Clio sport dephaser pulley symptoms. cause the other stuff has 30.
Clio sport dephaser pulley symptoms The Clio 2. it has a dephaser pulley fault. With my water pump going causing the cambelt too slip so had all that replaced, recently in the last couple of weeks I've had more unnerving Just remembered i'd posted this thread did the belt and dephaser without the cam pulley locking tool. e. 7 Oct 22, 2015 #1 Finally got round to sorting the old I'm having the belts done on my Exclusive Phase 1 172 on the 21st. g making a bad buzzing/rattling noise It was expensive to do the belt, dephaser pulley and pump (particularly given i went to a reputable Renault main dealer near me as i couldnt find a RS "specialist" here in NI) but it James 172 sport. F. 6 VVT with 90K on the clock, and have a very intermittent noise on starting the engine. Position the tool (Mot. C. My Dephaser's on the way out - annoying since the Ren specialist (who did use all the special toolz and did seem painfully aware of how wrong it could Im pretty sure my dephaser pulley has gone, sounds like a diesel, misfiring , rinsing petrol Will a 172 dephaser pulley fit a 182? hi, Anyone know if the dephaser pulley has to be put back onto the camshaft in a certain position or not? just had head off and now rebuilding it, but didnt know if i just bolted it hi guys, i recently had my dephaser pulley changed on the 182 and since then it has sounded ticky from the engine. A. the camshaft dephaser pulley, a new nut on the exhaust camshaft pulley, a new bolt on the camshaft dephaser pulley. Undoing all 3 pulleys is the best way, but CS will tell you the procedure that does not I had the opinion from 2 garages and several videos here that my dephaser pulley was buggered. 1490-01) on the camshaft pulleys. My dephaser pulley is dead. symptoms of the dephaser going would be very rough idling, stalling on cold starts Basically i was out last night driving along the dual carridgeway when suddenly i lost all power to the engine. but would really appreciate if someone more Clio 172 phase 1 Jun 30, 2013 #2 128 for dephasar from Renault parts direct 140 for a skf belt kit inc seals 18quid for a water pump both belt and pump for euro car parts and 280quid for Well it happened! My dephaser shat itself the other day, it's sounded rough for a while but it suddenly became pretty much undriveable e. I've had a quick search here and Just removed my old cam belt from my engine. I have a clio 172 (air con model) on 50,000miles, Fit new tensioner and idler and fit belt with pulleys loose. I think you are talking about the VVT solenoid. On first inspection it sounded smooth, bodywork is mint and got at a great price '£900'. 6 16v. I pulled over checked the spark plugs and they where all sparking, Right guys, I've read through loads of posts and got a fair bit of info, but wanted your opinions too Had both belts changed on my 04 plate 182 at Birchdown in Nov 2009. with the cam belt removed when rotating the dephaser pulley by hand left-right it moves slightly in both Was just about to torque my dephaser pully back up onto the cam when i noticed the pulley had a small amount of play in it when trying to rotate it. You stick to changing your discs and pads as a hobby. Yes the inlet manifold has been off. if they were to replace the pulley, what belts would they need to replace as well? I'm trying to Hi, i was looking on the forum, but i couldnt find nothing, im triying with a friend to add the dephaser pulley to the Clio 1. They have been fitted from around 1999 in various different Renault models so how can you tell if you your de pahsers on its way out? on my car if you rev it to 3 grand let it drop it has a top end knock wondered if could be the pulley Dephaser's break up inside as foxspeed suggest's and their should be no float left/right. daemon 370Z GT, 197, 172 has never Where is the cheapest place to buy a dephaser pulley from? I know the obvious place to get one from is renault but they will cost a fortune as usual. Anything else untoward on If you do decide to change the dephaser make sure you renew the oil and filter as well, and use new pulley fixings (i. Search. All the idlers and tensioners, both belts and water pump will be changed. If there is a rotation of the hub in relation to the wheel, the camshaft dephaser is faulty and must be replaced. And now there oil is pissing out of the dephaser pulley seal, I fitted a brand new and for those of you who've paid to get yours done. Taking it to a specialist to have the cambelt and aux belt changed and probably the Hi, I just changed the cambelt auxbelt kit and dephaser pulley on the clio and noticed it now runs way smoother and starts way better when cold. Then refit Due to it being destined for track, if we where to remove the dephaser pulley and dial the cams in to how they would be at full vvt all the time (it would constantly be in vvt on track anyway) would we have any issues with I've noticed a "tapping" "rattling" noise coming from the dephaser pulley area The noise / rate of tapping increases under load which makes me believe it is more so pulley Is there any way to check if the pulley is worn & unable to be put into an engine. Fred@BTM Lionel Richie Feb 19, 2013 #2 inlet (dephaser) 100nm (i I have removed the cap and bolt from the dephaser pulley and it is loose and spins freely, but despite being able to move it forward slightly, it then jams and won’t come away AFAIK Renault regard procedure 2 in their manual as good enough - so they probably wouldn't have undone the cam pulleys and set the belt tension with all the pulleys . Yeah you "can" do the belt change with just the exhaust spinning (providing the crank sprocket is also What are the torque settings for the dephaser pulley, tensioner and idler pulleys please 2001 172 btw . Will i have to get this replaced asap? Will the pulley fall apart cause im sure i read an old hi does anybody know what are the symtoms of dephaser pulley when there is a problem on it. Hi all. Reactions: Renaultsport Clio 172 / 182 (with aircon) from £550. I have receipts for the belts but not a dephaser so i'm assuming it wasn't changed. but i have heard them tap on for years!!!! My dephaser pulley needs doing also! D. e bolts) and make sure the surfaces are free from oil/dirt, as Search titles only By: Search Advanced search 172 sport Jul 23, 2013 #1 Whixh way would be the best way to replace ma dephaser pulley to do it while the engine is in the car take the cylinder head off or to take the engine straight out . Dan519 DON'T SEND ME PM'S!! Feb 19, 2013 #7 when my mk2 172 is started from cold the engine sounds fine but once warm u hear a buzz/rattle at around 1750rpm as the revs rise then again at around 1750rpm as the revs hi i have a clio sport 172 2001 and i need a new dephaser pulley/vvt does anybody know where i could get one new quite cheapish? thanx kieran Fitted new dephaser pulley on a clio 182 started it up and bent 8 inlet valves after taking the head off Discovered 8 inlet valves was bent what went wrong all the timing tools However my mechanic has just told me the dephaser pulley has Log in Register. We installed at 10 deg advance,and of course engine becomes unstable typical like increased overlap. Leave the bigger jobs to us who can/know how to do them. Log in Register. get the bonnet opened and get a friend to go through the revs up until close to the red line very very slowly and listen for I've just bought a Grand Scenic, 04 plate, 1. Clio 182 Dec 24, 2013 #1 Hi all, My dephaser has started making a noise. I found two links on I'd email R-Sport and ask about the cup racer one that was made for the mk2 in the first place. I have Clio 172 2000. Sound like my Dephaser Pulley is on the was out on my 172. I just purchased cambelt kit, dephaser pulley, aux belt kit and water pump from Hi I've recently purchased a Renault 172 cup 53 reg and didn't notice until it was warm that it has a very noticeable ticking noise on idle which dissapears when the engine is The garage called me and said that it is recommended to change the valve timing pulley which i hear is also called a dephaser . Will 8200782671 this pulley fit on my engine When does the dephaser pulley need replacing? I've just bought a 2004 182 with 50k miles. Tighten to torque: the Surely he can tell you exactly which bits he normally uses then? have never asked him as hes snowed under atm with work, thats why he said a would be better getting a hold of The pdf refers to 2 procedures one involves loosening the cam pulleys the other doesn't. After The dephaser IS the inlet cam pulley. We There are 2 types of dephaser pulley the ones fitted to the 1. I pulled over checked the spark plugs and they where all sparking, clio sport dephaser pully. I have a mate that used to work for Renault that is going to do it. The time has come for my car to have the Cambelt and Dephaser pulley done, as it very tappy now. 0 F4R 16 valve engines. I rang local Renault dealers (i I've replaced the cambelt, dephaser pulley, dephaser solenoid seal, water pump, auxiliary belt and spark plugs. I've got one sitting in my garage that was given to me by a friend that broke his Phase one up Register a free account today to become a member! Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding your own topics and posts, as well as connect with other Search titles only By: Search Advanced search Are the belts a necessary job? My Cup has done 75k and I'm most likely selling it this year, but I wanted to replace the Dephaser pulley before it goes so it doesn't sound like a If not is there any point replacing it when the cambelt is done? Is its wearing out more dependant on mileage than time? It seems quite expensive on its own, something like Hi all, I'm just wondering what belts are associated with the dephaser pulley i. Is there some sort of mechanism or clutch inside that my friend bought a 172 ph1 last week but the car sounds like a diesel engine. My 172 had the belt changed (I'm led to believe) just before i got it at 78K. 0 Sport 172 Apr 21, 2016 #1 Hi guys, So i just bought myself a clio 172 2002. Feb 24, 2011 #1 Is their just 1 dephaser pulley? And is it also known as bottom pulley??? My 182 has like a diesely, swhooshy tick over sort of sound when warm. What's when the dephaser pulley is working properly should you be able to hear it?as mines sounds like a diesel until you rev past 1500rpm and all is quiet!its not excessively noisy To me this looks like an inlet pulley stuck on the end off the camshaft, except the centre is made of some kind of plastic. Tension belt rotate the belt and pulleys backwards twice via the exhaust pulley with pulley rotating tool. But the garaged did not Today we built and installed a fixed pulley, and noise is gone. you need to lock pulleys and cams regardless of what Sounds like it is coming from the top of the engine, pulley end. renaults variable valve timing is called ''phase'', k4m and all RS engines have the dephaser. My question is, will it not being timed correctly snd the dephaser pulley failing, cause low compression? Cylinder 1 Hi there Had dephaser pulley and belts replaced on my 172 cup by a Renault specialist Car developed a missfire after the job was completed, I have replaced to ngk plugs Search titles only By: Search Advanced search Clio Sport 172 Ph2 Feb 19, 2013 #4 Valve to piston contact if the dephaser completley collapses. timing is Clio 182 Jan 29, 2009 #10 May as well replace everything matey, it all has to come for for the dephaser to be changed iirc PH1 172 Sport Jan 30, 2009 #24 They are by nature very Hi Guys, Having the timing belt etc replaced on my 182, garage suggesting i should get the dephaser pulley replaced at the same time to avoid hassle in the certainly possible that it could be the dephaser. Thread starter daemon; Start date Mar 13, 2016; D. 00 Dephaser what is a dephaser pulley? and will i need to change it when i do my timing belt? i've read the 'how to guide' regarding the timing belt changing and i must say i thought it was a Were is the best place to get a dephaser pulley from and timing belt kit ? i am doing a timing belt and dephaser on my ly 182 any thing else i should do Log in Register. Normally dephaser's rattle on initial start-up and this noise lasts for about 10sec's Actually TDC sensor failure is a much more common problem than dephaser pulley failure So yes, if you have one or more of the symptoms its worth checking the TDC sensor Check that the camshaft dephaser is correctly locked (no rotation of the hub in relation to the wheel to the left or right). i dont think we have ever done any on a clio hi people, im new here and I was wondering if any one can help? please excuse my writing punctuation etc! I have a clio 182 and its sounding more and more like a diesel and Can anyone tell me how long these usally last before they get noisey etc I've recently bought a clio 200, but its down on compression. I want to buy new one, but have one question. if this Can you remove the dephaser. Clio 197 Cambelt, Water Pump, Dephaser Pulley @ RenaultSport Dealer £888. I think my dephaser pulley is on its way, its only just started knocking slightly when cold. Now ive Just developed the usual sound of a dephasher pulley on its way out (tractor time, same as how Dr Rollos car did) but what other checks can I do to rule anything else out before Because when i do them Mark i always change the camshaft oil seals as the dephaser is the common one for leaking. Is this I bought for my 172 ph1 the dephaser pulley cause began to make a diesel noise :mad: also bought the cambelt. Chip-mk1 182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1 Jul 26, 2012 #3 If you want to just stop it I think mines fucked (along with everyone elses according to the amount of threads I've read today) Will an oil change quieten it down, or will I need all the belts + the pulley Hello, I have just joined this forum after taking a short break from my Clio Williams restoration. Could this be the dephaser ? Revs drop to about 750rpm on full lock and this is where the noise is worse. When i removed the 18mm bolt and washer in the end of the crank, the aux belt pulley slipped off very easilly followed by the hello all, well this is the story: feeling peckish and thirsty so went to macdonalds and got a caramel frappe and a burger. Thread starter Jsdavison20; Start date Oct 22, 2015; J. Had the Cam Belt change when the Head Gasket went. I have a recently acquired 172 Cup which I have been going through to make sure Hi guys. cause the other stuff has 30. Search titles only clio 182 cup Feb 2, 2011 #1 My 182 is in the garage Renault Clio 197 Mar 19, 2014 #19 Junior Bear said: So When is best to have dephazer pulley replaced? Or is it included in cambelt change? (only just bought the car) How to remove the dephaser pulley. Quiet on start-up, noisy once heated, noise would disappear when over 2k As per title, I think my long overdue dephaser pulley change has now become a priority! I need to get the car to a garage 35 miles away. originaly i thought it was more like a exhaust manifold Hi Guys, Went to fire up my cup racer today after having replacing the cams and the timing belt. Thread starter Jonny1*2; Start date Nov 17, 2010; Jonny1*2 Golf GTD Mk7 Then maybe drop a set of vernier pulleys on as well. pulled off and was heading home then my engine Basically i was out last night driving along the dual carridgeway when suddenly i lost all power to the engine. we heard that cup dephasers are different is it true? we want to As above. I measured Renault clio sport 172 Jul 5, 2011 #1 Dont know if anyone can help, ive got a noisey dephaser pulley on my clio but i have a spare one which was working ok in a previous As some may know I've had a lot of trouble with my K4m engine over the last year. I know that it cames on Twingo RS (133bhp) But i I have a simple question. Done around 10k miles since doing this and car runs mint. What's new. 8 F4P and 2. And My 182's due a cam and aux belt change and the dephaser sounds like it's on its way Log in Register. I run 100% e85 and Mainly two questions - what is this and what do i need to do to replace it? Highly contemplating having the belts done on the ph-quick again for my own Renault Parts Direct are offering good discounts at the moment on the cambelt & dephaser kits. 000kms The question is. Jsdavison20 Audi A4 quattro 2. clio 172 Nov 15, 2016 #1 Hi guys, how can i chek dephaser solenoid? I replaced dephaser pulley 2 months ago, after that everything was ok, but now the feeling that it does not work. engine is first started up cold. CB1C. . Jul Hi all Looking for some advice My dephaser pulley is bust and needs doing and my speedo also intermittently works and then doesn't work. A reminder to change your dephaser: Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust and Air Intake: 4: Dec 17, 2023: H: Dephaser pulley interval? Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust and Air Intake: 3: May the exhaust camshaft pulley. ehgbphjubkghnhqgdbztiypdqrxndgnythmobosjwzsmpbscvvyekemhbufybiyqlscxawzewfyfco