in the sky, and has been known since antiquity. Listed on 16 Jan, 2025 One such celestial charm is the Mintaka Star. "Captain's log, Stardate 43173. It was visible from Earth in the Orion constellation. The Cardassian Cruiser Bonecrusher has almost been destroyed. September 2014 - size: 1436 × 1080 in Trek to the Stars: Die Drehorte von Star Trek – Los Angeles. , Paramount Pictures Corporation, and CBS Interactive Inc. This was the homeworld to the Mintakans, a pre-warp proto-Vulcan humanoid species. One of the scientists, Palmer, was injured Mintaka (auch Mintika, Im Star-Trek-Universum ist im Mintaka-System die protovulkanische Zivilisation der Mintakaner beheimatet, die eine Technologiestufe erreicht haben, welche in etwa der irdischen Bronzezeit entspricht. Die Föderation unterhält eine anthropologische Forschungsstation auf dem Planeten. Including, one very, very big reveal. com gehört Mintaka III zur Klasse M. © 2024 CBS Studios Inc. Mintaka is running out of time. Personally I have a little pet theory that they are an off-shot of the Romulans left behind on Mintaka during the Exodus who have fallen back into more Este puesto estaba ubicado en el planeta Mintaka III, donde habita una sociedad proto-vulcana en la edad del bronce, siendo pacíficos y racionales. Dies ist zugleich die letzte Erwähnung von Pulaski in der Serie. Together with Alnitak (Zeta Orionis) and Alnilam (Epsilon Orionis), the three stars form Orion's Belt, known by many names among ancient cultures. 0 International (CC BY-SA 4. The Mintakans were a proto-Vulcan humanoid species native to Mintaka III who existed in a Bronze Age state of technology. No cadet would have knowledge of that incident. There are a number of exoplanets orbiting the star of Mintaka, but in general we refer to this entire star system as simply - Mintaka. 0) tenzij anders aangegeven. Eine Szene aus „Der Gott der Mintakaner“ Foto: Christian Hinze. . Die Ereignisse aus dieser Folge wurden in mehreren späteren Star-Trek-Produktionen wieder aufgegriffen: In Star Trek, the Mintaka system was the home system of Mintaka III, the home of the Mintakans. The United Federation of Planets began covertly observing the Mintakans several Mintaka III (Spiegeluniversum) aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank. Mintaka Star - A Blue Supergiant Lighting Up the Night Sky. Alnilam is visible from Earth in the space denoted by Humans as the Orion constellation, located 1,180 light-years from Sol, in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant. Spring zu: Navigation, suche. Katherine Pulaski vorgenommene Gedächtnislöschung in Folge 2. Im Star-Trek-Universum ist im Mintaka-System die protovulkanische Zivilisation der Mintakaner beheimatet, die eine Technologiestufe erreicht haben, welche in etwa der irdischen Bronzezeit entspricht. Nestled in Orion’s belt, Mintaka is a sight that radiates mystique and wonder. 2, p. Featured on Meta Recapping Stack’s first community Mintaka III ist ein Planet der Klasse M und die Heimatwelt einer proto-vulkanischen Gesellschaft der Mintakaner. This is a B class star, a blue supergiant. Veröffentlicht 28. Dispatched from United States. Um größeren Schaden in der Gesellschaft der Mintakaner zu verhindern, muss Picard beweisen, dass er A friendly reminder regarding spoilers!At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Mintaka / ˈ m ɪ n t ə k ə /, [17] designation Delta Orionis (δ Orionis, abbreviated Delta Ori, δ Ori) and 34 Orionis (34 Ori), is a multiple star system some 1,200 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Orion. the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Still, whenever a Star Trek crew is offered life in a utopia (outside of the Federation), they refuse, argue, When mistaken for a god by the bronze-age people of Mintaka III, Picard must decide whether he should take the easy road — lean into this god stuff, and tell the Mintakans to give back his people — or, alternatively, violate the Star Trek travel landscapes set, Mintaka, Minos, Gideon planets landscapes, Star Trek Poster, Minimalistic Star Trek, Gift Idea, Trekkies. Posee un planeta clase M, Mintaka III, hogar de los Mintakanos. Sternzeit: 43173,5 Die anthropologische Fachgruppe auf Mintaka III hat Probleme mit ihrem Tarnungsgenerator; die Bewohner des Planeten sind vulkanierähnliche Humanoide auf dem Entwicklungsstand der Bronzezeit, die sehr intelligent und friedfertig sind Nuria was a leader of a community of Mintakans, who were a pre-industrial proto-Vulcan humanoid civilization of the planet Mintaka III. The Enterprise must undo the damage when a primitive civilization discovers a Federation observation team and concludes that the Starfleet personnel are gods. The Federation starship Enterprise, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, arrives at the planet Mintaka III to resupply and repair a Federation outpost being used to monitor the Mintakan people, a proto-Vulcan race near a A new Orbital Battery is purchased each turn on Mintaka. In dat jaar werd het antropologische team zichtbaar voor de Mintakans toen hun verhulde observatiepost zichtbaar werd nadat de generator defect raakte. B. De inhoud is beschikbaar onder de Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. Schauspieler: S3 E4: An away team inadvertently breaks the Prime Directive and reveals themselves to a primitive culture on Mintaka III, leading the inhabitants to believe that Captain Picard is a god. Leider kommt es durch das Versagen der Tarnvorrichtungen und das eigenmächtige Handeln von Dr. Star Trek tends to throw the thousands and millions around pretty casually, especially when it comes to the history of various civilizations, without thinking about the implications. Starfleet has classified the Cor Caroli V plague a secret. , Paramount companies. It was also home to the non-sentient hornbuck. , vol. 4 Der Gott der Mintakaner : Who Watches the Watchers? von Yann-Patrick Schlame. Spiegeluniversum. Secondo la cartografia ufficiale di Star Trek, il pianeta Axanar è situato nel sistema Axanar che coinciderebbe con il The term has become Star Trek shorthand for Earth-like, and due to obvious production practicalities, this environment is the "default" for planetary surface scenes. Im Perry Rhodan-Universum ist es die Heimat der Topsider. Mintaka is the Knowledge of the Mintakan incident remained restricted and highly unlikely to be possessed by a Starfleet cadet. Mintaka III: In orbit of Mintaka: Mintakans: Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed. Im Perry-Rhodan-Universum ist Mintaka III is de derde planeet in het Mintaka systeem en de thuiswereld van een Vulcanoid ras dat bekend was als de Mintakans. 2366 fliegt die Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) zum Planeten, nachdem eine getarnte Beobachtungsstation der I found it unlikely that a first-year cadet would know of the Enterprise's visit to Mintaka III, so I tested you. 52 The Mintakan tapestry was a woven picture of designs placed on a piece of hide, and was made by the Mintakans of Mintaka III. (ST reference: Star Charts; The Mintakans are a sapient species native to Mintaka III. Its population has been whittled down to 45 million and there is no relief in sight. Once the Mintakans were religious and superstitious and Mintaka is the westernmost of the three stars of Orion's belt. Mintaka im Sternbild Orion. org. Mintaka III was the inhabited third planet orbiting the primary Mintaka. 44) und Star Trek. aus Memory Alpha, der freien deutschen Star-Trek-Datenbank. These are the rarest of all main sequence stars. Together with Mintaka and Alnitak, Alnilam is one of the three Sie leben auf Mintaka III mit einem sehr semiariden Klima. To get more specific, it is technically a pair of closely orbiting blue supergiants. It is a multiple star system with a combined visual magnitude of 2. Such a star has about 0. Crusher zur Beeinflussung der dort lebenden Präwarp-Zivilisation. Ein anthropologisches Forschungsteam der Föderation, (Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt) Das Volk glaubte einst an übermenschliche Götter mit immensen Fähigkeiten. Damit verletzt die Enterprise die Erste Direktive. (TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers") Planetas del Sistema: - Mintaka I - Mintaka II - Mintaka III Die Enterprise will Forschern nach einer Explosion helfen. Mintaka III was a planet of proto-Vulcans which Riker infiltrated in an anthropological fact-finding Inhaltsangabe [] Kurzfassung []. (TNG episode: "Who Watches the Watchers") In the mirror Mintaka (Delta Orionis), a white-blue star situated 1,200 light years away in the “belt” of the famous constellation Orion, is located so close to the celestial equator that its rising and The Mintakans are a sapient species native to Mintaka III. Laut Star Trek. Ganz neue Dimensionen). 15 (Brieffreunde) von Raumschiff Enterprise – Das nächste Jahrhundert. Mintaka oder auch Delta Orionis ist ein Stern im Sternbild Orion. Axanar è il pianeta nativo degli Axanar. Typisch sind karge und felsige Landschaften. Episodenbeschreibung. Als man die Verletzten birgt, werden sie von Liko, einem Angehörigen der einheimischen Prä-Warp-Zivilisation gesehen. 8 to 1. El pequeño puesto estaba oculto por un sistema de hologramas que lo hacía invisible al ser confundido con rocas y estaba dirigido por el doctor Barron, que habitaba el puesto junto a dos doctores Star Trek travel landscapes set, Mintaka, Minos, Gideon planets landscapes, Star Trek Poster, Minimalistic Star Trek, Gift Idea, Trekkies PrintablesEveryone Star Seller Star Sellers have an outstanding track record for providing a great customer experience - they consistently earned 5-star reviews, dispatched orders on time, and replied quickly A friendly reminder regarding spoilers!At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star . Mintaka III fue el sitio de un campo de estudio antropológico de la Federación destinado a observar a sus habitantes, una cultura de proto-vulcanos. We are en route to Mintaka III where a three Mintaka III was the third planet of the Mintaka system, and the homeworld of the Mintakans and the non-sapient hornbuck. Radial velocity measurements taken by Henri-Alexandre Deslandres in 1900 at Paris Observatory showed that Mintaka had a variable radial velocity and ther Mintaka (also known as Delta Orionis) was a multiple star system in the space of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. 5. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 23 sep 2023 om 03:31. 3. ← Vorherige. J. Nei pressi di questo pianeta si svolse la battaglia di Axanar, seguita, una decina di anni dopo, da una missione di pace a cui prese parte il cadetto James T. This Digital Prints item by PrintablesEveryone has 216 favourites from Etsy shoppers. A friendly reminder regarding spoilers!At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Startseite » Drehorte » Trek to the Stars: Die Drehorte von Star Trek - Los Angeles » mintaka-3. Also used for the Vulcan surface scenes in The Voyage Home. A yellow dwarf star will fuse hydrogen for The main component itself consists of a close binary system, which has a third, distant, companion. mintaka-3. Der Gott der Mintakaner nimmt Bezug auf eine von Dr. Nach dem Star El Sistema Mintaka es un sistema estelar localizado en el Cuadrante Alfa. The Enterprise is delivering supplies when its reactor breaks down, and it becomes briefly visible to the outside world. Quelle: Memory-Alpha. In 2366, a team of Federation anthropologists, observing the Mintakans out of a duck blind, were observed by the Mintakans when the fusion reactor powering their hidden station malfunctioned. Lovely items. Alnilam (also known as Epsilon Orionis or 46 Orionis) is a star and associated star system. Mintaka III was an M-class planet. The Mintakans are a proto-Vulcan humanoid species native to Mintaka III, who exist in a Bronze Age state of technology. Half the remaining population of Mintaka is killed in the latest attack. Star Trek: Voyager Season 2, Episode 2 - "Initiations" Tarok Die Außenaufnahmen zu dieser Episode enstanden in den Vasquez Rocks, die in der Geschichte von Star Trek ein beliebter Drehort ist. Deep in the night sky, Mintaka graces us with its sensational brilliance. Als gevolg For other uses, see Alnilam. 44 Mordan IV: Mordanites: Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed. Kirk (Serie Classica: Corte marziale, Il sogno di un folle). Later in 2366, "Cadet Mitena Haro's" knowledge of the Enterprise's visit to The Mintakans were a Vulcanoid civilization native to the planet Mintaka III in the Mintaka system of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. Abrams „Star Trek“ (2009) wurden hier einige Aufnahmen gedreht. Auch für J. Zahlreiche Episoden der klassischen Serie wurden hier gefilmt (z. In 2366, a tapestry was given to Captain Jean-Luc Picard as a gift when the USS Enterprise-D visited the planet. In Star Trek, the Mintaka system was the home system of Mintaka III, the home of the Mintakans. Described as proto-Vulcan humanoids, it's possible that they're in some way related to that species (perhaps they too might be descendants of the Arretans, as the Vulcans are Spoilers ahead for Star Trek: Discovery’s finale. (TNG: "Who Watches the Watchers") Original air date: October 16, 1989 The Federation has set up a secret observation station on a primitive Vulcan-like planet named Mintaka III to observe the inhabitants without their knowledge. Der Planet Mintaka III gehört zum System des Sterns. (TNG: Der Gott der Mintakaner, Familienbegegnung) © 2024 CBS Studios Inc. Jed Jun 22, 2024 5 out of 5 stars. com ist Mintaka III 1500 bis 2350 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt. Die Enterprise fliegt Mintaka III an, wo mehrere Anthropologen bei der Explosion des Reaktors ihres getarnten Beobachtungspostens verletzt wurden. TURN 109. Two of the Mintakans see it within that window of time, and one of them, The familiar landscape of Vasquez Rocks stands in for Mintaka and serves as a nice callback to Star Trek: The Original Series. Very pleased with transaction! Purchased item: Star Trek travel landscapes set, Mintaka, Minos, Gideon planets landscapes Except of course that it hardly needs saying that a planet orbiting a star such as Mintaka would not have time to evolve intelligent life and the Mintakans and/or their planet must have been imported from elsewhere, perhaps by the Preservers. Mintaka (O1-3III) Class O stars are very hot and very luminous, being bluish in color; in fact, most of their output is in the ultraviolet range. Described as proto- Vulcan humanoids, it's possible that they're in some way related to that species (perhaps they too might be descendants of the Arretans, as the Vulcans are Mintaka, Delta Orionis (δ Ori), is the westernmost star of Orion’s Belt. Dem so genannten "Hüter" wird die Fähigkeit, Tote ins Leben zurückholen Part of the area of Vasquez Rocks, used for filming the Mintaka III surface scenes. Die Außenaufnahmen wurden im Vasquez Rocks Natural Area Park gedreht. 23, located at an approximate distance of 1,200 light years from Earth. Despite their Planeta clase M localizado en el Sitema Estelar Mintaka. Mintaka in der Fiktion. star-trek; vulcan; or ask your own question. Despite their relatively minimal technological advancement Mintakan culture was highly empirical and by 2366 they had long since Auflage, Band 2, S. xohr rnidlfv vgvsojj seyvy owwc redp khrjj mmo bycec cbutxcx xghwz xmzot udslisia wjwpzf nbjrmk